Postprandial symptoms in patients with symptoms of gastroparesis: roles of gastric emptying and accommodation

Henry P. Parkman, Mark L. Van Natta, Alan H. Maurer, Kenneth L. Koch, Madhusudan Grover, Zubair Malik, Irene Sarosiek, Thomas L. Abell, Robert Bulat, Braden Kuo, Robert J. Shulman, Gianrico Farrugia, Laura Miriel, James Tonascia, Frank Hamilton, Pankaj J. Pasricha, Richard W. McCallum

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Patients often are evaluated for gastroparesis because of symptoms occurring with meals. Gastric emptying scintigraphy (GES) is used for gastroparesis diagnosis, although results are not well correlated with gastroparesis symptoms. The aim of this study is to assess relationships between gastroparesis symptoms, gastric emptying (GE), and gastric accommodation (GA). Patients with symptoms of gastroparesis completed the Patient Assessment of Upper GI Symptoms (PAGI-SYM) and recorded symptoms during GES and water load satiety test (WLST), an indirect assessment for GA. A total of 109 patients with gastroparesis symptoms were assessed. Symptom severity increased after GES meal for stomach fullness, belching, nausea, abdominal burning, and abdominal pain. There was no difference in symptoms after meal between patients with delayed (n = 66) and normal (n = 42) GE. Diabetic patients (n = 26) had greater gastric retention than idiopathic patients (n = 78), but idiopathic patients had greater postprandial nausea, stomach fullness, and abdominal pain. Water consumed during WLST averaged 421 ± 245 mL. Idiopathic patients had greater nausea scores during WLST than diabetic patients. In comparison to those with normal water consumption (_238 mL; n = 80), patients with impaired water ingestion (<238 mL; n = 26) had increased stomach fullness, early satiety, postprandial fullness, and loss of appetite on PAGI-SYM. Patients with delayed and normal GE had similar symptom profiles during GES and WLST. Idiopathic patients had less gastric retention but more symptoms after GES meal and after WLST compared with diabetic patients. Patients with impaired water consumption during WLST had increased symptoms by PAGI-SYM.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)G44-G49
JournalAmerican Journal of Physiology - Gastrointestinal and Liver Physiology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jul 2022


  • gastric accommodation
  • gastric emptying
  • gastroparesis

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Gastroenterology
  • Physiology (medical)
  • Physiology
  • Hepatology


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