Patient Perspectives on Solid Organ Transplantation From Donors With Hepatitis C Viremia to Recipients Without Hepatitis C Viremia

Karen B. Vanterpool, Kadiatou Diallo, Ellie Kim, Sarah E. Van Pilsum Rasmussen, Morgan A. Johnson, Zachary Predmore, Janetta Brundage, Brittany Barnaba, Niraj Desai, MacEy L. Levan, Hannah C. Sung, Olivia Kates, Jeremy Sugarman, Christine M. Durand

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background. Organ transplantation from donors with hepatitis C viremia (HCV) to recipients without HCV (HCV D+/R-) has excellent medical outcomes. Less is known about the psychosocial impact and experiences of HCV D+/R- recipients, particularly outside of clinical trials. Methods. We conducted in-depth, semistructured interviews with 24 HCV D+/R- recipients (kidney, n = 8; lung, n = 7; liver, n = 5; heart, n = 3; simultaneous heart and kidney, n = 1) who received transplants outside of clinical trials and were treated for HCV after transplant to assess their experiences and perspectives. We used thematic analysis to analyze the interviews. Results. Interviewees' reasons for accepting an HCV D + organ were based on perceived benefits and confidence in the effectiveness of HCV treatment. The majority (62%) received HCV treatment within 1 month after transplant (range, 1 day- 2 months). Most interviewees reported positive transplant outcomes, including reduced wait times and improved survival, health, physical activity, and quality of life. Overall, themes and experiences did not differ significantly between different organ transplant types. Generally, interviewees did not perceive stigma from those aware of the HCV D+ transplant; yet, disclosure was selective and a few recipients reported concerns from family members about posttransplant HCV transmission risk. Other common concerns included treatment costs and delays, which were not always anticipated by recipients. Conclusions. Our findings suggest that HCV D+/R- kidney, liver, and heart and lung transplant recipients outside of clinical trials had overall positive experiences. However, HCV transmission risk, treatments costs, and treatment delays were a source of concern that might be mitigated with targeted pretransplant education.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberofae015
JournalOpen Forum Infectious Diseases
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 1 2024


  • hepatitis C
  • infectious disease
  • patient experiences
  • solid organ transplant

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Oncology
  • Infectious Diseases


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