National trends in nonstatin use and expenditures among the US adult population from 2002 to 2013: Insights from medical expenditure panel survey

Joseph A. Salami, Haider J. Warraich, Javier Valero-Elizondo, Erica S. Spatz, Nihar R. Desai, Jamal S. Rana, Salim S. Virani, Ron Blankstein, Amit Khera, Michael J. Blaha, Roger S. Blumenthal, Barry T. Katzen, Donald Lloyd-Jones, Harlan M. Krumholz, Khurram Nasir

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10 Scopus citations


Background--Evidence supporting nonstatin lipid-lowering therapy in atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease risk reduction is variable. We aim to examine nonstatin utilization and expenditures in the United States between 2002 and 2013. Methods and Results--We used the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey database to estimate national trends in nonstatin use and cost (total and out-of-pocket, adjusted to 2013 US dollars using a gross domestic product deflator) among adults 40 years or older. Nonstatin users increased from 3 million (2.5%) in 2002-2003 (20.1 million prescriptions) to 8 million (5.6%) in 2012-2013 (45.8 million prescriptions). Among adults with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, nonstatin use increased from 7.5% in 2002- 2003 to 13.9% in 2012-2013 after peaking at 20.3% in 2006-2007. In 2012-2013, 15.9% of high-intensity statin users also used nonstatins, versus 9.7% of low/moderate-intensity users and 3.6% of statin nonusers. Nonstatin use was significantly lower among women (odds ratio 0.80; 95% confidence interval 0.75-0.86), racial/ethnic minorities (odds ratio 0.41; 95% confidence interval 0.36-0.47), and the uninsured (odds ratio 0.47; 95% confidence interval 0.40-0.56). Total nonstatin expenditures increased from $1.7 billion (out-of-pocket cost, $ 0.7 billion) in 2002-2003 to $ 7.9 billion (out-of-pocket cost $ 1.6 billion) in 2012-2013, as peruser nonstatin expenditure increased from $550 to $ 992. Nonstatin expenditure as a proportion of all lipid-lowering therapy expenditure increased 4-fold from 8% to 32%. Conclusions--Between 2002 and 2013, nonstatin use increased by 124%, resulting in a 364% increase in nonstatin-associated expenditures.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numbere007132
JournalJournal of the American Heart Association
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jan 1 2018


  • Cardiovascular disease prevention
  • Cost
  • Health economics
  • Nonstatin
  • Statin

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine


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