MR-trackable intramyocardial injection catheter

P. V. Karmarkar, D. L. Kraitchman, I. Izbudak, L. V. Hofmann, L. C. Amado, D. Fritzges, R. Young, M. Pittenger, J. W.M. Bulte, E. Atalar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

67 Scopus citations


There is growing interest in delivering cellular agents to infarcted myocardium to prevent postinfarction left ventricular remodeling. MRI can be effectively used to differentiate infarcted from healthy myocardium. MR-guided delivery of cellular agents/therapeutics is appealing because the therapeutics can be precisely targeted to the desired location within the infarct. In this study, a steerable intramyocardial injection catheter that can be actively tracked under MRI was developed and tested. The components of the catheter were arranged to form a loopless RF antenna receiver coil that enabled active tracking. Feasibility studies were performed in canine and porcine myocardial infarction models. Myocardial delayed-enhancement (MDE) imaging identified the infarcted myocardium, and real-time MRI was used to guide left ventricular catheterization from a carotid artery approach. The distal 35 cm of the catheter was seen under MRI with a bright signal at the distal tip of the catheter. The catheter was steered into position, the distal tip was apposed against the infarct, the needle was advanced, and a bolus of MR contrast agent and tissue marker dye was injected intramyocardially, as confirmed by imaging and post-mortem histology. A pilot study involving intramyocardial delivery of magnetically labeled stem cells demonstrated the utility of the active injection catheter system.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1163-1172
Number of pages10
JournalMagnetic resonance in medicine
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2004


  • Cardiac MRI
  • Catheter tracking
  • Interventional MRI
  • Intramyocardial injection catheter
  • Intramyocardial injections
  • Iron oxide MR contrast agent
  • Labeled stem cells

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Radiology Nuclear Medicine and imaging


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