Microscale Bioreactors for in situ characterization of GI epithelial cell physiology

Cait M. Costello, Mikkel B. Phillipsen, Leonard M. Hartmanis, Marek A. Kwasnica, Victor Chen, David Hackam, Matthew W. Chang, William E. Bentley, John C. March

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

28 Scopus citations


The development of in vitro artificial small intestines that realistically mimic in vivo systems will enable vast improvement of our understanding of the human gut and its impact on human health. Synthetic in vitro models can control specific parameters, including (but not limited to) cell types, fluid flow, nutrient profiles and gaseous exchange. They are also "open" systems, enabling access to chemical and physiological information. In this work, we demonstrate the importance of gut surface topography and fluid flow dynamics which are shown to impact epithelial cell growth, proliferation and intestinal cell function. We have constructed a small intestinal bioreactor using 3-D printing and polymeric scaffolds that mimic the 3-D topography of the intestine and its fluid flow. Our results indicate that TEER measurements, which are typically high in static 2-D Transwell apparatuses, is lower in the presence of liquid sheer and 3-D topography compared to a flat scaffold and static conditions. There was also increased cell proliferation and discovered localized regions of elevated apoptosis, specifically at the tips of the villi, where there is highest sheer. Similarly, glucose was actively transported (as opposed to passive) and at higher rates under flow.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number12515
JournalScientific reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 1 2017

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