Increasing effective postpartum care in an obstetric clinic using ACOG's postpartum toolkit

Kimberly Jones-Beatty, Diana Jolles, Irina Burd, Orlene Thomas

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background: Approximately 69% of maternal mortality occurs in the postpartum period. Contributing factors include the absence of preparation of pregnant women for the postpartum period during the antenatal period, postpartum follow-up care not being scheduled until 6 weeks after childbirth, and the lack of further care coordination. Aim: The aim of this project was to increase the frequency of effective postpartum care visits to 80% in 8 weeks at an urban obstetric clinic. Methods: A quality improvement project was conducted through four Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles over 8 weeks. Interventions: Postpartum Readiness & Awareness Tools (PRATs) were reviewed with patients during their late third trimester, to review postpartum warning signs that warrant further evaluation. A population health registry was created to manage early follow-up for newly postpartum patients, to ensure their recovery was progressing normally. A note template was created and implemented to guide the completion of comprehensive postpartum visits. Results: Over 8 weeks, 188 patients received 1 of the 3 standardized interventions. Effective postpartum visits increased to 88%. The PRATs increased patient postpartum warning sign knowledge, with a project mean risk factor knowledge score of 6 (Goal = 5). The population health registry drove right care by ensuring early postpartum patients were recovering as expected, as seen by a project mean right-care score of 16 (Goal = 12). The note template increased the effectiveness of postpartum visits, with a mean effective postpartum care score of 10 (Goal = 10). Conclusions: The PRATs, population health registry, and note template collectively increased the quality and effectiveness of postpartum care.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1614-1620
Number of pages7
JournalNursing forum
Issue number6
StatePublished - Nov 1 2022


  • effective
  • postpartum care
  • quality improvement
  • right care

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Nursing


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