GraFT: Graph Filtered Temporal Dictionary Learning for Functional Neural Imaging

Adam S. Charles, Nathan Cermak, Rifqi O. Affan, Benjamin B. Scott, Jackie Schiller, Gal Mishne

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Optical imaging of calcium signals in the brain has enabled researchers to observe the activity of hundreds-to-thousands of individual neurons simultaneously. Current methods predominantly use morphological information, typically focusing on expected shapes of cell bodies, to better identify neurons in the field-of-view. The explicit shape constraints limit the applicability of automated cell identification to other important imaging scales with more complex morphologies, e.g., dendritic or widefield imaging. Specifically, fluorescing components may be broken up, incompletely found, or merged in ways that do not accurately describe the underlying neural activity. Here we present Graph Filtered Temporal Dictionary (GraFT), a new approach that frames the problem of isolating independent fluorescing components as a dictionary learning problem. Specifically, we focus on the time-traces - the main quantity used in scientific discovery - and learn a time trace dictionary with the spatial maps acting as the presence coefficients encoding which pixels the time-traces are active in. Furthermore, we present a novel graph filtering model which redefines connectivity between pixels in terms of their shared temporal activity, rather than spatial proximity. This model greatly eases the ability of our method to handle data with complex non-local spatial structure. We demonstrate important properties of our method, such as robustness to morphology, simultaneously detecting different neuronal types, and implicitly inferring number of neurons, on both synthetic data and real data examples. Specifically, we demonstrate applications of our method to calcium imaging both at the dendritic, somatic, and widefield scales.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)3509-3524
Number of pages16
JournalIEEE Transactions on Image Processing
StatePublished - 2022


  • Dictionary learning
  • calcium imaging
  • re-weighted-1
  • sparse coding
  • two-photon microscopy

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Software
  • Computer Graphics and Computer-Aided Design


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