title = "Evidence that [3H]forskolin binding in the substantia nigra is intrinsic to a striatal-nigral projection: An autoradiographic study of rat brain",
abstract = "The neuronal localization of binding sites for the diterpene activator of adenylate cyclase, forskolin, has been determined. Kainic or ibotenic acid lesions were administered into the caudate-putamen or substantia nigra of Sprague-Dawley rats. The binding of 20 nM [3H]forskolin was examined autoradiographically and quantitated using computerized densitometry with tritium standards. Neurochemical lesions placed in the caudate-putamen markedly reduced [3H]forskolin binding in this structure and distal to the site of injection in the substantia nigra. Ibotenic acid lesions placed in the substantia nigra did not appreciably alter binding in the substantia nigra, caudate-putamen, nucleus accumbens or olfactory tubercle. These results indicate that 'forskolin-identified' adenylate cyclase in the substantia nigra is located in nerve terminals from the caudate-putamen. In addition, these sites are presumably located on cell bodies or interneurons in the caudate-putamen.",
keywords = "Adenylate cyclase, Autoradiography, Brain, Caudate-putamen, Forskolin, Rat, Substantia nigra",
author = "Gehlert, {Donald R.} and Dawson, {Ted M.} and Filloux, {Francis M.} and Enrico Sanna and Inge Hanbauer and Wamsley, {James K.}",
note = "Funding Information: E.S. was supportedby a grant from the Scottish Rite SchlzophrentaR esearchP ro-gram, Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, U.S.A.D.R.G. is a recipiento f a PRAT fellowship from the NIGMS 1 AurbachG, D, Polypeptldaen da mineh ormonere gulatioonf adenylatcey claseA, nnu Rev Physlol, 44 (1982)6 53 666 2 Clark, R B, Goka, T J, Green,D A, Barber,R and ButcherR, W, Differencems thef orskohna cti-vationo f adenylatcey clasem wdd-typea ndv arianlty mphomcae lls,M ol Pharmacol2, 2 (1982)6 09 613 3 Dawson,T M, Gehlert,D R, Fdloux, F M and WamsleyJ, K, A quanUtatwaeu toradlographlc comparisoonf dopammDe -I and D-2 receptorms ther atbrain effectso f neurotoxlnSs,o c NeuroscJ Abstr, 1986 4 Gale, K, GuldothA, . and Costa,E , Dopamme-sensltalvde nylatceyclaselocatmnm the substantia mgra,S cience,1 95( 1977)5 03-505 5 Gehlert,D R, Dawson.T M, YamamuraH, I and WamsleyJ, K, LocahzatJono f \[~H\]forskohn bindings itesm ther atb rainb y quantltatwaeu toradlographEyu,r J Pharmacol1, 06( 1984)2 23 225 6 GehlertD, .R, Dawson,T M, YamamuraH, .I and WamsleyJ,. K., Quantitativaeu toradtograpohfy \[3Hlforskohbnin dings itesm ther atb rain,B rainRes., 361( 1985)3 51-360 7 Gehlert,D R, Regionalm odulahono f \[3H\]forskohbnin dingm the rat brain by Gpp(NH)p and sodiumf luoridec omparisown ith the dlstnbutloonf guaninen ucleotldbei ndings ites,J Pharmacot Exp Ther, m press 8 KebabmnJ, W and Calne,D B, MultiplereceptorfsordopammeN,ature(London),277(1979)93 96 9 Kohler,C and SchwartzR. , Comparisoonf lbotenataen dk amaten eurotoxlcltmy rat brain a histo-logicals tudy,N eurosclenc8e ,( 1983)8 19-835 10 Nelson,C A and SeamonK, 13, Regulationo f \[3Hlforskohbnin dingt o humanp latelemt embranes by Gpp(NH)p,N aF and prostaglandEm~ ,F EBS Lett,, 183( 1985)3 49-352 11 Nomura,Y , Mak~hataJ , and SegawaT, , Act~vatmonf adenylatcey claseb y dopammeG, TP, NaF and forskohnm strlataml embranoef neonatala, dult,a nds cenescenrat ts,Eur J Pharmacol1, 06 (1985)4 37~440 12 PaxinosG, and WatsonC, , The rat brainm stereotaxclco ordinateAs,c ademicN ew York, 1982 13 PorcedduM, L, Glorgl, O, Ongml,E , Mele, S and Bigglo, G., \[3H\]SCH2 3390b indings itesm the rat substantmnl gra ewdencefo r a presynapulco cahona ndl nnervatlobny dopammeL,i fe Scl, 39 (1986)3 21 328 14 Rodbell,M , The role of hormonere ceptorasn dG TP-regulatorpyr oteinms membrantera nsductlon. Nature( London)2, 84( 1980)1 7-2 2 15 SeamonK, 13 and Daly, J W, Forskohn a umqued lterpenaec tivatoor f cychcA MP-generatinsgy s-tem,J Cycl Nucl Res., 7 (1981a2) 01-224 16 SeamonK, B and Daly, J W, Actwauono f adenylatcey claseb y the dlterpenfeo rskohnd oesn otre-quiret heg uanmen ucleotldree gulatoprr otemJ, Biol Chem.,2 56( 1981b9) 799-9801 17 SeamonK, B and Wetzel,B . Interactioonf forskohnw ~thd uallyr egulateadd enytatcey claseI n P Greengaredt al (Eds), Advancesm Cychc Nucleotldea ndP roteinP hosphorylatmRne searchV, ol 17,R aven,N ew York, 1984p, p 91-99 18 SeamonK, B, VallamcourtR, ., Edwards,M and Daly, J W, Bindingo f \[~H\]forskothon r at brain membranePsr,o c Natl Acad Scl USA, 81 (1984)5 081--5085 19 Spano,P F, TrabbuchlM, and DIChmra,G , Locahzatmonf mgrald opamlne-sensmavdee nylate cyclaseo n neuronos ngmatmfgro mt hec orpuss tnatumS,c ience1, 96( 1977)1 343-1345 20 UnnerstalJl , R, Nlehoff,D L, Kuhar, M.J and PalaclosJ,. M, Quantitativree ceptoar utoradlogra-phy using \[~H\]-UltrofilAmp phcatlonto mulUpleb enzodmzepmreec eptorsJ, Neuroscl Meth, 6 (1982)5 9-73",
year = "1987",
month = jan,
day = "14",
doi = "10.1016/0304-3940(87)90003-6",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "73",
pages = "114--118",
journal = "Neuroscience Letters",
issn = "0304-3940",
publisher = "Elsevier Ireland Ltd",
number = "2",