Convergent evolution of plant prickles by repeated gene co-option over deep time

James W. Satterlee, David Alonso, Pietro Gramazio, Katharine M. Jenike, Jia He, Andrea Arrones, Gloria Villanueva, Mariola Plazas, Srividya Ramakrishnan, Matthias Benoit, Iacopo Gentile, Anat Hendelman, Hagai Shohat, Blaine Fitzgerald, Gina M. Robitaille, Yumi Green, Kerry Swartwood, Michael J. Passalacqua, Edeline Gagnon, Rebecca HilgenhofTrevis D. Huggins, Georgia C. Eizenga, Amit Gur, Twan Rutten, Nils Stein, Shengrui Yao, Adrien Poncet, Clement Bellot, Amy Frary, Sandra Knapp, Mohammed Bendahmane, Tiina Särkinen, Jesse Gillis, Joyce Van Eck, Michael C. Schatz, Yuval Eshed, Jaime Prohens, Santiago Vilanova, Zachary B. Lippman

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An enduring question in evolutionary biology concerns the degree to which episodes of convergent trait evolution depend on the same genetic programs, particularly over long timescales. In this work, we genetically dissected repeated origins and losses of prickles-sharp epidermal projections-that convergently evolved in numerous plant lineages. Mutations in a cytokinin hormone biosynthetic gene caused at least 16 independent losses of prickles in eggplants and wild relatives in the genus Solanum. Homologs underlie prickle formation across angiosperms that collectively diverged more than 150 million years ago, including rice and roses. By developing new Solanum genetic systems, we leveraged this discovery to eliminate prickles in a wild species and an indigenously foraged berry. Our findings implicate a shared hormone activation genetic program underlying evolutionarily widespread and recurrent instances of plant morphological innovation.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)eado1663
JournalScience (New York, N.Y.)
Issue number6708
StatePublished - Aug 2 2024

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