Comments on "sensitivity of estimands in clinical trials with imperfect compliance" by Chen and Heitjan

Stuart G. Baker, Karen S. Lindeman

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Chen and Heitjan (Sensitivity of estimands in clinical trials with imperfect compliance. Int J Biostat. 2023) used linear extrapolation to estimate the population average causal effect (PACE) from the complier average causal effect (CACE) in multiple randomized trials with all-or-none compliance. For extrapolating from CACE to PACE in this setting and in the paired availability design involving different availabilities of treatment among before-and-after studies, we recommend the sensitivity analysis in Baker and Lindeman (J Causal Inference, 2013) because it is not restricted to a linear model, as it involves various random effect and trend models.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)435-436
Number of pages2
JournalInternational Journal of Biostatistics
Issue number2
StatePublished - Nov 1 2024


  • complier average causal effect
  • local average treatment effect
  • noncompliance
  • paired availability design
  • principal stratification randomized trial

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Statistics and Probability
  • Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty


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