Changes in cigarette consumption patterns among Brazilian smokers between 1989 and 2008

André Salem Szklo, David Levy, Mirian Carvalho de Souza, Moysés Szklo, Valeska Carvalho Figueiredo, Cristina Perez, Liz Maria de Almeida

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9 Scopus citations


The assessment of temporal differences in cigarette consumption may help in understanding whether a smoking population is becoming more resistant to quitting over time. We calculated absolute differences in average cigarette consumption, stratified by birth cohort and age group. Data were obtained from random samples from two Brazilian national household surveys (1989, N = 12,782; 2008, N = 6,675). A linear regression model was used to adjust estimates by gender, educational level, and place of residence. Birth cohort analysis found that average daily cigarette consumption increased for individuals born after 1964 and decreased for those born before 1955 (adjusted p-values < 0.001). Age-specific analysis found that the remaining smoking population aged 64 years-old or less decreased cigarette consumption between 1989 and 2008 (adjusted p-values < 0.001). Brazil's anti-tobacco policy changes and rapid economic growth may be principally related to temporal changes in cigarette consumption for most age groups, rather than to a change in the relationship between age and cigarette consumption.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2211-2215
Number of pages5
JournalCadernos de saude publica
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2012


  • Health policy
  • Risk reduction behavior
  • Smoking
  • Smoking cessation

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health


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