Applying the practice-based competencies to evaluate and characterize the contracting process within genetic counseling sessions

Emma Baldry, Bonnie J. Baty, Kimberly A. Kaphingst, Amanda Gammon, Lori H. Erby, Debra L. Roter

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Contracting is a skill used by genetic counselors (GCs) to establish a shared vision for the session. Ensuring that patients and GCs are aligned on expectations for the encounter allows GCs to meet patient needs and support patient autonomy. Although contracting is described in the practice-based competencies (PBCs), the process has not been systematically observed in practice. We sought to further elucidate the skills used for contracting within genetic counseling sessions through directed content analysis of transcripts from 148 simulated prenatal and cancer genetic counseling sessions. An a priori codebook and rating scale were developed based on four contracting sample skills described in the PBCs: (a) describing the genetic counseling process, (b) eliciting client concerns, (c) applying client concerns to a session agenda, (d) modifying the agenda in response to emerging concerns. The rating scale described the quality of each skill on a 4-point scale of “absent,” “minimal,” “adequate,” and “excellent.” The codebook and rating scale were pilot tested with 40% of transcripts (n = 60). Three authors independently coded and rated the final 60% of transcripts (n = 88), resolving discrepancies via a consensus process. We found that the four PBC skills were present in most sessions (88%–98%), and on average, GCs received “adequate” scores on all four skills. We also identified three additional components of contracting not described in the PBCs: assessing whether client concerns were met, inviting to interrupt, and providing opportunity for partner concerns. This study represents the first attempt to evaluate GC performance of a PBC during a genetic counseling session. Our findings demonstrate that the PBC sample contracting skills reflect practice and suggest that they can be used in assessment of the genetic counseling contracting process. This type of analysis could be adapted in the future to provide support for other standards of practice in the genetic counseling field.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)862-874
Number of pages13
JournalJournal of Genetic Counseling
Issue number4
StatePublished - Aug 2024


  • communication
  • contracting
  • counseling techniques
  • evaluation
  • practice models
  • psychosocial

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Genetics(clinical)


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