Addressing the Burden of Group A Streptococcal Disease in India

Anita Shet, Edward Kaplan

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

28 Scopus citations


Group A streptococcus-associated disease and sequelae continue to have devastating effects on public health and national economy as they mainly affect children and young adults. There is an urgent need for wider application of methods of primary prevention, in the form of optimal diagnosis and management of the simple group A streptococcal sore throat. This review article briefly summarizes the burden of streptococcal disease in India, and discusses treatment options standardized by the World Health Organization. Penicillin continues to remain the drug of choice for treating group A streptococcal pharyngitis and for prevention of acute rheumatic fever in non-allergic patients. Also discussed in this review are contemporary thoughts on streptococcal "carriers", recurrent infections, antibiotic treatment "failures" and emergence of drug resistance among group A streptococci.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)41-48
Number of pages8
JournalIndian journal of pediatrics
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2004
Externally publishedYes


  • Group A streptococcus
  • Management
  • Penicillin
  • Pharyngitis
  • Rheumatic fever

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Pediatrics, Perinatology, and Child Health


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