A Cross-Sectional Survey on Oral Nicotine Pouches: Characterizing Use-Motives, Topography, Dependence Levels, and Adverse Events

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Introduction: Oral nicotine pouches (ONPs) contain a crystalized nicotine powder instead of tobacco leaves. ONPs come in a variety of flavors and are often marketed as “tobacco-free,” but research on ONP use-motivations and related experiences is limited. Aims and Methods: This cross-sectional web-based survey collected self-report data on ONP use-characteristics (eg, frequency), brands and flavors used, use-motivations, dependence (FagerströmTest for Nicotine Dependence-SmokelessTobacco [FTND-ST]), and ONP-related adverse events (AEs) experienced. Results: The sample included 118 adults who reported current (past 30-day) ONP use. On average (SD), participants reported ONP use on 13 (6) days during the past month. Most participants (% of the sample) also reported the use of tobacco cigarettes (74%) and/or electronic cigarettes (53%) during the past month. Zyn (27%) and Lucy (19%) were the most currently used ONP brands with mint (23%) and tobacco (16%) as the most currently used flavors. The availability of preferred flavors was the most frequently reported (31%) ONP use-motivation. The sample demonstrated significant dependence levels (FTND-ST = 7, SD = 2). Reported AEs included mouth lesions (48%), upset stomach (39%), sore mouth (37%), sore throat (21%), and nausea (9%). Results should be interpreted in the context of study limitations, including using a relatively small and homogeneous online convenience sample. Acknowledging the limitations, this sample was deemed appropriate to include considering the novelty of the findings, the dearth of related research, and the necessity of examining foundational ONP use-characteristics (eg, topography, AEs); however, future research should consider recruiting larger and more generalizable samples. Conclusions: The availability of preferred flavors was a key ONP use-motivation in this sample. Mint and tobacco were the most currently used flavors, with Zyn and Lucy being the most currently used ONP brands. Participants reported dependence and a substantial number of ONP-related AEs. Nationally representative surveys should investigate ONP use along with outcomes included in the current study (eg, AEs) to inform ONP surveillance and policy development efforts.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)245-249
Number of pages5
JournalNicotine and Tobacco Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1 2024

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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