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  • 2014

    Imputation and subset-based association analysis across different cancer types identifies multiple independent risk loci in the TERT-CLPTM1L region on chromosome 5p15.33

    Wang, Z., Zhu, B., Zhang, M., Parikh, H., Jia, J., Chung, C. C., Sampson, J. N., Hoskins, J. W., Hutchinson, A., Burdette, L., Ibrahim, A., Hautman, C., Raj, P. S., Abnet, C. C., Adjei, A. A., Ahlbom, A., Albanes, D., Allen, N. E., Ambrosone, C. B. & Aldrich, M. & 331 others, Amiano, P., Amos, C., Andersson, U., Gerald Andriole, G. A., Andrulis, I. L., Arici, C., Arslan, A. A., Austin, M. A., Baris, D., Barkauskas, D. A., Bassig, B. A., Freeman, L. E. B., Berg, C. D., Berndt, S. I., Bertazzi, P. A., Biritwum, R. B., Black, A., Blot, W., Boeing, H., Boffetta, P., Bolton, K., Boutron-Ruault, M. C., Bracci, P. M., Brennan, P., Brinton, L. A., Brotzman, M., Bueno-de-Mesquita, H. B., Buring, J. E., Butler, M. A., Cai, Q., Cancel-Tassin, G., Canzian, F., Cao, G., Caporaso, N. E., Carrato, A., Carreon, T., Carta, A., Chang, G. C., Chang, I. S., Chang-Claude, J., Che, X., Chen, C. J., Chen, C. Y., Chen, C. H., Chen, C., Chen, K. Y., Chen, Y. M., Chokkalingam, A. P., Chu, L. W., Clavel-Chapelon, F., Colditz, G. A., Colt, J. S., Conti, D., Cook, M. B., Cortessis, V. K., Crawford, E. D., Cussenot, O., Davis, F. G., De Vivo, I., Deng, X., Ding, T., Dinney, C. P., Di Stefano, A. L., Diver, W. R., Duell, E. J., Elena, J. W., Fan, J. H., Feigelson, H. S., Feychting, M., Figueroa, J. D., Flanagan, A. M., Fraumeni, J. F., Freedman, N. D., Fridley, B. L., Fuchs, C. S., Gago-Dominguez, M., Gallinger, S., Gao, Y. T., Gapstur, S. M., Garcia-Closas, M., Garcia-Closas, R., Gastier-Foster, J. M., Gaziano, J. M., Gerhard, D. S., Giffen, C. A., Giles, G. G., Gillanders, E. M., Giovannucci, E. L., Goggins, M., Gokgoz, N., Goldstein, A. M., Gonzalez, C., Gorlick, R., Greene, M. H., Gross, M., Grossman, H. B., Grubb, R., Gu, J., Guan, P., Haiman, C. A., Hallmans, G., Hankinson, S. E., Harris, C. C., Hartge, P., Hattinger, C., Hayes, R. B., He, Q., Helman, L., Henderson, B. E., Henriksson, R., Hoffman-Bolton, J., Hohensee, C., Holly, E. A., Hong, Y. C., Hoover, R. N., Dean Hosgood, H., Hsiao, C. F., Hsing, A. W., Hsiung, C. A., Hu, N., Hu, W., Hu, Z., Huang, M. S., Hunter, D. J., Inskip, P. D., Ito, H., Jacobs, E. J., Jacobs, K. B., Jenab, M., Ji, B. T., Johansen, C., Johansson, M., Johnson, A., Kaaks, R., Kamat, A. M., Kamineni, A., Karagas, M., Khanna, C., Khaw, K. T., Kim, C., Kim, I. S., Kim, J. H., Kim, Y. H., Kim, Y. C., Kim, Y. T., Kang, C. H., Jung, Y. J., Kitahara, C. M., Klein, A. P., Klein, R., Kogevinas, M., Koh, W. P., Kohno, T., Kolonel, L. N., Kooperberg, C., Kratz, C. P., Krogh, V., Kunitoh, H., Kurtz, R. C., Kurucu, N., Lan, Q., Lathrop, M., Lau, C. C., Lecanda, F., Lee, K. M., Lee, M. P., Marchand, L. L., Lerner, S. P., Li, D., Liao, L. M., Lim, W. Y., Lin, D., Lin, J., Lindstrom, S., Linet, M. S., Lissowska, J., Liu, J., Ljungberg, B., Lloreta, J., Lu, D., Ma, J., Malats, N., Mannisto, S., Marina, N., Mastrangelo, G., Matsuo, K., McGlynn, K. A., McKean-Cowdin, R., McNeil, L. H., McWilliams, R. R., Melin, B. S., Meltzer, P. S., Mensah, J. E., Miao, X., Michaud, D. S., Mondul, A. M., Moore, L. E., Muir, K., Niwa, S., Olson, S. H., Orr, N., Panico, S., Park, J. Y., Patel, A. V., Patino-Garcia, A., Pavanello, S., Peeters, P. H. M., Peplonska, B., Peters, U., Petersen, G. M., Picci, P., Pike, M. C., Porru, S., Prescott, J., Pu, X., Purdue, M. P., Qiao, Y. L., Rajaraman, P., Riboli, E., Risch, H. A., Rodabough, R. J., Rothman, N., Ruder, A. M., Ryu, J. S., Sanson, M., Schned, A., Schumacher, F. R., Schwartz, A. G., Schwartz, K. L., Schwenn, M., Scotlandi, K., Seow, A., Serra, C., Serra, M., Sesso, H. D., Severi, G., Shen, H., Shen, M., Shete, S., Shiraishi, K., Shu, X. O., Siddiq, A., Sierrasesumaga, L., Sierri, S., Sihoe, A. D. L., Silverman, D. T., Simon, M., Southey, M. C., Spector, L., Spitz, M., Stampfer, M., Stattin, P., Stern, M. C., Stevens, V. L., Stolzenberg-Solomon, R. Z., Stram, D. O., Strom, S. S., Su, W. C., Sund, M., Sung, S. W., Swerdlow, A., Tan, W., Tanaka, H., Tang, W., Tang, Z. Z., Tardon, A., Tay, E., Taylor, P. R., Tettey, Y., Thomas, D. M., Tirabosco, R., Tjonneland, A., Tobias, G. S., Toro, J. R., Travis, R. C., Trichopoulos, D., Troisi, R., Truelove, A., Tsai, Y. H., Tucker, M. A., Tumino, R., Van Den Berg, D., Van Den Eeden, S. K., Vermeulen, R., Vineis, P., Visvanathan, K., Vogel, U., Wang, C., Wang, C., Wang, J., Wang, S. S., Weiderpass, E., Weinstein, S. J., Wentzensen, N., Wheeler, W., White, E., Wiencke, J. K., Wolk, A., Wolpin, B. M., Wong, M. P., Wrensch, M., Wu, C., Wu, T., Wu, X., Wu, Y. L., Wunder, J. S., Xiang, Y. B., Xu, J., Yang, H. P., Yang, P. C., Yatabe, Y., Ye, Y., Yeboah, E. D., Yin, Z., Ying, C., Yu, C. J., Yu, K., Yuan, J. M., Zanetti, K. A., Zeleniuch-Jacquotte, A., Zheng, W., Zhou, B., Mirabello, L., Savage, S. A., Kraft, P., Chanock, S. J., Yeager, M., Landi, M. T., Shi, J., Chatterjee, N. & Amundadottir, L. T., Nov 15 2014, In: Human molecular genetics. 23, 24, p. 6616-6633 18 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    68 Scopus citations
  • Leveraging Family History in Population-Based Case-Control Association Studies

    Ghosh, A., Hartge, P., Kraft, P., Joshi, A. D., Ziegler, R. G., Barrdahl, M., Chanock, S. J., Wacholder, S. & Chatterjee, N., Feb 2014, In: Genetic epidemiology. 38, 2, p. 114-122 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    2 Scopus citations
  • Personal history of diabetes, genetic susceptibility to diabetes, and risk of brain glioma: A pooled analysis of observational studies

    Kitahara, C. M., Linet, M. S., Brenner, A. V., Wang, S. S., Melin, B. S., Wang, Z., Inskip, P. D., Freeman, L. E. B., Braganza, M. Z., Carreón, T., Feychting, M., Gaziano, J. M., Peters, U., Purdue, M. P., Ruder, A. M., Sesso, H. D., Shu, X. O., Waters, M. A., White, E. & Zheng, W. & 7 others, Hoover, R. N., Fraumeni, J. F., Chatterjee, N., Yeager, M., Chanock, S. J., Hartge, P. & Rajaraman, P., Jan 2014, In: Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention. 23, 1, p. 47-54 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    28 Scopus citations
  • Rare variants of large effect in BRCA2 and CHEK2 affect risk of lung cancer

    Wang, Y., McKay, J. D., Rafnar, T., Wang, Z., Timofeeva, M. N., Broderick, P., Zong, X., Laplana, M., Wei, Y., Han, Y., Lloyd, A., Delahaye-Sourdeix, M., Chubb, D., Gaborieau, V., Wheeler, W., Chatterjee, N., Thorleifsson, G., Sulem, P., Liu, G. & Kaaks, R. & 63 others, Henrion, M., Kinnersley, B., Vallée, M., Lecalvez-Kelm, F., Stevens, V. L., Gapstur, S. M., Chen, W. V., Zaridze, D., Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N., Lissowska, J., Rudnai, P., Fabianova, E., Mates, D., Bencko, V., Foretova, L., Janout, V., Krokan, H. E., Gabrielsen, M. E., Skorpen, F., Vatten, L., Njølstad, I., Chen, C., Goodman, G., Benhamou, S., Vooder, T., Välk, K., Nelis, M., Metspalu, A., Lener, M., Lubiński, J., Johansson, M., Vineis, P., Agudo, A., Clavel-Chapelon, F., Bueno-De-Mesquita, H. B., Trichopoulos, D., Khaw, K. T., Johansson, M., Weiderpass, E., Tjønneland, A., Riboli, E., Lathrop, M., Scelo, G., Albanes, D., Caporaso, N. E., Ye, Y., Gu, J., Wu, X., Spitz, M. R., Dienemann, H., Rosenberger, A., Su, L., Matakidou, A., Eisen, T., Stefansson, K., Risch, A., Chanock, S. J., Christiani, D. C., Hung, R. J., Brennan, P., Landi, M. T., Houlston, R. S. & Amos, C. I., 2014, In: Nature genetics. 46, 7, p. 736-741 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    179 Scopus citations
  • The 19q12 bladder cancer GWAS signal: Association with cyclin E function and aggressive disease

    Fu, Y. P., Kohaar, I., Moore, L. E., Lenz, P., Figueroa, J. D., Tang, W., Porter-Gill, P., Chatterjee, N., Scott-Johnson, A., Garcia-Closas, M., Muchmore, B., Baris, D., Paquin, A., Ylaya, K., Schwenn, M., Apolo, A. B., Karagas, M. R., Tarway, M., Johnson, A. & Mumy, A. & 79 others, Schned, A., Guedez, L., Jones, M. A., Kida, M., Hosain, G. M. M., Malats, N., Kogevinas, M., Tardon, A., Serra, C., Carrato, A., Garcia-Closas, R., Lloreta, J., Wu, X., Purdue, M., Andriole, G. L., Grubb, R. L., Black, A., Landi, M. T., Caporaso, N. E., Vineis, P., Siddiq, A., Bueno-de-Mesquita, H. B., Trichopoulos, D., Ljungberg, B., Severi, G., Weiderpass, E., Krogh, V., Dorronsoro, M., Travis, R. C., Tjønneland, A., Brennan, P., Chang-Claude, J., Riboli, E., Prescott, J., Chen, C., De Vivo, I., Govannucci, E., Hunter, D., Kraft, P., Lindstrom, S., Gapstur, S. M., Jacobs, E. J., Diver, W. R., Albanes, D., Weinstein, S. J., Virtamo, J., Kooperberg, C., Hohensee, C., Rodabough, R. J., Cortessis, V. K., Conti, D. V., Gago-Dominguez, M., Stern, M. C., Pike, M. C., Van Den Berg, D., Yuan, J. M., Haiman, C. A., Cussenot, O., Cancel-Tassin, G., Roupret, M., Comperat, E., Porru, S., Carta, A., Pavanello, S., Arici, C., Mastrangelo, G., Grossman, H. B., Wang, Z., Deng, X., Chung, C. C., Hutchinson, A., Burdette, L., Wheeler, W., Fraumeni, J., Chanock, S. J., Hewitt, S. M., Silverman, D. T., Rothman, N. & Prokunina-Olsson, L., Oct 15 2014, In: Cancer Research. 74, 20, p. 5808-5818 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    20 Scopus citations
  • 2013
    Open Access
    560 Scopus citations
  • Common genetic polymorphisms modify the effect of smoking on absolute risk of bladder cancer

    Garcia-Closas, M., Rothman, N., Figueroa, J. D., Prokunina-Olsson, L., Han, S. S., Baris, D., Jacobs, E. J., Malats, N., De Vivo, I., Albanes, D., Purdue, M. P., Sharma, S., Fu, Y. P., Kogevinas, M., Wang, Z., Tang, W., Tardon, A., Serra, C., Carrato, A. & García-Closas, R. & 24 others, Lloreta, J., Johnson, A., Schwenn, M., Karagas, M. R., Schned, A., Andriole, G., Grubb, R., Black, A., Gapstur, S. M., Thun, M., Diver, W. R., Weinstein, S. J., Virtamo, J., Hunter, D. J., Caporaso, N., Landi, M. T., Hutchinson, A., Burdett, L., Jacobs, K. B., Yeager, M., Fraumeni, J. F., Chanock, S. J., Silverman, D. T. & Chatterjee, N., Apr 1 2013, In: Cancer Research. 73, 7, p. 2211-2220 10 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    78 Scopus citations
  • Common genetic variants in the 9p21 region and their associations with multiple tumours

    Gu, F., Pfeiffer, R. M., Bhattacharjee, S., Han, S. S., Taylor, P. R., Berndt, S., Yang, H., Sigurdson, A. J., Toro, J., Mirabello, L., Greene, M. H., Freedman, N. D., Abnet, C. C., Dawsey, S. M., Hu, N., Qiao, Y. L., Ding, T., Brenner, A. V., Garcia-Closas, M. & Hayes, R. & 15 others, Brinton, L. A., Lissowska, J., Wentzensen, N., Kratz, C., Moore, L. E., Ziegler, R. G., Chow, W. H., Savage, S. A., Burdette, L., Yeager, M., Chanock, S. J., Chatterjee, N., Tucker, M. A., Goldstein, A. M. & Yang, X. R., Apr 2 2013, In: British journal of cancer. 108, 6, p. 1378-1386 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    32 Scopus citations
  • Controlling the local false discovery rate in the adaptive Lasso

    Sampson, J. N., Chatterjee, N., Carroll, R. J. & Müller, S., Sep 2013, In: Biostatistics. 14, 4, p. 653-666 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    8 Scopus citations
  • Distinct loci in the CHRNA5/CHRNA3/CHRNB4 gene cluster are associated with onset of regular smoking

    Stephens, S. H., Hartz, S. M., Hoft, N. R., Saccone, N. L., Corley, R. C., Hewitt, J. K., Hopfer, C. J., Breslau, N., Coon, H., Chen, X., Ducci, F., Dueker, N., Franceschini, N., Frank, J., Han, Y., Hansel, N. N., Jiang, C., Korhonen, T., Lind, P. A. & Liu, J. & 106 others, Lyytikäinen, L. P., Michel, M., Shaffer, J. R., Short, S. E., Sun, J., Teumer, A., Thompson, J. R., Vogelzangs, N., Vink, J. M., Wenzlaff, A., Wheeler, W., Yang, B. Z., Aggen, S. H., Balmforth, A. J., Baumeister, S. E., Beaty, T. H., Benjamin, D. J., Bergen, A. W., Broms, U., Cesarini, D., Chatterjee, N., Chen, J., Cheng, Y. C., Cichon, S., Couper, D., Cucca, F., Dick, D., Foroud, T., Furberg, H., Giegling, I., Gillespie, N. A., Gu, F., Hall, A. S., Hällfors, J., Han, S., Hartmann, A. M., Heikkilä, K., Hickie, I. B., Hottenga, J. J., Jousilahti, P., Kaakinen, M., Kähönen, M., Koellinger, P. D., Kittner, S., Konte, B., Landi, M. T., Laatikainen, T., Leppert, M., Levy, S. M., Mathias, R. A., Mcneil, D. W., Medland, S. E., Montgomery, G. W., Murray, T., Nauck, M., North, K. E., Paré, P. D., Pergadia, M., Ruczinski, I., Salomaa, V., Viikari, J., Willemsen, G., Barnes, K. C., Boerwinkle, E., Boomsma, D. I., Caporaso, N., Edenberg, H. J., Francks, C., Gelernter, J., Grabe, H. J., Hops, H., Jarvelin, M. R., Johannesson, M., Kendler, K. S., Lehtimäki, T., Magnusson, P. K. E., Marazita, M. L., Marchini, J., Mitchell, B. D., Nöthen, M. M., Penninx, B. W., Raitakari, O., Rietschel, M., Rujescu, D., Samani, N. J., Schwartz, A. G., Shete, S., Spitz, M., Swan, G. E., Völzke, H., Veijola, J., Wei, Q., Amos, C., Cannon, D. S., Grucza, R., Hatsukami, D., Heath, A., Johnson, E. O., Kaprio, J., Madden, P., Martin, N. G., Stevens, V. L., Weiss, R. B., Kraft, P., Bierut, L. J. & Ehringer, M. A., Dec 2013, In: Genetic epidemiology. 37, 8, p. 846-859 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    29 Scopus citations
  • Gene-environment interactions in cancer epidemiology: A national cancer institute think tank report

    Hutter, C. M., Mechanic, L. E., Chatterjee, N., Kraft, P., Gillanders, E. M., Abnet, C. C., Amos, C., Balshaw, D., Bickeböller, H., Bierut, L. J., Boffetta, P., Bondy, M., Chanock, S., Chen, H. S., Cox, N., Vivo, I. D., Divi, R., Dupuis, J., Ellison, G. & Fallin, M. D. & 27 others, Gauderman, W. J., Gillanders, E., Haiman, C., Hutter, C., Simonds, N. I., Iversen, E., Khoury, M. J., Marchand, L. L., McAllister, K., Mechanic, L., Peters, U., Prentice, R., Rebbeck, T., Reedy, J., Rothman, N., Schully, S., Seminara, D., Shaughnessy, D., Shete, S., Spiegelman, D., Stram, D. O., Thomas, D., Wang, M., Wang, W., Weinberg, C., Winn, D. M. & Witte, J. S., Nov 2013, In: Genetic epidemiology. 37, 7, p. 643-657 15 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    73 Scopus citations
  • Genome-wide association study identifies multiple risk loci for chronic lymphocytic leukemia

    Berndt, S. I., Skibola, C. F., Joseph, V., Camp, N. J., Nieters, A., Wang, Z., Cozen, W., Monnereau, A., Wang, S. S., Kelly, R. S., Lan, Q., Teras, L. R., Chatterjee, N., Chung, C. C., Yeager, M., Brooks-Wilson, A. R., Hartge, P., Purdue, M. P., Birmann, B. M. & Armstrong, B. K. & 110 others, Cocco, P., Zhang, Y., Severi, G., Zeleniuch-Jacquotte, A., Lawrence, C., Burdette, L., Yuenger, J., Hutchinson, A., Jacobs, K. B., Call, T. G., Shanafelt, T. D., Novak, A. J., Kay, N. E., Liebow, M., Wang, A. H., Smedby, K. E., Adami, H. O., Melbye, M., Glimelius, B., Chang, E. T., Glenn, M., Curtin, K., Cannon-Albright, L. A., Jones, B., Diver, W. R., Link, B. K., Weiner, G. J., Conde, L., Bracci, P. M., Riby, J., Holly, E. A., Smith, M. T., Jackson, R. D., Tinker, L. F., Benavente, Y., Becker, N., Boffetta, P., Brennan, P., Foretova, L., Maynadie, M., McKay, J., Staines, A., Rabe, K. G., Achenbach, S. J., Vachon, C. M., Goldin, L. R., Strom, S. S., Lanasa, M. C., Spector, L. G., Leis, J. F., Cunningham, J. M., Weinberg, J. B., Morrison, V. A., Caporaso, N. E., Norman, A. D., Linet, M. S., De Roos, A. J., Morton, L. M., Severson, R. K., Riboli, E., Vineis, P., Kaaks, R., Trichopoulos, D., Masala, G., Weiderpass, E., Chirlaque, M. D., Vermeulen, R. C. H., Travis, R. C., Giles, G. G., Albanes, D., Virtamo, J., Weinstein, S., Clavel, J., Zheng, T., Holford, T. R., Offit, K., Zelenetz, A., Klein, R. J., Spinelli, J. J., Bertrand, K. A., Laden, F., Giovannucci, E., Kraft, P., Kricker, A., Turner, J., Vajdic, C. M., Ennas, M. G., Ferri, G. M., Miligi, L., Liang, L., Sampson, J., Crouch, S., Park, J. H., North, K. E., Cox, A., Snowden, J. A., Wright, J., Carracedo, A., Lopez-Otin, C., Bea, S., Salaverria, I., Martin-Garcia, D., Campo, E., Fraumeni, J. F., De Sanjose, S., Hjalgrim, H., Cerhan, J. R., Chanock, S. J., Rothman, N. & Slager, S. L., Aug 2013, In: Nature genetics. 45, 8, p. 868-876 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    131 Scopus citations
  • Genome-wide association study meta-analysis of European and Asian-ancestry samples identifies three novel loci associated with bipolar disorder

    Chen, D. T., Jiang, X., Akula, N., Shugart, Y. Y., Wendland, J. R., Steele, C. J. M., Kassem, L., Park, J. H., Chatterjee, N., Jamain, S., Cheng, A., Leboyer, M., Muglia, P., Schulze, T. G., Cichon, S., Nöthen, M. M., Rietschel, M. & Mcmahon, F. J., Feb 2013, In: Molecular psychiatry. 18, 2, p. 195-205 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    125 Scopus citations
  • Joint effects between five identified risk variants, allergy, and autoimmune conditions on glioma risk

    Safaeian, M., Rajaraman, P., Hartge, P., Yeager, M., Linet, M., Butler, M. A., Ruder, A. M., Purdue, M. P., Hsing, A., Beane-Freeman, L., Hoppin, J. A., Albanes, D., Weinstein, S. J., Inskip, P. D., Brenner, A., Rothman, N., Chatterjee, N., Gillanders, E. M., Chanock, S. J. & Wang, S. S., Oct 2013, In: Cancer Causes and Control. 24, 10, p. 1885-1891 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    21 Scopus citations
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other analgesic use and bladder cancer in northern New England

    Baris, D., Karagas, M. R., Koutros, S., Colt, J. S., Johnson, A., Schwenn, M., Fischer, A. H., Figueroa, J. D., Berndt, S. I., Han, S., Beane Freeman, L. E., Lubin, J. H., Cherala, S., Cantor, K. P., Jacobs, K., Chanock, S., Chatterjee, N., Rothman, N. & Silverman, D. T., Jan 1 2013, In: International Journal of Cancer. 132, 1, p. 162-173 12 p.

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    18 Scopus citations
  • Projecting the performance of risk prediction based on polygenic analyses of genome-wide association studies

    Chatterjee, N., Wheeler, B., Sampson, J., Hartge, P., Chanock, S. J. & Park, J. H., Apr 2013, In: Nature genetics. 45, 4, p. 400-405 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    216 Scopus citations
  • Robust estimation for homoscedastic regression in the secondary analysis of case-control data

    Wei, J., Carroll, R. J., Müller, U. U., Keilegom, I. V. & Chatterjee, N., Jan 2013, In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology. 75, 1, p. 185-206 22 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    21 Scopus citations
  • Using shared genetic controls in studies of gene-environment interactions

    Chen, Y. H., Chatterjee, N. & Carroll, R. J., Jun 2013, In: Biometrika. 100, 2, p. 319-338 20 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    4 Scopus citations
  • 2012

    Aspirin but not ibuprofen use is associated with reduced risk of prostate cancer: A PLCO Study

    Shebl, F. M., Sakoda, L. C., Black, A., Koshiol, J., Andriole, G. L., Grubb, R., Church, T. R., Chia, D., Zhou, C., Chu, L. W., Huang, W. Y., Peters, U., Kirsh, V. A., Chatterjee, N., Leitzmann, M. F., Hayes, R. B. & Hsing, A. W., Jun 26 2012, In: British journal of cancer. 107, 1, p. 207-214 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    45 Scopus citations
  • Assessing disease risk in genome-wide association studies using family history

    Ghosh, A., Hartge, P., Purdue, M. P., Chanock, S. J., Amundadottir, L., Wang, Z., Wentzensen, N., Chatterjee, N. & Wacholder, S., Jul 2012, In: Epidemiology. 23, 4, p. 616-622 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    Open Access
    8 Scopus citations
  • Association between adult height, genetic susceptibility and risk of glioma

    Kitahara, C. M., Wang, S. S., Melin, B. S., Wang, Z., Braganza, M., Inskip, P. D., Albanes, D., Andersson, U., Beane freeman, L. E., Buring, J. E., Carreón, T., Feychting, M., Gapstur, S. M., Gaziano, J. M., Giles, G. G., Hallmans, G., Hankinson, S. E., Henriksson, R., Hsing, A. W. & Johansen, C. & 24 others, Linet, M. S., Mckean-cowdin, R., Michaud, D. S., Peters, U., Purdue, M. P., Rothman, N., Ruder, A. M., Sesso, H. D., Severi, G., Shu, X. O., Stevens, V. L., Visvanathan, K., Waters, M. A., White, E., Wolk, A., Zeleniuch-jacquotte, A., Zheng, W., Hoover, R., Fraumeni, J. F., Chatterjee, N., Yeager, M., Chanock, S. J., Hartge, P. & Rajaraman, P., Aug 2012, In: International journal of epidemiology. 41, 4, p. 1075-1085 11 p., dys114.

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    19 Scopus citations
  • A subset-based approach improves power and interpretation for the combined analysis of genetic association studies of heterogeneous traits

    Bhattacharjee, S., Rajaraman, P., Jacobs, K. B., Wheeler, W. A., Melin, B. S., Hartge, P., Yeager, M., Chung, C. C., Chanock, S. J. & Chatterjee, N., May 4 2012, In: American journal of human genetics. 90, 5, p. 821-835 15 p.

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    113 Scopus citations
  • A two-platform design for next generation genome-wide association studies

    Sampson, J. N., Jacobs, K., Wang, Z., Yeager, M., Chanock, S. & Chatterjee, N., May 2012, In: Genetic Epidemiology. 36, 4, p. 401-409 9 p.

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    12 Scopus citations
  • Common genetic variants and central adiposity among Asian-Indians

    Moore, S. C., Gunter, M. J., Daniel, C. R., Srinath Reddy, K., George, P. S., Yurgalevitch, S., Devasenapathy, N., Ramakrishnan, L., Chatterjee, N., Chanock, S. J., Berndt, S. I., Mathew, A., Prabhakaran, D. & Sinha, R., Sep 2012, In: Obesity. 20, 9, p. 1902-1908 7 p.

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    25 Scopus citations
  • Common genetic variants in the PSCA gene influence gene expression and bladder cancer risk

    Fu, Y. P., Kohaar, I., Rothman, N., Earl, J., Figueroa, J. D., Ye, Y., Malats, N., Tang, W., Liu, L., Garcia-Closas, M., Muchmore, B., Chatterjee, N., Tarway, M., Kogevinas, M., Porter-Gill, P., Baris, D., Mumy, A., Albanes, D., Purdue, M. P. & Hutchinson, A. & 19 others, Carrato, A., Tardón, A., Serra, C., García-Closas, R., Lloreta, J., Johnson, A., Schwenn, M., Karagas, M. R., Schned, A., Diver, W. R., Gapstur, S. M., Thun, M. J., Virtamo, J., Chanock, S. J., Fraumeni, J. F., Silverman, D. T., Wu, X., Real, F. X. & Prokunina-Olsson, L., Mar 27 2012, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109, 13, p. 4974-4979 6 p.

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    69 Scopus citations
  • Detectable clonal mosaicism and its relationship to aging and cancer

    Jacobs, K. B., Yeager, M., Zhou, W., Wacholder, S., Wang, Z., Rodriguez-Santiago, B., Hutchinson, A., Deng, X., Liu, C., Horner, M. J., Cullen, M., Epstein, C. G., Burdett, L., Dean, M. C., Chatterjee, N., Sampson, J., Chung, C. C., Kovaks, J., Gapstur, S. M. & Stevens, V. L. & 169 others, Teras, L. T., Gaudet, M. M., Albanes, D., Weinstein, S. J., Virtamo, J., Taylor, P. R., Freedman, N. D., Abnet, C. C., Goldstein, A. M., Hu, N., Yu, K., Yuan, J. M., Liao, L., Ding, T., Qiao, Y. L., Gao, Y. T., Koh, W. P., Xiang, Y. B., Tang, Z. Z., Fan, J. H., Aldrich, M. C., Amos, C., Blot, W. J., Bock, C. H., Gillanders, E. M., Harris, C. C., Haiman, C. A., Henderson, B. E., Kolonel, L. N., Le Marchand, L., McNeill, L. H., Rybicki, B. A., Schwartz, A. G., Signorello, L. B., Spitz, M. R., Wiencke, J. K., Wrensch, M., Wu, X., Zanetti, K. A., Ziegler, R. G., Figueroa, J. D., Garcia-Closas, M., Malats, N., Marenne, G., Prokunina-Olsson, L., Baris, D., Schwenn, M., Johnson, A., Landi, M. T., Goldin, L., Consonni, D., Bertazzi, P. A., Rotunno, M., Rajaraman, P., Andersson, U., Freeman, L. E. B., Berg, C. D., Buring, J. E., Butler, M. A., Carreon, T., Feychting, M., Ahlbom, A., Gaziano, J. M., Giles, G. G., Hallmans, G., Hankinson, S. E., Hartge, P., Henriksson, R., Inskip, P. D., Johansen, C., Landgren, A., McKean-Cowdin, R., Michaud, D. S., Melin, B. S., Peters, U., Ruder, A. M., Sesso, H. D., Severi, G., Shu, X. O., Visvanathan, K., White, E., Wolk, A., Zeleniuch-Jacquotte, A., Zheng, W., Silverman, D. T., Kogevinas, M., Gonzalez, J. R., Villa, O., Li, D., Duell, E. J., Risch, H. A., Olson, S. H., Kooperberg, C., Wolpin, B. M., Jiao, L., Hassan, M., Wheeler, W., Arslan, A. A., Bueno-De-Mesquita, H. B., Fuchs, C. S., Gallinger, S., Gross, M. D., Holly, E. A., Klein, A. P., Lacroix, A., Mandelson, M. T., Petersen, G., Boutron-Ruault, M. C., Bracci, P. M., Canzian, F., Chang, K., Cotterchio, M., Giovannucci, E. L., Goggins, M., Bolton, J. A. H., Jenab, M., Khaw, K. T., Krogh, V., Kurtz, R. C., McWilliams, R. R., Mendelsohn, J. B., Rabe, K. G., Riboli, E., Tjønneland, A., Tobias, G. S., Trichopoulos, D., Elena, J. W., Yu, H., Amundadottir, L., Stolzenberg-Solomon, R. Z., Kraft, P., Schumacher, F., Stram, D., Savage, S. A., Mirabello, L., Andrulis, I. L., Wunder, J. S., García, A. P., Sierrasesà maga, L., Barkauskas, D. A., Gorlick, R. G., Purdue, M., Chow, W. H., Moore, L. E., Schwartz, K. L., Davis, F. G., Hsing, A. W., Berndt, S. I., Black, A., Wentzensen, N., Brinton, L. A., Lissowska, J., Peplonska, B., McGlynn, K. A., Cook, M. B., Graubard, B. I., Kratz, C. P., Greene, M. H., Erickson, R. L., Hunter, D. J., Thomas, G., Hoover, R. N., Real, F. X., Fraumeni, J. F., Caporaso, N. E., Tucker, M., Rothman, N., Pérez-Jurado, L. A. & Chanock, S. J., Jun 2012, In: Nature genetics. 44, 6, p. 651-658 8 p.

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    353 Scopus citations
  • Fine mapping of 14q24.1 breast cancer susceptibility locus

    Lee, P., Fu, Y. P., Figueroa, J. D., Prokunina-Olsson, L., Gonzalez-Bosquet, J., Kraft, P., Wang, Z., Jacobs, K. B., Yeager, M., Horner, M. J., Hankinson, S. E., Hutchinson, A., Chatterjee, N., Garcia-Closas, M., Ziegler, R. G., Berg, C. D., Buys, S. S., McCarty, C. A., Feigelson, H. S. & Thun, M. J. & 14 others, Diver, R., Prentice, R., Jackson, R., Kooperberg, C., Chlebowski, R., Lissowska, J., Peplonska, B., Brinton, L. A., Tucker, M., Fraumeni, J. F., Hoover, R. N., Thomas, G., Hunter, D. J. & Chanock, S. J., Mar 2012, In: Human genetics. 131, 3, p. 479-490 12 p.

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    4 Scopus citations
  • Gene-environment interactions in genome-wide association studies: A comparative study of tests applied to empirical studies of type 2 diabetes

    Cornelis, M. C., Tchetgen, E. J. T., Liang, L., Qi, L., Chatterjee, N., Hu, F. B. & Kraft, P., Feb 1 2012, In: American journal of epidemiology. 175, 3, p. 191-202 12 p.

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    80 Scopus citations
  • Genetic variant in TP63 on locus 3q28 is associated with risk of lung adenocarcinoma among never-smoking females in Asia

    Hosgood, H. D., Wang, W. C., Hong, Y. C., Wang, J. C., Chen, K., Chang, I. S., Chen, C. J., Lu, D., Yin, Z., Wu, C., Zheng, W., Qian, B., Park, J. Y., Kim, Y. H., Chatterjee, N., Chen, Y., Chang, G. C., Hsiao, C. F., Yeager, M. & Tsai, Y. H. & 64 others, Wei, H., Kim, Y. T., Wu, W., Zhao, Z., Chow, W. H., Zhu, X., Lo, Y. L., Sung, S. W., Chen, K. Y., Yuenger, J., Kim, J. H., Huang, L., Chen, Y. H., Gao, Y. T., Kim, J. H., Huang, M. S., Jung, T. H., Caporaso, N., Zhao, X., Huan, Z., Yu, D., Kim, C. H., Su, W. C., Shu, X. O., Kim, I. S., Bassig, B., Chen, Y. M., Cha, S. I., Tan, W., Chen, H., Yang, T. Y., Sung, J. S., Wang, C. L., Li, X., Park, K. H., Yu, C. J., Ryu, J. S., Xiang, Y., Hutchinson, A., Kim, J. S., Cai, Q., Landi, M. T., Lee, K. M., Hung, J. Y., Park, J. Y., Tucker, M., Lin, C. C., Ren, Y., Perng, R. P., Chen, C. Y., Jin, L., Chen, K. C., Li, Y. J., Chiu, Y. F., Tsai, F. Y., Yang, P. C., Fraumeni, J. F., Seow, A., Lin, D., Zhou, B., Chanock, S., Hsiung, C. A., Rothman, N. & Lan, Q., Jul 2012, In: Human genetics. 131, 7, p. 1197-1203 7 p.

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    29 Scopus citations
  • Genetic variation in innate immunity and inflammation pathways associated with lung cancer risk

    Shiels, M. S., Engels, E. A., Shi, J., Landi, M. T., Albanes, D., Chatterjee, N., Chanock, S. J., Caporaso, N. E. & Chaturvedi, A. K., Nov 15 2012, In: Cancer. 118, 22, p. 5630-5636 7 p.

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    26 Scopus citations
  • Genome-wide association analysis identifies new lung cancer susceptibility loci in never-smoking women in Asia

    Lan, Q., Hsiung, C. A., Matsuo, K., Hong, Y. C., Seow, A., Wang, Z., Hosgood, H. D., Chen, K., Wang, J. C., Chatterjee, N., Hu, W., Wong, M. P., Zheng, W., Caporaso, N., Park, J. Y., Chen, C. J., Kim, Y. H., Kim, Y. T., Landi, M. T. & Shen, H. & 111 others, Lawrence, C., Burdett, L., Yeager, M., Yuenger, J., Jacobs, K. B., Chang, I. S., Mitsudomi, T., Kim, H. N., Chang, G. C., Bassig, B. A., Tucker, M., Wei, F., Yin, Z., Wu, C., An, S. J., Qian, B., Lee, V. H. F., Lu, D., Liu, J., Jeon, H. S., Hsiao, C. F., Sung, J. S., Kim, J. H., Gao, Y. T., Tsai, Y. H., Jung, Y. J., Guo, H., Hu, Z., Hutchinson, A., Wang, W. C., Klein, R., Chung, C. C., Oh, I. J., Chen, K. Y., Berndt, S. I., He, X., Wu, W., Chang, J., Zhang, X. C., Huang, M. S., Zheng, H., Wang, J., Zhao, X., Li, Y., Choi, J. E., Su, W. C., Park, K. H., Sung, S. W., Shu, X. O., Chen, Y. M., Liu, L., Kang, C. H., Hu, L., Chen, C. H., Pao, W., Kim, Y. C., Yang, T. Y., Xu, J., Guan, P., Tan, W., Su, J., Wang, C. L., Li, H., Sihoe, A. D. L., Zhao, Z., Chen, Y., Choi, Y. Y., Hung, J. Y., Kim, J. S., Yoon, H. I., Cai, Q., Lin, C. C., Park, I. K., Xu, P., Dong, J., Kim, C., He, Q., Perng, R. P., Kohno, T., Kweon, S. S., Chen, C. Y., Vermeulen, R., Wu, J., Lim, W. Y., Chen, K. C., Chow, W. H., Ji, B. T., Chan, J. K. C., Chu, M., Li, Y. J., Yokota, J., Li, J., Chen, H., Xiang, Y. B., Yu, C. J., Kunitoh, H., Wu, G., Jin, L., Lo, Y. L., Shiraishi, K., Chen, Y. H., Lin, H. C., Wu, T., Wu, Y. L., Yang, P. C., Zhou, B., Shin, M. H., Fraumeni, J. F., Lin, D., Chanock, S. J. & Rothman, N., Dec 2012, In: Nature genetics. 44, 12, p. 1330-1335 6 p.

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    213 Scopus citations
  • Genome-wide association study of glioma and meta-analysis

    Rajaraman, P., Melin, B. S., Wang, Z., McKean-Cowdin, R., Michaud, D. S., Wang, S. S., Bondy, M., Houlston, R., Jenkins, R. B., Wrensch, M., Yeager, M., Ahlbom, A., Albanes, D., Andersson, U., Freeman, L. E. B., Buring, J. E., Butler, M. A., Braganza, M., Carreon, T. & Feychting, M. & 50 others, Fleming, S. J., Gapstur, S. M., Gaziano, J. M., Giles, G. G., Hallmans, G., Henriksson, R., Hoffman-Bolton, J., Inskip, P. D., Johansen, C., Kitahara, C. M., Lathrop, M., Liu, C., Marchand, L. L., Linet, M. S., Lonn, S., Peters, U., Purdue, M. P., Rothman, N., Ruder, A. M., Sanson, M., Sesso, H. D., Severi, G., Shu, G., Simon, M., Stampfer, M., Stevens, V. L., Visvanathan, K., White, E., Wolk, A., Zeleniuch-Jacquotte, A., Zheng, W., Decker, P., Enciso-Mora, V., Fridley, B., Gao, Y. T., Kosel, M., Lachance, D. H., Lau, C., Rice, T., Swerdlow, A., Wiemels, J. L., Wiencke, J. K., Shete, S., Xiang, Y. B., Xiao, Y., Hoover, R. N., Fraumeni, J. F., Chatterjee, N., Hartge, P. & Chanock, S. J., Dec 2012, In: Human genetics. 131, 12, p. 1877-1888 12 p.

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    176 Scopus citations
  • Incidence rates of endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial cancer and hysterectomy from 1980 to 2003 within a large prepaid health plan

    Lacey, J. V., Chia, V. M., Rush, B. B., Carreon, D. J., Richesson, D. A., Ioffe, O. B., Ronnett, B. M., Chatterjee, N., Langholz, B., Sherman, M. E. & Glass, A. G., Oct 15 2012, In: International Journal of Cancer. 131, 8, p. 1921-1929 9 p.

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    21 Scopus citations
  • Increased genetic vulnerability to smoking at CHRNA5 in early-onset smokers

    Hartz, S. M., Short, S. E., Saccone, N. L., Culverhouse, R., Chen, L. S., Schwantes-An, T. H., Coon, H., Han, Y., Stephens, S. H., Sun, J., Chen, X., Ducci, F., Dueker, N., Franceschini, N., Frank, J., Geller, F., Guobjartsson, D., Hansel, N. N., Jiang, C. & Keskitalo-Vuokko, K. & 132 others, Liu, Z., Lyytikäinen, L. P., Michel, M., Rawal, R., Rosenberger, A., Scheet, P., Shaffer, J. R., Teumer, A., Thompson, J. R., Vink, J. M., Vogelzangs, N., Wenzlaff, A. S., Wheeler, W., Xiao, X., Yang, B. Z., Aggen, S. H., Balmforth, A. J., Baumeister, S. E., Beaty, T., Bennett, S., Bergen, A. W., Boyd, H. A., Broms, U., Campbell, H., Chatterjee, N., Chen, J., Cheng, Y. C., Cichon, S., Couper, D., Cucca, F., Dick, D. M., Foroud, T., Furberg, H., Giegling, I., Gu, F., Hall, A. S., Hällfors, J., Han, S., Hartmann, A. M., Hayward, C., Heikkilä, K., Hewitt, J. K., Hottenga, J. J., Jensen, M. K., Jousilahti, P., Kaakinen, M., Kittner, S. J., Konte, B., Korhonen, T., Landi, M. T., Laatikainen, T., Leppert, M., Levy, S. M., Mathias, R. A., McNeil, D. W., Medland, S. E., Montgomery, G. W., Muley, T., Murray, T., Nauck, M., North, K., Pergadia, M., Polasek, O., Ramos, E. M., Ripatti, S., Risch, A., Ruczinski, I., Rudan, I., Salomaa, V., Schlessinger, D., Styrkársdóttir, U., Terracciano, A., Uda, M., Willemsen, G., Wu, X., Abecasis, G., Barnes, K., Bickeböller, H., Boerwinkle, E., Boomsma, D. I., Caporaso, N., Duan, J., Edenberg, H. J., Francks, C., Gejman, P. V., Gelernter, J., Grabe, H. J., Hops, H., Jarvelin, M. R., Viikari, J., Kähönen, M., Kendler, K. S., Lehtimäki, T., Levinson, D. F., Marazita, M. L., Marchini, J., Melbye, M., Mitchell, B. D., Murray, J. C., Nöthen, M. M., Penninx, B. W., Raitakari, O., Rietschel, M., Rujescu, D., Samani, N. J., Sanders, A. R., Schwartz, A. G., Shete, S., Shi, J., Spitz, M., Stefansson, K., Swan, G. E., Thorgeirsson, T., Völzke, H., Wei, Q., Wichmann, H. E., Amos, C. I., Breslau, N., Cannon, D. S., Ehringer, M., Grucza, R., Hatsukami, D., Heath, A., Johnson, E. O., Kaprio, J., Madden, P., Martin, N. G., Stevens, V. L., Stitzel, J. A., Weiss, R. B., Kraft, P. & Bierut, L. J., Aug 2012, In: Archives of general psychiatry. 69, 8, p. 854-861 8 p.

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    51 Scopus citations
  • Inherited variation at chromosome 12p13.33, including RAD52, influences the risk of squamous cell lung carcinoma

    Shi, J., Chatterjee, N., Rotunno, M., Wang, Y., Pesatori, A. C., Consonni, D., Li, P., Wheeler, W., Broderick, P., Henrion, M., Eisen, T., Wang, Z., Chen, W., Dong, Q., Albanes, D., Thun, M., Spitz, M. R., Bertazzi, P. A., Caporaso, N. E. & Chanock, S. J. & 3 others, Amos, C. I., Houlston, R. S. & Landi, M. T., Feb 2012, In: Cancer discovery. 2, 2, p. 131-139 9 p.

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    40 Scopus citations
  • Large-scale pathway-based analysis of bladder cancer genome-wide association data from five studies of European background

    Menashe, I., Figueroa, J. D., Garcia-Closas, M., Chatterjee, N., Malats, N., Picornell, A., Maeder, D., Yang, Q., Prokunina-Olsson, L., Wang, Z., Real, F. X., Jacobs, K. B., Baris, D., Thun, M., Albanes, D., Purdue, M. P., Kogevinas, M., Hutchinson, A., Fu, Y. P. & Tang, W. & 22 others, Burdette, L., Tardón, A., Serra, C., Carrato, A., García-Closas, R., Lloreta, J., Johnson, A., Schwenn, M., Schned, A., Andriole, G., Black, A., Jacobs, E. J., Diver, R. W., Gapstur, S. M., Weinstein, S. J., Virtamo, J., Caporaso, N. E., Landi, M. T., Fraumeni, J. F., Chanock, S. J., Silverman, D. T. & Rothman, N., Jan 4 2012, In: PloS one. 7, 1, e29396.

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    33 Scopus citations
  • Likelihood ratio test for detecting Gene (G)-environment (E) interactions under an additive risk model exploiting G-E independence for case-control data

    Han, S. S., Rosenberg, P. S., Garcia-Closas, M., Figueroa, J. D., Silverman, D., Chanock, S. J., Rothman, N. & Chatterjee, N., Dec 1 2012, In: American journal of epidemiology. 176, 11, p. 1060-1067 8 p.

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    30 Scopus citations
  • Mapping of the UGT1A locus identifies an uncommon coding variant that affects mRNA expression and protects from bladder cancer

    Tang, W., Fu, Y. P., Figueroa, J. D., Malats, N., Garcia-closas, M., Chatterjee, N., Kogevinas, M., Baris, D., Thun, M., Hall, J. L., De vivo, I., Albanes, D., Porter-gill, P., Purdue, M. P., Burdett, L., Liu, L., Hutchinson, A., Myers, T., Tard́n, A. & Serra, C. & 18 others, Carrato, A., Garcia-closas, R., Lloreta, J., Johnson, A., Schwenn, M., Karagas, M. R., Schned, A., Black, A., Jacobs, E. J., Diver, W. R., Gapstur, S. M., Virtamo, J., Hunter, D. J., Fraumeni, J. F., Chanock, S. J., Silverman, D. T., Rothman, N. & Prokunina-Olsson, L., Apr 2012, In: Human molecular genetics. 21, 8, p. 1918-1930 13 p., ddr619.

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    52 Scopus citations
  • Next generation analytic tools for large scale genetic epidemiology studies of complex diseases

    Mechanic, L. E., Chen, H. S., Amos, C. I., Chatterjee, N., Cox, N. J., Divi, R. L., Fan, R., Harris, E. L., Jacobs, K., Kraft, P., Leal, S. M., McAllister, K., Moore, J. H., Paltoo, D. N., Province, M. A., Ramos, E. M., Ritchie, M. D., Roeder, K., Schaid, D. J. & Stephens, M. & 7 others, Thomas, D. C., Weinberg, C. R., Witte, J. S., Zhang, S., Zöllner, S., Feuer, E. J. & Gillanders, E. M., Jan 2012, In: Genetic epidemiology. 36, 1, p. 22-35 14 p.

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    47 Scopus citations
  • Potential usefulness of single nucleotide polymorphisms to identify persons at high cancer risk: An evaluation of seven common cancers

    Park, J. H., Gail, M. H., Greene, M. H. & Chatterjee, N., Jun 10 2012, In: Journal of Clinical Oncology. 30, 17, p. 2157-2162 6 p.

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    34 Scopus citations
  • Testing for gene-environment and gene-gene interactions under monotonicity constraints

    Han, S. S., Rosenberg, P. S. & Chatterjee, N., 2012, In: Journal of the American Statistical Association. 107, 500, p. 1441-1452 12 p.

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    4 Scopus citations
  • Testing gene-environment interaction in large-scale case-control association studies: Possible choices and comparisons

    Mukherjee, B., Ahn, J., Gruber, S. B. & Chatterjee, N., Feb 1 2012, In: American journal of epidemiology. 175, 3, p. 177-190 14 p.

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    76 Scopus citations
  • The chromosome 2p21 region harbors a complex genetic architecture for association with risk for renal cell carcinoma

    Han, S. S., Yeager, M., Moore, L. E., Wei, M. H., Pfeiffer, R., Toure, O., Purdue, M. P., Johansson, M., Scelo, G., Chung, C. C., Gaborieau, V., Zaridze, D., Schwartz, K., Szeszenia-Dabrowska, N., Davis, F., Bencko, V., Colt, J. S., Janout, V., Matveev, V. & Foretova, L. & 24 others, Mates, D., Navratilova, M., Boffetta, P., Berg, C. D., Grubb, R. L., Stevens, V. L., Thun, M. J., Diver, W. R., Gapstur, S. M., Albanes, D., Weinstein, S. J., Virtamo, J., Burdett, L., Brisuda, A., McKay, J. D., Fraumeni, J. F., Chatterjee, N., Rosenberg, P. S., Rothman, N., Brennan, P., Chow, W. H., Tucker, M. A., Chanock, S. J. & Toro, J. R., Mar 2012, In: Human molecular genetics. 21, 5, p. 1190-1200 11 p., ddr551.

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    29 Scopus citations
  • 2011

    A cross-sectional investigation of regional patterns of diet and cardio-metabolic risk in India

    Daniel, C. R., Prabhakaran, D., Kapur, K., Graubard, B. I., Devasenapathy, N., Ramakrishnan, L., George, P. S., Shetty, H., Ferrucci, L. M., Yurgalevitch, S., Chatterjee, N., Reddy, K. S., Rastogi, T., Gupta, P. C., Mathew, A. & Sinha, R., 2011, In: Nutrition Journal. 10, 1, 12.

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    48 Scopus citations
  • A genome-wide association study of bladder cancer identifies a new susceptibility locus within SLC14A1, a urea transporter gene on chromosome 18q12.3

    Garcia-closas, M., Ye, Y., Rothman, N., Figueroa, J. D., Malats, N., Dinney, C. P., Chatterjee, N., Prokunina-olsson, L., Wang, Z., Lin, J., Real, F. X., Jacobs, K. B., Baris, D., Thun, M., De vivo, I., Albanes, D., Purdue, M. P., Kogevinas, M., Kamat, A. M. & Lerner, S. P. & 32 others, Barton grossman, H., Gu, J., Pu, X., Hutchinson, A., Fu, Y. P., Burdett, L., Yeager, M., Tang, W., Tardón, A., Serra, C., Carrato, A., García-closas, R., Lloreta, J., Johnson, A., Schwenn, M., Karagas, M. R., Schned, A., Andriole, G., Grubb, R., Black, A., Jacobs, E. J., Ryan diver, W., Gapstur, S. M., Weinstein, S. J., Virtamo, J., Hunter, D. J., Caporaso, N., Teresa landi, M., Fraumeni, J. F., Silverman, D. T., Chanock, S. J. & Wu, X., Nov 2011, In: Human molecular genetics. 20, 21, p. 4282-4289 8 p., ddr342.

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    74 Scopus citations
  • A pooled analysis of three studies evaluating genetic variation in innate immunity genes and non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk

    Hosgood, H. D., Purdue, M. P., Wang, S. S., Zheng, T., Morton, L. M., Lan, Q., Menashe, I., Zhang, Y., Cerhan, J. R., Grulich, A., Cozen, W., Yeager, M., Holford, T. R., Vajdic, C. M., Davis, S., Leaderer, B., Kricker, A., Schenk, M., Zahm, S. H. & Chatterjee, N. & 4 others, Chanock, S. J., Rothman, N., Hartge, P. & Armstrong, B., Mar 2011, In: British journal of haematology. 152, 6, p. 721-726 6 p.

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    26 Scopus citations
  • Application of a novel score test for genetic association incorporating gene-gene interaction suggests functionality for prostate cancer susceptibility regions

    Ciampa, J., Yeager, M., Jacobs, K., Thun, M. J., Gapstur, S., Albanes, D., Virtamo, J., Weinstein, S. J., Giovannucci, E., Willett, W. C., Cancel-Tassin, G., Cussenot, O., Valeri, A., Hunter, D., Hoover, R., Thomas, G., Chanock, S., Holmes, C. & Chatterjee, N., Nov 2011, In: Human Heredity. 72, 3, p. 182-193 12 p.

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    4 Scopus citations
  • A single nucleotide polymorphism tags variation in the arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2 phenotype in populations of European background

    García-Closas, M., Heind, D. W., Silvermana, D., Malatsk, N., Yeager, M., Jacobs, K., Doll, M. A., Figueroa, J. D., Baris, D., Schwenn, M., Kogevinas, M., Johnson, A., Chatterjee, N., Moore, L. E., Moeller, T., Real, F. X., Chanock, S. & Rothman, N., Apr 2011, In: Pharmacogenetics and Genomics. 21, 4, p. 231-236 6 p.

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    47 Scopus citations
  • Assessment of follow-up, and the completeness and accuracy of cancer case ascertainment in three areas of India

    Mathew, A., Daniel, C. R., Ferrucci, L. M., Seth, T., Devesa, S. S., George, P. S., Shetty, H., Devasenapathy, N., Yurgalevitch, S., Rastogi, T., Prabhakaran, D., Gupta, P. C., Chatterjee, N. & Sinha, R., Aug 2011, In: Cancer Epidemiology. 35, 4, p. 334-341 8 p.

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    8 Scopus citations
  • Distribution of allele frequencies and effect sizes and their interrelationships for common genetic susceptibility variants

    Park, J. H., Gail, M. H., Weinberg, C. R., Carroll, R. J., Chung, C. C., Wang, Z., Chanock, S. J., Fraumeni, J. F. & Chatterjee, N., Nov 1 2011, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108, 44, p. 18026-18031 6 p.

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    142 Scopus citations