M. Wakefield
- Cancer Council Victoria
- Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer
- Cancer Council
- Ctr. for Behav. Research in Cancer
- Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer
- Cancer Control Research Institute
- Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer
- The Cancer Council
- Cancer Council
- Cancer Council Victoria
External person
Elissa Bantug
- Johns Hopkins University
- Division of General Internal Medicine
- Breast Cancer Research Program
- Comprehensive Cancer Center
External person
Michael Iacobelli
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Health
- Institute for Global Tobacco Control
External person
Michael Brundage
- Queen's University Kingston
- Queen's Cancer Research Institute
- Queens Cancer Research InstituteKingston
- Cancer Clinic of Southeastern Ontario
- Cancer Centre of Southeastern Ontario
- Queen’s Cancer Research Institute
- Department of Oncology
- Division of Cancer Care and Epidemiology
- Cancer Research Institute
- Cancer Clinic of Southeastern Ontario
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
Sejal Saraf
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Health
- Institute for Global Tobacco Control
External person
Kisha I. Coa
- Johns Hopkins University
- ICF International
- Department of Health
- Men's Health Research
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions
- ICF International
- Behavior and Society
External person
Juhee Cho
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Dalarna University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
- Total Healthcare Center
- Departments of Epidemiology
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Cancer Education Center
- Department of Clinical Research Design and Evaluation
- Centerfor Clinical Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Health Sciences and Technology
- Departments of Epidemiology and Medicine
- Center for Cohort Studies
- Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology Center
- Department of Epidemiology and Welch Center for Prevention
- Department of Epidemiology
- Center for Cohort Studies
- Welch Ctr. Prev./Epidemiol./C. R.
- Center for Clinical Epidemiology
- Department of Clinical Research Design and Evaluation
- Department of Epidemiology
- Cancer Education Center
- Center for Clinical Epidemiology
- Center for Cohort Studies
- School of Health and Social Studies
- Department of Epidemiology
- Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology Center
- Department of Clinical Research Design & Evaluation
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Health Sciences and Technology
- Departments of Epidemiology and Medicine
- Medicine and Epidemiology
- Center for Clinical Epidemiology
- Total Healthcare Center
- Center for Cohort Studies
- Departments of Epidemiology and Medicine and Welch Center for Prevention
- Department of Health
- Division of Hematology
- Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg
- Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology Center
- Center for Cohort Study
- Department of Health
- Departments of Epidemiology and International Health
- The Wilmer Opthalmological Institute
- Department of Clinical Research Design and Evaluation
- Cancer Education Center
- Center for Clinical Epidemiology
- Kangbuk Samsung Hospital
- Center for Cohort Studies
- Total Healthcare Center (S.R
- Department of Ophthalmology
- The Catholic University of Korea
- Depts. of Medicine and Epidemiology
- Samsung
- Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research
- Total S.A.
- Total Healthcare Center
- Kangbuk Samsung Hospital
- Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan university
- Keimyung University
External person
Carmen Washington
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Health
- Institute for Global Tobacco Control
- University of Washington
External person
L. M. Reynales-Shigematsu
- Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica
- Department of Tobacco Research
- Department of Tobacco Research
- Western Sydney University
External person
K. McLeod
- University of Melbourne
- Cancer Council Victoria
- Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer
- Ctr. for Behav. Research in Cancer
- Melbourne School of Population Health
External person
Elizabeth Edsall Kromm
- Johns Hopkins University
- Howard County Health Department
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Dept. of Hlth. Policy and Management
External person
Nancy J. Mayonado
- Trover Health System
- TidalHealth Richard A. Henson Research Institute
- MD
External person
Jennifer A. Manganello
- Johns Hopkins University
- SUNY Albany
- University of Pennsylvania
- University at Albany School of Public Health
- Annenberg Public Policy Center
- Department of Health Policy
- Department of Health Policy, Management, and Behavior
- Albany School of Public Health
- Department of Health Policy
- School of Public Health
External person
S. Bartlett
- McGill University
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Queensland
- Division of Rheumatology
- Division of Rheumatology
- Division of Clinical Epidemiology
- Division of Geriatric Medicine
- Division of Gastroenterology
- Johns Hopkins University
- Division of Clinical Epidemiology
- Division Respiratory Epidemiology
- Division of Rheumatology
- Center for Health Outcomes Research
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Medicine
- Divisions of Clinical Epidemiology
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Clinical Epidemiology
- Division of Rheumatology
- Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie
- Divisions of Rheumatology and Clinical Epidemiology
- Division of Hematology
- Division of Rheumatology
- McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine and Rheumatology
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Division of Clinical Epidemiology
- Division of Rheumatology
- Division of Clinical Epidemiology
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Rheumatology
- Divisions of Clinical Epidemiology
- CGill University
- Arthritis Research Canada
- University of Zaragoza
- University of Pennsylvania
External person
Sharon L. Bober
- Harvard University
- Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
- Department of Psychosocial Oncology and Palliative Care
- Department of Psychosocial Oncology and Palliative Care; Sexual Health Program
- Department of Palliative Care and Psychosocial Oncology
- Brigham and Women’s Hospital
External person
Catherine Siebel
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- Northeastern Illinois University
- Department of Sociology
- Institute for Health Research and Policy
External person
Laura S. Porter
- Duke University
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Dept. of Psychiat. and Behav. Sci.
External person
Sarina Isenberg
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Health
- Sinai Health System
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Dept. of Anesthesiology/CCM
- Stanford University
- University of Toronto
- and Society
- and Society
- and Society
- and Society
- and Society
- and Society
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- University of Cincinnati
- and Society
- and Society
- and Society
- and Society
- and Society
- and Society
- and Society
- and Society
- and Society
- and Society
- Temmy Latner Centre for Palliative Care
- Sinai Health System
- Sinai Health System
- Temmy Latner Centre for Palliative Care
- and Society
- University of Ottawa
- Bruyère Research Institute
- Sinai Health
External person
Yvonne Terry-Mcelrath
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Institute for Social Research
- Population Studies Center
External person
Dana M. Casciotti
- National Cancer Institute United States
- Johns Hopkins University
- National Institutes of Health
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
External person
Vanessa A. Hoffman
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network
External person
Prakash Gupta
- Healis - Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health
- T H Chan School of Public Health
- Healis
- Harvard University
- T H Chan School of Public Health
External person
Neil K. Aaronson
- Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN
- McMaster University
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- Netherlands Cancer Institute
- University of Amsterdam
- Maastricht University
- Pfizer
- Outcome Research Department
- Division of Psychosocial Research and Epidemiology
- Department of Clinical Epidemiology
- Division of Psychosocial Research
- Women's Cancer Program
- Department of Health Sciences Research
- Women’s Cancer Program
- Netherlands Cancer Institute
- University of Groningen
External person
Carol Riley
- Johns Hopkins University
- Breast Cancer Program
- Department of Oncology
- Breast Cancer Research Program
External person
Natasha Ann Brown
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Maryland, College Park
- University of North Carolina at Greensboro
- National Institutes of Health
- Center to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Maryland Institute for Applied Environmental Health
- Department of Nutrition, School of Health and Human Sciences
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- University of Maryland College Park School of Public Health
External person
Patricia A. Ganz
- University of California at Los Angeles
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
- University of Pennsylvania
- UCLA Fielding School of Public Health
- Outcomes Working Group
- Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- School of Medicine
- Department of Health Services
- Schools of Public Health and Medicine
- Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Schools of Medicine
- Department of Health Services
- Emory University
- University of Helsinki
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
- Helsinki University Central Hospital
- United States Department of Health and Human Services
External person
S. Chapman
- University of Sydney
- School of Public Health
- School of Public Health
- School of Public Health
External person
Meghan D. McGinty
- Johns Hopkins University
- UPMC Center for Health Security
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- National Association of County and City Health Officials
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- National Association of County and City Health Officials
- University of Pittsburgh
External person
Kathy Helzlsouer
- Mercy Medical Center Baltimore
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- George W. Comstock Center for Public Health Research and Prevention
- MD
- VA Medical Center
- National Institutes of Health
- Lankenau Institute for Medical Research
- McMaster University
- Mercy Medical Center
- Mercy Medical Center
- University of Oxford
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Prevention and Research Center
- Prevention and Research Center
- Otolaryngology
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Epidemiology
- Nuffield Department of Population Health
- George W. Comstock Center for Public Health Research and Prevention
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Oncology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
- Div. of Physiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- J. Hopkins Train. Ctr. Pub. Hlth. R.
- School of Hygiene and Public Health
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- The Prevention and Research Center
- Department of Laboratory Medicine/Pathology
- Oncol. Ctr. and Dept. of Epidemiol.
- Department of Epidemiology
- Center for Prevention and Research at Mercy
- Department of Epidemiology
- Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine
- Main Line Health
- Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research
- Mercy Hospital
- Vanderbilt University
- Department of Oncology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Depts. of Oncology and Pediatrics
- Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
- Laboratory Medicine and Pathology
- Mercy Medical Center Baltimore
External person
Yonaira M. Rivera
- Johns Hopkins University
- Rutgers University
- SUNY Albany
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
- Rutgers University
External person
Sarah J. Durkin
- Cancer Council Victoria
- Cancer Council Victoria
- Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer
- Ctr. for Behav. Research in Cancer
External person
Frank J. Chaloupka
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- Institute for Health Research and Policy
- Health Research and Policy Centers
- Georgia State University
External person
Lara B. McKenzie
- Johns Hopkins University
- Ohio State University
- National Institutes of Health
- Nationwide Children’s Hospital
- Research Institute
- Center for Injury Research and Policy
- Columbus Children's Research Institute
- Program in Law
- Department of Heath Policy and Management
- Columbus Children's Research Institute
- Center for Injury Research and Policy
- Department of Pediatrics
- Center for Injury Research and Policy
- College of Medicine
- Center for Injury Research and Policy
- Division of Epidemiology
- College of Public Health
- Department of Health Policy and Management
External person
Glen Szczypka
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- Institute for Health Research and Policy
- The University of Chicago
External person
Brian R. Flay
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- Northern Illinois University
- Oregon State University
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Wesleyan University
- Department of Public Health
- School of Allied Health
- Department of Psychology
- College of Public Health and Human Sciences
- College of Health and Human Sciences
External person
Kristin J. Roberts
- Nationwide Children’s Hospital
- Center for Injury Research and Policy
External person
Sherry L. Emery
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- The University of Chicago
- Health Media Collaboratory
- Institute for Health Research and Policy
- UC San Diego
- University of California at San Diego
External person
Anne L R Schuster
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- Patient/Family Member Co-investigator
- Patient-Family Member Research Partner
- Ohio State University
External person
Elaine De Leon
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Health
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
External person
Emily Brennan
- Cancer Council Victoria
- Cancer Council Victoria
- Centre for Behavioural Research in Cancer
- Ctr. for Behav. Research in Cancer
External person
Hoisex Gomez
- Instituto Dermatologico Y Cirugia de Piel
- Instituto Dominicano de Dermatologia y Cirugia de Piel
- Instituto Dermatológico y Cirugía de Piel “Dr. Huberto Bogaert Díaz”
- Instituto Dominicano de Dermatologia y Cirugia de Piel
- HIV Vaccine Trials Research Unit
External person
Clare Barrington
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of South Carolina
- Department of Health Behavior and Health Education
- Department of Health Behavior
- Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior
- Gillings School of Global Public Health
- Department of International Health
External person
N. Abu Al-Hamayel
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- King Abdulaziz University
External person
David Malebranche
- Emory University
- University of Pennsylvania
- San Francisco State University
- Department of Medicine
- Division of General Medicine
- Student Health Services
- Department of Medicine
- Morehouse School of Medicine
- AIDS Healthcare Foundation
- AIDS Healthcare Foundation
External person
Samantha Cukier
- Johns Hopkins University
- Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
External person
Yeycy Donastorg
- Instituto Dermatologico Y Cirugia de Piel
- Instituto Dermatalogico y Cirugia de Piel Dr. Humberto Bogart Diaz
- Instituto Dermatológico y Cirugía de Piel “Dr. Huberto Bogaert Díaz”
- Instituto Dermatologico y Cirugía de Piel (IDCP), Dirección Nacional de Control de Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual y SIDA (DIGECITSS)
- HIV Vaccince Research Unit
- HIV Vaccine Research Unit
- HIV Vaccine Trials Unit
- Unidad de Vacunas
- Instituto Dermatológico y Cirugía de Piel Dr. Huberto Bogaert Díaz
- HIV Vaccine Research Unit
- Instituto Dermatalógico y Cirugia de Piel Dr. Humberto Bogart Diaz
- Instituto Dermatológico y Cirugía de Piel Dr. Huberto Bogaert Díaz
- Instituto Dermatologico y Cirugia de la Piel
- Instituto Dominicano de Dermatologia y Cirugia de Piel
- Instituto Dominicano de Dermatologia y Cirugia de Piel
- Instituto Dermatológico y Cirurgia de Piel Dr. Humberto Bogaert Diaz
- HIV Vaccine Trials Research Unit
External person
Trisha Duncan
- Division of Rheumatology
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Medicine
- McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
External person
Stephen M. Bowman
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- National University, San Diego
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- School of Public Health
- Center for Injury Research and Policy
- University of Arkansas for Health Sciences
- College of Public Health
- Center for Gun Policy and Research
- Fay W. Boozman College of Public Health
External person
Corey Davis
- University of Pennsylvania
- Temple University
- National Health Law Program
- Network for Public Health Law
- East Carolina University
- Department of Public Health
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Southeastern Region
- Network for Public Health Law
External person
Imogen Mitchell
- Canberra Hospital
- Australian National University
- School of Medicine
- Johns Hopkins University
- The Commonwealth Fund
- Australian National University
External person
Amye L. Leong
- Healthy Motivation
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Healthy Motivation and Bone and Joint Decade
- University of Queensland
- Healthy Motivation, Bone and Joint Decade
- OMERACT Patient Research Partner
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Healthy Motivation
- Healthy Motivation and Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health the Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- The Global Alliance for Musculoskeletal Health
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Bone and Joint Decade
- Healthy Motivation
- University of Ottawa
- Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
External person
Brad Love
- University of Texas at Austin
- Center for Health Communication
- Center for Health Communication
External person
Crystal Boddie
- Johns Hopkins University
- UPMC Center for Health Security
- Medicine andThe Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh.
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- UPMC Center for Health Security
- UPMC Center for Health Security
- University of Pittsburgh
External person
Beata Debinski
- Wake Forest University
- Wake Forest School of Medicine
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Injury Research and Policy
- Department of Social Sciences and Health Policy
- Department of Social Sciences and Health Policy
External person
Erin Ruel
- Georgia State University
- Department of Sociology
- University of Illinois at Chicago
External person
Arif H. Kamal
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- University of Cincinnati
- Duke University
- School of Medicine
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, Newark
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
Shawna V. Hudson
- Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
External person
Megan L. Clayton
- Johns Hopkins University
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Center for A Livable Future
- Public Health Center for a Livable Future
- Department of Health
- RTI International
External person
Robert L. Joyner
- MD
- TidalHealth Richard A. Henson Research Institute
- TidalHealth
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
Norman Yancey
- Community Building in Partnership
- Community Building in Partnership, Inc.
External person
Larissa Nekhlyudov
- Harvard University
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
- Department of Ambulatory Care and Prevention
- Department of Ambulatory Care and Prevention
- University of Tennessee Health Science Center
- Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Center
- Solove Research Institute
- Ohio State University
- Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center
- Department of Medicine
- 5Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women's Cancer Center
- Massachusetts General Hospital Cancer Center
- Brigham and Women’s Hospital
External person
Martha Perez
- Instituto Dermatologico Y Cirugia de Piel
- Instituto Dermatalogico y Cirugia de Piel Dr. Humberto Bogart Diaz
- Instituto Dermatológico y Cirugía de Piel “Dr. Huberto Bogaert Díaz”
- Instituto Dermatologico y Cirugía de Piel (IDCP), Dirección Nacional de Control de Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual y SIDA (DIGECITSS)
- HIV Vaccince Research Unit
- HIV Vaccine Research Unit
- HIV Vaccine Trials Unit
- Unidad de Vacunas
- HIV Vaccine Research Unit
- Instituto Dermatalógico y Cirugia de Piel Dr. Humberto Bogart Diaz
- Instituto Dermatologico y Cirugia de la Piel
- Instituto Dominicano de Dermatologia y Cirugia de Piel
- Instituto Dominicano de Dermatologia y Cirugia de Piel
- Instituto Dermatológico y Cirurgia de Piel Dr. Humberto Bogaert Diaz
- Ministry of Health
- HIV Vaccine Trials Research Unit
External person
Amye J. Tevaarwerk
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- Medical Oncology Clinic
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- University of Wisconsin
- Vanderbilt University
- Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN
External person
Mark A. Schuster
- Harvard University
- RAND Corporation
- University of Rochester
- Division of General Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Div. of Adol./Young Adult Medicine
- Department of Pediatrics
- Division of General Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Division of Newborn Medicine, Department of Medicine
- Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Department of Health Services
- Kaiser Permanente
- Boston Children's Hospital
External person
Jessica M. Ruck
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Surgery
- Department of Surgery
- Department of Surgery
External person
V. Ruffing
- Johns Hopkins University
- Kennedy Krieger Institute
- Spina Bifida/Related Conditions Ctr.
- McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
External person
Laura M. Bogart
- Harvard University
- RAND Corporation
- Div. of Adol./Young Adult Medicine
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Division of Newborn Medicine, Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Boston Children's Hospital
External person
David E. Cowall
- Peninsula Regional Medical Center
- TidalHealth Richard A. Henson Research Institute
- MD
External person
Michael Fisch
- University of Virginia
- Brown Medical School/The Miriam Hospital
- AIM Specialty Health
- AIM Specialty Health
- Brown University
- AIM Specialty Health
- AIM Specialty Health
- AIM Specialty Health
- AIM Specialty Health
- AIM Specialty Health
- AIM Specialty Health
- AIM Specialty Health
- AIM Specialty Health
- AIM Specialty Health
- AIM Specialty Health
- University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
- Breast Medical Oncology
- AIM Specialty Health
- not available
External person
Luu Pham
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Biostatistics
- Department of Biostatistics
- Department of Biostatistics
- Department of Biostatistics
- Department of Biostatistics
- Department of Biostatistics
External person
Rebecca Hamilton White
- George Washington University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Health
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
External person
Joshua Sixon
- Florida International University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Health Policy and Management
External person
Thomas J. Lynch
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
- Yale Cancer Center
- Cancer and Leukemia Group B
- McKesson
- McKesson BioServices
- Mckesson Bioservices Corp.
- Duke University
External person
Yue Guan
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Department of Medicine
- Emory University
- Behavioral Sciences and Health Education
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Maryland, College Park
External person
Sean Thames
External person
R. Durrant
- Griffith University Queensland
- Cancer Council Victoria
- Ctr. for Behav. Research in Cancer
- Department of Applied Psychology
External person
Saad B. Omer
- Yale University
- Department of Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases
- Department of Medicine
- Yale Institute for Global Health
- Emory University
- Yale Institute for Global Health
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Pediatrics
- Hubert Department of Global Health
- Emory Vaccine Center
- Department of Epidemiology
- Schools of Public Health and Medicine
- Johns Hopkins University
- Yale Institute for Global Health
- School of Public Health
- Kaiser Permanente
- School of Medicine
- Deakin University
- Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
- Yale New Haven Health System
- Kaiser Permanente
- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
- International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research Bangladesh
- Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
External person
Rachel Grob
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- National Initiatives at the Center for Patient Partnerships
External person
Caitlin Weiger
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Health
- School of Public Health
- Rutgers School of Public Health
External person
Jennifer M. Jones
- University of Toronto
- University Health Network
- Department of Radiation Oncology
External person
Maryam B. Lustberg
- Ohio State University
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Division of Medical Oncology
- Department of Medicine
- Yale Cancer Center
- University of Maryland Medical System
- Yale University
External person
Saskia Duijts
- Department of Public and Occupational Health
- Comprehensive Cancer Organisation (IKNL)
- Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
- University of Amsterdam
- Academic Medical Center
External person
Ellen L. Stovall
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
- National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship
- ASCO Public Issues Committee
- National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship
- ASCO Public Issues Committee
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
External person
Bryce Reeve
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- National Institutes of Health
- New York University
- University of Pennsylvania
- Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Department of Health Policy & Management
- Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- Department of Paediatrics
- Duke University
- Georgetown University
- Outcomes Research Branch
- Emory University
External person
Cerise Kleb
- Johns Hopkins University
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Institute for Global Tobacco Control
External person
Gena Cook
External person
Helen I. Meissner
- Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- National Institutes of Health
- Institutes of Health
- Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research
External person
Susan Ziegfeld
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Surgery
- Division of Pediatric Surgery
- c/o Elaine P. Henze, BJ, ELS, Medical Editor
- Division of Pediatric Surgery
- Department of Pediatric Surgery
- Division of Pediatric Surgery
- Department of Surgery
External person
Anna Kristina Gutierrez
- Johns Hopkins University
- Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
- Division of Rheumatology
- Division of Hematology
- Ateneo de Manila University
External person
Shikha Mittoo
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Toronto
- University of Manitoba
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Rheumatology
- Division of Rheumatology
- Interstitial Lung Disease Program
- University Health Network
External person
Erin Turbitt
- Social and Behavioral Research Branch
- National Institutes of Health
- University of Technology Sydney
- Faculty of Health and Graduate School of Health
External person
Amanda Choflet
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences
- Department of Radiation Oncology
- Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences
- School of Nursing
- Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences
- San Diego State University
External person
Maria Del Grande
- Mason F. Lord Center Tower
- Division of Rheumatology
- Klinik St. Katharinental
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Rheumatology
- Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland
- San Giovanni Hospital
- Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale
External person
Aryeh Fischer
- University of Colorado Denver
- University of Colorado Boulder
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Division of Mycobacterial and Respiratory Infections
- Division of Rheumatology
- Division of Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine
- Stanford University
- Department of Medicine
- University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
- National Jewish Health
External person
Kelly M. King
- Johns Hopkins University
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Department of Health
External person
Jeff Niederdeppe
- Cornell University
- Department of Communication
- Department of Communication
- Department of Communication
External person
Im Ryung Kim
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Cancer Education Center
- Cancer Education Center
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
- Samsung
- Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan university
External person
Archana Radhakrishnan
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Division of General Internal Medicine
- Division of General Internal Medicine
- Division of General Internal Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
- Division of General Medicine
- Division of Rheumatology
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Division of General Internal Medicine
- Internal Medicine
External person
Rachel Kornfield
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- The University of Chicago
- School of Journalism and Mass Communication
- Institute for Health Research and Policy
- Section of Genetic Medicine
- Department of Medicine, John H. Stroger, Jr.
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- Johns Hopkins University
- Section of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- Northwestern University
External person
Kelly Blake
- Johns Hopkins University
- National Institutes of Health
- Harvard University
- Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
External person
Charlotte Roberts
- International Consortium on Health Outcomes Measurement
- International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement
- Standardisation
- Russells Hall Hospital
- Russells Hall Hospital
- Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust
External person
J. R. Curtis
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Division of Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology
External person
Karl Lorenz
- Department of Medicine
- Stanford University
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Veteran's Health Administration of Greater Los Angeles
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Kaiser Permanente
- RAND Corporation
- Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
- Palo Alto VA Health System
- Division of General Medical Disciplines
- University of Cincinnati
- Johns Hopkins University
- Section Chief of the VA Palo Alto-Stanford Palliative Care Program
- VA Center for Innovation to Implementation
External person
S. Greco
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences
- Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences
- Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences
- Department of Radiation Oncology
- NIH Heart Center at Suburban Hospital
- Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences
External person
Elizabeth A. Handorf
- Fox Chase Cancer Center
- Department of Biostatistics
- Departments of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
- Department of Radiation Oncology
- Program in Molecular Therapeutics
- Cancer Prevention and Control Program
- Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Division
- Temple University
External person
Nebras Abu Al Hamayel
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- University of Cincinnati
External person
Katie Washington Cole
- Johns Hopkins University
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
External person
Yeong Wook Song
- Seoul National University
- Tan Tock Seng Hospital
- Division of Rheumatology
- Division of Rheumatology
- Division of Rheumatology
- Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- College of Medicine
External person
Dara Ikejiani
- Johns Hopkins University
- Sibley Memorial Hospital
- Sibley Memorial Hospital
External person
Cheryl L. Holt
- University of Maryland, College Park
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- School of Public Health
- School of Public Health
- Department of Behavioral and Community Health
- Department of Behavioral and Community Health
- University of Maryland College Park School of Public Health
External person
Vicki L. Plano Clark
- University of Nebraska
- Office of Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research
- Department of Educational Psychology
- Office of Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research
- Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- University of Cincinnati
External person
Allison O'Rourke
- George Washington University
- Department of Prevention and Community Health
- Department of Psychology
External person
Allen Zhang
- Johns Hopkins University
- Evidence-Based Practice Center
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- University of Baltimore
External person
Mark Schlesinger
- Yale University
- Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
- Department of Health Policy and Administration
External person
Tiffany Le Lefevre Lillie
- Johns Hopkins University
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
External person
André Salem Szklo
- Instituto Nacional de Câncer
- Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
- Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA
- Divisão de Epidemiologia
- Departamento de Epidemiologia e Vigilância
- Division of Epidemiology
- Division of Epidemiology
- Division of Population Research
- National Cancer Institute
- Population Research Division
External person
Ian M. Bennett
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Washington
- Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
- Dept. of Psychiat. and Behav. Sci.
- School of Medicine
- Department of Family Medicine
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Family Medicine
- Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
- Carleton University
External person
Fariba Asrari
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Radiation Oncology
- Department of Radiation Oncology
- Division of Radiation Oncology
- Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences
- Departments of Gynecology/Obstetrics and Biomedical Engineering
- Oncology Center
- Division of Radiation Oncology
- Kelly Gynecologic Oncology Service
- Department of Radiation Oncology and Molecular Radiation Sciences
External person
Jakob BjØrner
External person
Ritu Sharma
- Johns Hopkins University
- Queensland Institute of Medical Research
- JHU Evidence-based Practice Center
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- Department of International Health
- Evidence-Based Practice Center
- School of Public Health
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- University of Cincinnati
- American Urological Association
- American Urological Association
External person
Vivian P. Bykerk
- Hospital for Special Surgery - New York
- University of Toronto
- Harvard University
- University of Queensland
- University of Geneva
- Cornell University
- Rhumatologie
- Hospital for Special Surgery
- Division of Rheumatology
- Division of Rheumatology
- Division of Rheumatology
- Dept. of Phys. Med. and Rehab.
- Department of Rheumatology
- Rebecca McDonald Center for Arthritis and Autoimmune Disease
- Hospital for Special Surgery
- Weill Cornell Medical School
- Endocrine Service
- Johns Hopkins University
- Division of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
- Hospital for Special Surgery
- Brigham and Women’s Hospital
External person
Hana Ross
- University of Cape Town
- American Cancer Society
- School of Economics
- International Tobacco Control Research
External person
Jeffrey Swigris
- University of Colorado Denver
- Division of Mycobacterial and Respiratory Infections
- University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
- National Jewish Health
- Department of Medicine and
External person
Kelsey C. Zorn
- Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
- University of California at San Francisco
- Akcea Therapeutics
External person
Shelley Fuld Nasso
External person
Amanda Montanari
- Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center
- Johns Hopkins University
- Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center
External person
Tenbroeck Smith
- Behavioral Research
- American Cancer Society
- Behavioral and Epidemiology Research Group
External person
Arturo Durazo
External person
Eun Kyung Choi
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
- Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan university
External person
Catherine Sarver
- Johns Hopkins University
- Patient Research Partner
- Karolinska Institutet
- Division of Rheumatology
- Patient Research Partner
- Patient Research Partner
- Patient Research Partner
- Patient Research Partner
- Patient Research Partner
- Patient Research Partner
External person
Deborah C. Girasek
- Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
- Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics
- Center for Injury Research and Policy
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
E. R. Weinstein
- Lyme Disease Research Foundation Inc.
- Lyme Disease Research Foundation
- Johns Hopkins University
- School of Medicine
- McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
- Division of Hematology
- Lyme Disease Research Foundation of Maryland
External person
Scott D. Ramsey
- Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- University of Washington
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
- Public Health Sciences Division
- Department of Medicine
- Cost Effectiveness Data Center
- Department of Medicine
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Washington
- Cost Effectiveness Subcommittee
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
External person
Stephen J. Lepore
- Temple University
- Department of Public Health
- Department of Social and Behavioral Science
- Fox Chase Cancer Center
- Cancer Prevention and Control Program
External person
Dong Young Noh
- Seoul National University
- University of Ulsan
- Demokritos National Centre for Scientific Research
- Department of Surgery
- Department of Preventive Medicine
- Department of Surgery
- Department of Surgery
- Division of Hepatobiliary-Pancreatic Surgery
- Department of General Surgery
- Department of Surgery
- J.W. Lee Center for Global Medicine
- Cancer Research Institute
- College of Medicine
- Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory
- Department of Surgery
- National Cancer Center Korea
External person
Anne Lyddiatt
- Ingersoll
- University of Sydney
- Institute of Population Health
- Patient Research Partner
- Musculoskeletal Group
- OMERACT Patient Research Partner
- CIHR SPOR National Steering Committee
- Patient Research Partner
- Institute of Population Health
- Cochrane Musculoskeletal Group
- Patient Partner
- Patient Partners
- CIHR SPOR National Steering Committee
- Patient Partners in Arthritis
External person
Salma Shariff-Marco
- National Institutes of Health
- Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program
- Office of Preventive Oncology
External person
Amber C. Summers
- Johns Hopkins University
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Public Health Center for Communication Programs
External person
Paul C. Nathan
- National Institutes of Health
- Pediatric Oncology Branch
- University of Toronto
- Cancer Prevention Studies Branch
- Division of Hematology/Oncology
External person
Kirsten K. Ness
- St. Jude Children Research Hospital
- Department of Epidemiology/Cancer Control
External person
Matthew J. Molloy
- Johns Hopkins University
- Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
- University of Cincinnati
External person
Joaquin Barnoya
- Washington University St. Louis
- Cardiovascular Unit of Guatemala
- Clinica No. 3 Ala Sur
- Research Department
- Departamento de Investigacion
- Department of Surgery
- Department of Surgery Prevention and Control
- Department of Epidemiology
- Unidad de Cirugía Cardiovascular de Guatemala
- Department of Pediatrics
- University of California at San Francisco
- Division of Public Health Sciences
- Cardiovascular Surgery Unit of Guatemala
- Unidad de Cirugia Cardiovascular
- Universidad Rafael Landivar
- Integra Cancer Institute
- Integra Cancer Institute
- Universidad Rafael Landívar
- Unidad de Cirugia Cardiovascular
- Unidad de Cirugía Cardiovascular de Guatemala
External person
Judith Vick
- Johns Hopkins University
- Edward D. Miller Research Building
- School of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Durham VA Health Care System
- Duke University
- Department of Medicine
External person
Anne M. Walling
- University of California at Los Angeles
- VA Medical Center
- RAND Corporation
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of California Office of the President
- Division of General Internal Medicine
- Department of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- University of Cincinnati
- Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
- Kaiser Permanente
- Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research
- Department of Veterans Affairs
External person
Lisa Barbera
- McMaster University
- University of Toronto
- Odette Cancer Research Program
- Departments of Radiation Oncology and Health Policy
- Department of Radiation Oncology
- McMaster University
- Department of Radiation Oncology
- Alberta Health Services
- Cancer Control Alberta
- University of Calgary
- Tom Baker Cancer Center
- Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
External person
Kamini E. Kuchinad
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health; Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
- University of Cincinnati
External person
James A. Tulsky
- Johns Hopkins University
- Duke University
- Johns Hopkins Geriatrics Circle
- Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
- Harvard University
- Program on the Medical Encounter and Palliative Care
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Ctr. Hlth. Serv. Res. in Prim. Care
- Center for Palliative Care
- Division of Medical Oncology
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Psychosocial Oncology and Palliative Care
- Division of Palliative Medicine
- McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
- Department of Medicine
External person
Nancy Smider
External person
Flavia V. Castelino
- Harvard University
- Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases
- Massachusetts General Hospital
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
External person
Milton Mickey Eder
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Department of Family Medicine and Community Health
- Program in Human Sexuality
- The Pacer Group
External person
Karen Calhoun
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research
- University of Michigan
- City Connect Detroit
- The Michigan Institute for Clinical Research
External person
Linnea I. Laestadius
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Joseph J. Zilber School of Public Health
- Center for A Livable Future
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- Center for a Livable Future
External person
Yoon Jung Chang
- National Cancer Center Korea
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Division of Cancer Information and Education Branch
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
Lesley Ann Saketkoo
- Tulane University
- University of Copenhagen
- Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
- New Orleans Scleroderma and Sarcoidosis Patient Care and Research Center
- University Cancer Institute
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Rheumatology
- School of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Section of Rheumatology
- Stanford University
- Scleroderma and Sarcoidosis Patient Care and Research Center
- Department of Medicine
- University Medical Center
- University Medical Center New Orleans
- Comprehensive Pulmonary Hypertension Center - University Medical Center
- University Medical Center
- LSUHSC-NO Section of Pulmonary Medicine
- LSUHSC-NO Section of Rheumatology
External person
Vibeke Strand
- University of Pennsylvania
- Stanford University
- Division of Immunology/Rheumatology
- Johns Hopkins University
- Biopharmaceutical Consultant
- Portola Valley
- Portola Valley
- NIHR Leeds
- University of Leeds
- Division of Immunology
- Division of Immunology/Rheumatology
- Section of Medical Informatics
- Immune Response Corporation
- Division of Oncology
- University of Ottawa
- Department of Epidemiology and Community Medicine
- Department of Immunology
- Seattle Rheumatology Assoc., Swedish Medical Center
- University of Queensland
- Biopharmaceutical Consultant
- Biopharmaceutical Consultant
- Biopharmaceutical Consultant
- Biopharmaceutical Consultant
- or the Rheumatology Research Foundation (RRF). A. Ogdie is funded by the RRF and NIH/NIAMS K23 AR063764 and R01 AR072363. L.C. Coates is funded by an NIH Research (NIHR) Clinician Scientist award
- University of Washington
- University of Connecticut
External person
Jane Blazeby
- University of Bristol
- MRC ConDuCT Hub for Trials Methodology Research
- University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust
External person
Galina Velikova
- University of Leeds
- Leeds Institute of Cancer and Pathology
- St James's University Hospital
External person
Christine Laine
- Thomas Jefferson University
- Department of Medicine
- American College of Physicians
- Customer Service
- Johns Hopkins University
- Annals of Internal Medicine
- American College of Physicians
- Annals of Internal Medicine
- Annals of Internal Medicine
- Annals of Internal Medicine
- Annals of Internal Medicine
- Annals of Internal Medicine
- Annals of Internal Medicine
External person
Ingrid Lundberg
- Karolinska Institutet
- Department of Medicine, Karolinska University Hospital, Karolinska Institute
- Rheumatology Unit
- Department of Medicine
- Rheumatology Unit
- Division of Rheumatology
- Johns Hopkins University
- Clinical Immunology and Allergy
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- University of Ottawa
- Stockholm Sweden
External person
Rachel P. Chase
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- Department of Biostatistics
External person
Maureen M. Black
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Research Triangle Park
- University of Maryland, College Park
- World Health Organization
- RTI International
- Division of Growth and Nutrition
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Departments of Medicine, and Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Pediatrics
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Division of Pediatric Cardiology
- Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
- Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
- Department of Pediatrics
- RTI International
- School of Medicine
External person
Paul C. Nathan
- University of Toronto
- Division of Hematology/Oncology
- National Institutes of Health
External person
Lisa Vera
- University of California at San Diego
- UC San Diego
- Department of Epidemiology
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
Louis S. Matza
- United BioSource Corporation
- Health Outcomes Research
- Pharmaceutical Product Development
External person
Alison L. Rein
- George Washington University
- Covance Health Economics and Outcomes Services Inc.
- Covance Health Economics and Outcome Services, Inc.
External person
Judy Needham
External person
Jennifer Gabbard
- Wake Forest University
- Department of Medicine
- Section on Gerontology
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
Lindsay Andon
- Johns Hopkins University
- Population Health Research
- Johns Hopkins HealthCare LLC
- Johns Hopkins HealthCare
External person
Cynthia Chauhan
- Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN
- Heart Failure Society of America
- University of Pittsburgh
- Patient Advocate
External person
Daphne Lesage
- Office of Public Health
- Patient Research Partner
External person
Daniel Weber
External person
Ethan Basch
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Oregon Health and Science University
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
- Cornell University
- New York University
- Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center
- Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
- Case Western Reserve University
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
- University of Toronto
- Johns Hopkins University
- Yale Cancer Center
- Research Advocacy Network
- Sidney Kimmel Center for Prostate and Urologic Cancers
- Cancer Outcomes Research Program
- Health Outcomes Group
- Cancer Outcomes Research Program
- Department of Medicine
- Genitourinary Oncology Service
- Yale University
- University Health Network
- Georgetown University
- Department of Radiation Oncology
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
- Patient-centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI)
External person
Natasha Sokol
- Johns Hopkins University
- Harvard University
- American Legacy Foundation
- Legacy
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Society, Human Development, and Health
- Truth Initiative, Washington, D.C.
External person
Theresa Coles
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Department of Health Policy & Management
- Duke University
External person
James G. Dolan
- Unity Health System
- University of Rochester
- Departments of History and Public Health Sciences
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Public Health Sciences
- Department of Medicine
External person
Sarabdeep Singh
- Johns Hopkins University
- WellSpan Neurosciences
- United States Food and Drug Administration
External person
Mary Lou Smith
- Research Advocacy Network
- Dana Farber/Harvard Cancer Center
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- City of Hope Cancer Center
- Research Advocacy Network
- NCCN Breast Cancer Treatment and Screening Guidelines Committees
- Case Western Reserve University
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
- University of Toronto
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
- Johns Hopkins University
- Yale Cancer Center
- Yale University
- University Health Network
- Stanford University
- Research Advocacy Network
- University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
- City of Hope Cancer Center
- NCCN Breast Cancer Treatment and Screening Guidelines Committees
- Department of Radiation Oncology
- Research Advocacy Network
- ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group
- American Society of Clinical Oncology
- Research Advocacy Network
External person
Harmanjot K. Grewal
- Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center
- LSUHSC-NO Section of Rheumatology
External person
Young Mog Shim
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Department of Thoracic Surgery
- Dept of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
- Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan university
External person
Erika Avila Tang
- Johns Hopkins University
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Julius B. Richmond Center of Excellence
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Health
- Institute for Global Tobacco Control
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Universidad de Johns Hopkins
- Instituto Mundial para el Control del Tabaco
- American Academy of Pediatrics
External person
Barbara Biesecker
- National Cancer Institute United States
- Johns Hopkins University
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- National Institutes of Health
- Building 10
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
- Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth
- Social and Behavioral Research Branch
- Social and Behavioral Research Branch
- Medical Genetics Branch
- Dept. of Obstetrics/Gynecology
- Department of Social and Behavioral Intervnetion
- Health
- Medical Genomics and Metabolic Genetics Branch
- Wilmer Eye Institute and Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
- Department of Health
- School of Public Health
- RTI International
- National Human Genomic Research Institute
External person
Emily Clouse
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Public Health and Human Rights
- Department of Epidemiology
External person
Deborah Struth
External person
Mark Nichter
- University of Arizona
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Wesleyan University
- University of Arizone
- Department of Anthropology
- Department of Anthropology
- Department of Psychology
External person
Ray Bullman
- National Council on Patient Information and Education
- Public Citizen Health Research Group
External person
Julie Fields
- Johns Hopkins University
- Institutes for Behavior Resources Inc.
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Department of Emergency Medicine
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Department of Psychiatry
- National Institutes of Health
External person
Andre Dias
External person
Paula Rausch
- United States Food and Drug Administration
- Center for Drug Evaluation and Research
External person
Norah L. Crossnohere
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Health
- Department of International Health
- Ohio State University
- Department of Biomedical Informatics
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
External person
Helene Alexanderson
- Karolinska Institutet
- Division of Physiotherapy
- Department of Care Science and Society
- Department of Neuroscience
- Division of Rheumatology
- Johns Hopkins University
External person