Sangita Sharma
- University of Alberta
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
- Department of Medicine
- Nutrition Research Institute
- Epidemiology Program
- Cancer Etiology Program
- Department of Medicine
- Aboriginal and Global Health
- Cancer Research Center
- Department of Nutrition
- Department of Nutrition
- Epidemiology Program
- Stony Brook University
- Cancer Research Center
External person
Angela Trude
- Johns Hopkins University
- Universidade Federal de São Paulo
- Health Science Department
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
- Global Obesity Prevention Center and Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of Human Nutrition
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of International Health
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Department of Pediatrics
- Division of Growth and Nutrition
- University of Maryland, College Park
- New York University
External person
Elizabeth Anderson Steeves
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
- Department of Nutrition
- University of Tennessee
- Global Center on Childhood Obesity
External person
Stewart B. Harris
- Western University
- Ctr. for Studies in Family Medicine
- Department of Family Medicine
- Department of Family Medicine
- Centre for Studies in Family Medicine
- Department of Family Medicine
- Department of Family Medicine
External person
Jean Anliker
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Massachusetts
- University of Massachusetts Boston
- Department of Nutrition
- Department of Nutrition and Food Science
- Department of Nutrition
- School of Hygiene and Public Health
- University of Maryland
External person
Bernard Zinman
- University of Toronto
- Johns Hopkins University
- Hospital for Sick Children
- Department of Medicine
- Diabetes Clinical Research Unit
- Leadership Sinai Centre for Diabetes
- Division of Endocrinology
- Leadership Sinai Centre for Diabetes
- Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute
- Division of Human Nutrition, Department of Intemational Health
- Div. of Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Department of Medicine
- University of Washington
- Department of Clinical Epidemiology
- University of Toronto
- University of Washington
- Yeshiva University
- Mt. Sinai Hospital
- Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital
External person
Marla Pardilla
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of New Mexico
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Center for Human Nutrition
- School of Medicine
External person
Anthony Hanley
- University of Toronto
- Leadership Sinai Centre for Diabetes
- Diabetes Clinical Research Unit
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Division of Endocrinology
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Leadership Sinai Centre for Diabetes
- Departments of Nutritional Sciences and Medicine and Dalla Lana School of Public Health
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Sandy Lake Health and Diabetes Project
- Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital
External person
Uriyoan Colón-Ramos
- Milken Institute School of Public Health
- George Washington University
External person
Anna Y. Kharmats
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
- Global Obesity Prevention Center and Center for Human Nutrition
- Global Obesity Prevention Center (GOPC)
- Center for Human Nutrition
- New York University
External person
Brittany Jock
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Human Nutrition
- McGill University
- Global Obesity Prevention Center and Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of International Health
- McGill University Centre for Indigenous Peoples’ Nutrition and Environment
External person
Seung Hee Lee-Kwan
- Johns Hopkins University
- Tulane University
- Department of International Health
- School of Public Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences
External person
Sonali Suratkar
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Immunization Research
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of International Health
External person
Guadalupe X. Ayala
- San Diego State University
- Institute for Behavioral and Community Health
- Division of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences
- Institute for Behavioral and Community Health
- College of Health & Human Services
- Institute for Behavioral and Community Health
External person
Sally Davis
- University of New Mexico
- Center for Health Promotion in Native American Communities
- School of Medicine
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Health Sciences Center
- Prevention Research Center
- Health Sciences Center
- Department of Pediatrics
External person
Leslie Redmond
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- University of Alaska Anchorage
- Global Obesity Prevention Center and Center for Human Nutrition
- University of Manitoba
External person
Sheila Fleischhacker
- National Institute for Diabetes
- National Institutes of Health
- National Institutes of Health
- National Institute of Diabetes
- Georgetown University
- The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
- Georgetown Law Center
- Harvard University
- US Department of Agriculture
External person
Karina Christiansen
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Immunization Research
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
External person
Lawrence Cheskin
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Health
- Department of Surgery
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of International Health
- Health
- Department of International Health
- Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions
- Division of Gastroenterology
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
- Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Division of Gastroenterology
- Division of Gastroenterology
- Department of Pediatrics and International Health
- Division of Digestive
- Department of Medicine
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute
- Department of Health
- Maryland Global Obesity Prevention Center at Johns Hopkins Baltimore
- Center for Immunization Research
- Department of Medicine
- University of Pittsburgh
- Departments of Epidemiology and Medicine
- George Mason University
- College of Health and Human Services
- School of Medicine
- Behavior and Society
- Health
- National Institutes of Health
- McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Health
- Johns Hopkins
- University of Oklahoma
External person
Thomas M S Wolever
- University of Toronto
- University of Toronto
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Rescu Keenan Research Centre
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
External person
Mary Story
- Duke University
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Div. of Gen. Pediat. and Adol. Hlth.
- Duke Global Health InstituteDuke UniversityDurham
- Division of Epidemiology
- Divisionof Epidemiology
- Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
- Division of Epidemiology
- Division of Epidemiology
- Division of Epidemiology
- Division of Epidemiology
- School of Public
- Department of Pediatrics
- School of Public Health
- Department of Epidemiology
- School of Public Health
- Div. of Gen. Pediat. and Adol. Hlth.
- School of Public Health
- Institute for Global Health
- University of Minnesota Duluth
External person
Jaqueline Swartz
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of International Health
External person
Philip W. Connelly
- University of Toronto
- Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
- Rescu Keenan Research Centre
- Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
- Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
- Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
- Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
- Departments of Medicine
- Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology
External person
Laura Hopkins
- Johns Hopkins University
- Global Center on Childhood Obesity
- Ohio State University
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
- Department of International Health
- Department of Human Sciences
- Department of Health
- Baldwin Wallace University
External person
Melissa N. Laska
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
- Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
External person
June Stevens
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Univ. of NC at Chapel Hill
- Dept. of Nutrition and Epidemiology
- Univ. of N. Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Departments of Nutrition and Epidemiology School of Public Health
- Departments of Nutrition and Epidemiology
- Department of Nutrition
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Nutrition
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Nutrition
- Department of Nutrition
- Department of Nutrition
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Biostatistics
External person
Mary Mamakeesick
- Sandy Lake Health and Diabetes Project
- Sandy Lake Health and Diabetes Project
- Sandy Lake
External person
Margarita S. Treuth
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Alabama
- University of Maryland Eastern Shore
- Department of Physical Therapy
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Human Studies Department
- Department of Kinesiology
- Center for Immunization Research
- Department of Human Studies
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Salisbury University
External person
Cara Ruggiero
- Pennsylvania State University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
- Penn State University
- Massachusetts General Hospital
External person
Cindy Roache
- University of Alberta
- Government of Nunavut
- Department of Health and Social Services
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Government of Nunavut
External person
Preety Gadhoke
- Johns Hopkins University
- St. John's University
- College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
- Department of International Health
- Department of Pharmacy Administration and Allied Health Sciences
- College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences of St. John’s University
External person
Robert A. Hegele
- Western University
- Department of Medicine
- Blackburn Cardiovascular Genetics Laboratory
- Department of Vascular Biology
- Department of Biochemistry
- Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry
- Department of Medical Biophysics
- Department of Biochemistry
- Division of Nephrology
External person
Caroline R. Wensel
- Department of International Health
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Human Nutrition
External person
Manuel Franco
- Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Alcalá
- Social and Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Group
- Department of Epidemiology
- Division of General Internal Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- Welch Center for Prevention
- Department of Epidemiology
- Departments of Epidemiology and Medicine
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III
- Social and Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Group
- Social and Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Group
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Public Health Sciences
- Departments of Epidemiology and Medicine
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
External person
Priscila de Morais Sato
- Universidade Federal de São Paulo
- Universidade de São Paulo
- Department of Health
- Department of Health
External person
Heejung Song
- College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- University of Maryland, College Park
- School of Nursing
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
- School of Public Health
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of Health Systems and Outcomes
- Center for Immunization Research
- Department of International Health
- School of Nursing
- University of Maryland
- Department of International Health
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
External person
B. Gunen
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
- Johns Hopkins University
- Drexel University
External person
Becky Ethelbah
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Center for Human Nutrition
- School of Public Health
External person
Xia Cao
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
- Nutrition Research Institute
- Epidemiology Program
- Cancer Etiology Program
- Cancer Research Center
- Epidemiology Program
External person
Megan Rowan
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Center for Immunization Research
- Department of International Health
External person
Nadine Budd
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
External person
Sylvia H. Ley
- University of Toronto
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Nutrition
- Harvard University
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Tulane University
External person
Julia Díez
- University of Alcalá
- Social and Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Group
- Social and Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Group
- Social and Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Group
External person
H. Hadi
- Gadjah Mada University
- Ctr. for Health/Human Nutrition CHHN
- Division of Human Nutrition
- Faculty of Health Science
- Alma Ata Center for Healthy Life and Foods (ACHEAF)
- Alma Ata University
- The University of Alma Ata
- The University of Alma Ata
- The University of Alma Ata
External person
Theresa E. Clay
- University of New Mexico
- Health Sciences Center
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
External person
Scott B. Going
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- University of Arizona
- Department of Physiology
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Mel and Enid Zuckerman college of Public Health
External person
Allan Steckler
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Health Behavior and Health Education
- Department of Health Policy and Management
External person
Erin L. Mead
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Nutrition Research Institute
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Department of Behavioral and Community Health
- Department of Health
- University of Maryland College Park School of Public Health
External person
Sally Yan
- Johns Hopkins University
- Family League of Baltimore City, Inc.
- Family League of Baltimore City
External person
Lara S. Ho
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
- International Rescue Committee
- International Rescue Committee
- International Rescue Committee
External person
Marguerite Evans
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- National Institutes of Health
- Natl. Heart, Lung, and Blood Inst.
- Div. of Epidemiol. and Clin. Applic.
- Natl. Heart, Lung, and Blood Inst.
- Blood Institute
- Natl. Heart, Lung, and Blood Inst.
External person
Shenzhi Song
- Institute of Health Sciences
- China Medical University
- School of Public Health
External person
Alexandra Ross
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of Health
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Duke University
External person
Lauve Metcalfe
- University of Arizona
- Department of Physiology
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Department of Physiology
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
External person
Shahmir H. Ali
- Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- New York University
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
Judy Weber
- University of Arizona
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- Department of Physiology
- Biostatistics Program
- Department of Pediatrics/CARE
- Department of Physiology
- Department of Pediatrics
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- University of Arkansas Medical School
External person
Barbara Baquero
- University of Iowa
- Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine
- Department of Community and Behavioral Health
- University of Washington
External person
Stephen Kodish
- Johns Hopkins University
- Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- Harvard T.C. Chan School of Public Health
- Department of International Health
- Department of International Health
- Department of Nutrition
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Social and Behavioral Interventions Program
- Department of Nutrition
- Harvard University
- Pennsylvania State University
- United Nations Children's Fund
External person
Angela Odoms-Young
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- Northern Illinois University
- Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition
- Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition
- Cornell University
External person
Leslie Cunningham-Sabo
- University of New Mexico
- Ctr. for Hlth. Prom. and Dis. Prev
- School of Medicine
- Ctr. for Hlth. Prom./Dis. Prevention
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
External person
Brit I. Saksvig
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Department of Kinesiology
- Department of Health Policy
- University of Maryland College Park School of Public Health
External person
Kim Ring
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Collaborative Studies Coordinating Center
- Departments of Biostatistics
- Department of Biostatistics
- Univ. of N. Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Department of Biostatistics
- Department of Biostatistics
- Department of Biostatistics
- Collaborative Studies Coordinating Center
External person
Anastasia J. Coutinho
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Immunization Research
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
External person
Amber C. Summers
- Johns Hopkins University
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Public Health Center for Communication Programs
External person
David M. Murray
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Ohio State University
- University of Memphis
- Divisionof Epidemiology
- Psychology Department
- Department of Psychology
- Division of Epidemiology, College of Public Health
- University of Minnesota Duluth
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- University of Memphis
External person
Elaine J. Stone
- National Institutes of Health
- University of New Mexico
- Dept. of Phys. Perf. and Development
- Div. of Hum. Perf. and Development
- Div. of Epidemiol. and Clin. Applic.
External person
Leslie Lytle
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Division of Epidemiology
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Division of Epidemiology
- Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
- Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
- Department of Epidemiology
- Division of Epidemiology
External person
Neal A. Palafox
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
- Dept. of Fam. Pract. and Comm. Hlth.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
External person
Pearl A. McElfish
- College of Medicine
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Northwest
External person
Kurt M. Ribisl
- Tulane University
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Health Policy and Management
- Department of Health Behavior
- Gillings School of Global Public Health
- Department of Health Behavior and Health Education
External person
Deborah Helitzer
- University of New Mexico
- Department of Family and Community Medicine
- Department of Family and Community Medicine
- Office of Evaluation
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
Heather D'Angelo
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Department of Health Behavior and Health Education
- Department of Health Behavior
- Carbone Cancer Center
External person
Megan Mattingly
- Johns Hopkins University
- Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Associates, LLC
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
External person
André Corriveau
- Government of Alberta
- Government of the Northwest Territories
- National Indian Health Board, Inc
- Department of Health and Social Services
- Government of the Northwest Territories
- Government of Alberta
External person
R. Retnakaran
- University of Toronto
- Leadership Sinai Centre for Diabetes
- Division of Endocrinology
- Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital
External person
Julie L. Pickrel
- San Diego State University
- Institute for Behavioral and Community Health
- Center for Behavioural Epidemiology and Community Health
External person
Shannon N. Zenk
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- Department of Health System Sciences
- College of Nursing
External person
Michelle S. Wong
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
- & Policy (CSHIIP)
- VA Medical Center
External person
Alberta Becenti
- University of New Mexico
- United States Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of Pediatrics
- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Program
External person
Benjamin Batorsky
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Human Nutrition
External person
Lauren A. Dennisuk
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Immunization Research
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
External person
Cara Shipley
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Human Nutrition
- Department of International Health
External person
Kathleen M. Roche
- Johns Hopkins University
- George Washington University
- Georgia State University
- Dept. of Pop./Family Health Sciences
- Department of Population and Family Health Sciences
- Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Department of Sociology
- Department of International Health
External person
Christopher R. Long
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Northwest
External person
Amy V. Ries
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Brown Medical School/The Miriam Hospital
- Miriam Hospital
- Brown University
- Department of Nutrition
- Center for Behavioral and Preventive Medicine
External person
Carol E. Cornell
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Dept. of Medicine
- Department of Health Behavior
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Department of Medicine
- Departments of Medicine and Health Behavior
External person
Ivory H. Loh
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
- Global Obesity Prevention Center and Center for Human Nutrition
External person
Alexander Logan
- University of Toronto
- University of Toronto
- Department of Medicine
- Development of Health Policy
- Department of Clinical Epidemiology
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Health Policy
- Kidney Transplant Program
- Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation
- University Health Network
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Toronto General Hospital
- Mt. Sinai Hospital
- Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital
External person
Vanessa A. Hoffman
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network
External person
Paola Letona
- Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama Guatemala
- INCAP Comprehensive Center for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases (CIIPEC), Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP)
- Research Center for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases
External person
Rachel Yong
- Johns Hopkins University
- Baltimore City Department of Planning
- Baltimore Food Policy Initiative
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- Baltimore City Department of Planning
External person
June Tester
- UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland
- Childrens Hospital
- Healthy Hearts Program
External person
Lyle G. Best
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research, Inc.
- Epidemiology Department
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research Incorporated
- Strangeways Research Laboratory
- Department of Public Health and Primary Care
- University of Cambridge
- Inc
- Turtle Mountain Community College
- Missouri Breaks Industries and Research Inc.
External person
Claudia Nau
- Johns Hopkins University
- School of Public Health
- Global Obesity Prevention Center (GOPC)
- School of Public Health
- Department of International Health
- Kaiser Permanente
External person
Lesley Schmidt Sindberg
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
External person
Teresa Schwendler
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
- Peace Corps
- Peace Corps
External person
Lisa Harnack
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Division of Epidemiology
- Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
- Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
- Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
External person
M. Crawford
- University of Alabama
- Dept. of Fam. and Community Medicine
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
External person
Gabriela Milhassi Vedovato
- Universidade Federal de São Paulo
- Health and Society Institute
External person
Marcia O'Leary
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research, Inc.
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research Incorporated
External person
M. J. Mejía Ruiz
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Human Nutrition
- YMCA of Greater Richmond
External person
Nandita Krishnan
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Human Nutrition
- George Washington University
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
External person
Gary D. Foster
- University of Pennsylvania
- Temple University
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Public Health
- Weight and Eating Disorder Program
- Weight Watchers International
- Department of Medicine
- WW (formerly Weight Watchers)
- Inc.
- WW International, Inc.
External person
Allison Karpyn
- University of Delaware
- Food Trust
- Center for Research in Education and Social Policy
External person
Laura Linnan
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
- University of Rhode Island
- Brown Medical School/The Miriam Hospital
- Miriam Hospital
- Brown University
- Health Policy and Management
- Ctr. for Behav./Prev. Medicine
- Department of Health Behavior
- Div. of Behav. and Prev. Medicine
- Div. of Behav. and Prev. Medicine
- National Institute of Mental Health Psychoactive Drug Screening Program
- School of Public Health
- School of Public Health
- Department of Health Behavior and Health Education
- School of Public Health
- Harvard University
- University of North Carolina
External person
Andrew J. Rosenblum
- Department of Public Health
- Johns Hopkins University
- American University Washington DC
External person
M. Justin Byron
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Department of Health Behavior
- Department of Family Medicine
- Department of Health, Behavior and Society
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
Rafael Monge-Rojas
- Costa Rican Institute for Research and Education on Nutrition and Health
- Instituto Costarricense de Investigacion y Ensenanza en Nutricion y Salud Costa Rica
External person
Wayne Zachary
- CMZ Health Technologies, LLC
- Starship Health Technologies, LLC
- Starship Health Technologies, LLC
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
B. Dahal
- Nepal Eye Hospital
- Nepal Nutrition Intervention Project-Sarlahi
- Department of International Health
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
Micaela C. Karlsen
- American College of Lifestyle Medicine
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of New England
External person
L. K. McCormick
- University of Texas at Austin
- University of Georgia
- Health Outcomes Research Division
- University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
External person
Karen Heller
- University of New Mexico
- Individual, Fam. Comm. Educ. Prog.
- Department of Individual
External person
Nancy Aburto
- United Nations
- United Nations World Food Programme Rome
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- United Nations World Food Programme
External person
Thomas L. McKenzie
- San Diego State University
- School of Exercise and Nutritional Sciences
External person
Jared B. Jobe
- Blood Institute
- National Institutes of Health
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Departments of National Heart, Lung
- Div. of Epidemiol. and Clin. Applic.
- Division of Prevention and Population Sciences
- Behavioral Medicine Research Group
- Behavioral and Social Research Program
- Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications
- Clinical Applications and Prevention Branch
External person
Maureen M. Black
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Research Triangle Park
- University of Maryland, College Park
- World Health Organization
- RTI International
- Division of Growth and Nutrition
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Departments of Medicine, and Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Pediatrics
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Division of Pediatric Cardiology
- Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
- Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
- Department of Pediatrics
- RTI International
- School of Medicine
External person
Annette Barnie
- University of Toronto
- Johns Hopkins University
- Diabetes Clinical Research Unit
- Division of Human Nutrition, Department of Intemational Health
- University of Washington
- Department of Clinical Epidemiology
- University of Toronto
- University of Washington
- Mt. Sinai Hospital
- Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital
External person
Elizabeth D. Thomas
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- Department of International Health
- Program in Global Disease Epidemiology and Control
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- National Institutes of Health
External person
Esti Nurwanti
- Faculty of Health Science
- Alma Ata Center for Healthy Life and Foods (ACHEAF)
- Taipei Medical University
- Alma Ata University
External person
Jennifer Sanchez-Flack
- San Diego State University
- Institute for Behavioral and Community Health
- San Diego State Univ.-Univ. of California
- University of California at San Diego
- University of Illinois at Chicago
External person
M. Pakseresht
- University of Alberta
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Department of Medicine
- Nutrition Research Institute
External person
Simone A. French
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Divisionof Epidemiology
- Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
- Division of Epidemiology
- Division of Epidemiology
- School of Public Health
- Division of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- University of Minnesota Duluth
External person
Jesús Rivera Navarro
- Social Sciences Faculty
- Universidad de Salamanca
- University of Alcalá
External person
David E. Harvey
- United States Department of Health and Human Services
- Indian Health Service
- Indian Health Services
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
Janice Thompson
- Saint Louis University
- University of New Mexico
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Ctr. for Hlth. Prom./Dis. Prevention
- Health Sciences Center
- Ctr. for Hlth. Prom./Dis. Prevention
- Department of Pediatrics
- Ctr. for Hlth. Prom./Dis. Prev.
External person
Joanne Hurley
- Public Health Nutrition
- Gila River Indian Community
- Department of Public Health
- Gila River Indian Community
External person
Mark N. Lurie
- Johns Hopkins University
- Brown University
- Brown Medical School/The Miriam Hospital
- South African Medical Research Council
- Dept. of Med. and Community Health
- Department of Infectious Disease
- Department of International Health
- Department of Medicine
- Departments of Epidemiology
- Departments of Epidemiology
External person
Annie Belcourt
- University of Montana
- College of Health Professions & Biomedical Sciences
- Department of Pharmacy Practice
External person
Kendra N. Williams
- Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
Erica Blue Roberts
- University of Maryland, College Park
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- James Bell Associates, Inc.
- Department of Behavioral and Community Health
- School of Public Health
- University of Maryland College Park School of Public Health
External person
Ylva Trolle Lagerros
- Department of Medicine
- Karolinska Institutet
- Academic Specialist Center
- Academic Specialist Center
- Academic Specialist Center
External person
Christina Olson
- San Diego State University
- Institute for Behavioral and Community Health
- Division of Health Promotion and Behavioral Science
External person
Michele K. Evans
- National Cancer Institute United States
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- Johns Hopkins University
- East Carolina University
- National Institutes of Health
- Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Science
- Health Disparities Research Section
- Health Disparities Research Section
- Clinical Research Branch
- Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Science
- Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Sciences
- Laboratory of Epidemiology, Demography, and Biometry
- Clinical Research Branch
- University of California at San Diego
- Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Immunology
- Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Intramural Research Program
- University of Mississippi
- Department of Physiology and Biophysics
- Health Disparities Research Section
- University of Bristol
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Department of Medicine
- National Institute at Aging
- Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
External person
Hilary M. Creed-Kanashiro
- Instituto de Investigación Nutricional
- Johns Hopkins University
- Sch of Medicine
- University of California at Davis
External person
Sohyun Park
- Department of Food Science and Nutrition
- Hallym University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Hanyang University
External person
Donald Rose
- Department of Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences
- Tulane University
External person
Sharla M. Jennings
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Johns Hopkins University
- United States Department of Agriculture
- Center for Human Nutrition
External person
M. Grieser
- University of Maryland, College Park
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Department of Kinesiology
- University of Maryland College Park School of Public Health
External person
Cheryl S. Alexander
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Maternal and Child Health
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- School of Hygiene and Public Health
- Department of International Health
- Department of Population Dynamics
External person
Kelly R. Evenson
- Saint Louis University
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Columbia University
External person
Jackie Altaha
External person
John H. Himes
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Division of Epidemiology
- Division of Epidemiology
- Division of Human Nutrition
- School of Public Health
- Division of Epidemiology
- Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
- Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
External person
Marie Rachelle Narcisse
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Northwest
External person
E. Geng
- University of California Office of the President
- University of California at San Francisco
- Capital Medical University
- University of San Francisco
- University of Washington
- Division of HIV ID and Global Medicine
- Division of HIV
- School of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Division of HIV/AIDS
- Departmentof Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Division of HIV
- Division of HIV
- Medicine
- Washington University St. Louis
- Department of Medicine
- Institute For Public Health
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Vanderbilt University
- Johns Hopkins University
- James Cook University Queensland
External person
Rebecca C. Robert
- Johns Hopkins University
- George Mason University
- College of Nursing and Health Science
- Department of International Health
- Department of International Health
- Catholic University of America
External person
Laura K. Cobb
- Johns Hopkins University
- Vital Strategies
- Department of Epidemiology
- Welch Center for Prevention
- Department of Epidemiology
- Welch Center for Prevention
- Department of Epidemiology
- Resolve to Save Lives
- University of Oxford
- Resolve to Save Lives
External person
Makeda Williams
- National Institutes of Health
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- Center for Global Health
- Center for Global Health
External person
Mary E. Penny
- Johns Hopkins University
- Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
- Instituto de Investigación Nutricional
- Programme de Lutte Contre les Maladies Diarrheiques
- Insto. de Investigacion Nutricional
- Kintampo Health Research Center
- Department of Microbiology
- Department of International Health
- Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion Salvador Zubiran
- International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research Bangladesh
- Dhaka Medical College
- Nutrition Research Institute
- Emory University
- Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama Guatemala
- Aga Khan University
- Trisakti University
- Medical Research Council
- National Institute of Nutrition Vietnam
- University of California at Davis
- The University of the West Indies
- World Health Organization
- Dhaka Medical College and Hospital
- Inst. of Nutr. of Ctrl. America/P.
- MRC Biostatistics Unit
- Nutrition Research Institute
External person
M. Kratzmann
- Aboriginal Services
- Aborginal Services Center for Addictions and Mental Health
- Centre for Addictions and Mental Health
- Aborginal Services Center for Addictions and Mental Health
- University of Toronto
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
External person
Bo Youl Choi
- Hanyang University
- Institute for Health and Society
- Department of Preventive Medicine
External person
Reno Red Cloud
- Oglala Sioux Tribe Natural Resources Regulatory Agency
- Oglala Sioux Tribe
External person
Geoffrey Garnett
- Royal Brompton Hospital
- University of Oxford
- National Cancer Institute United States
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Imperial College London
- School of Public Health
- Dept. of Infect. Dis. Epidemiology
- Global Development
- Department of Infectious Diseases
- National Institutes of Health
- Office of AIDS Research
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- School of Public Health
- Global Health Program
- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
External person
L. Beck
- The Northwest Territories and Nunavut Public Health Association
- University of Northern British Columbia
- School of Health Sciences
External person
Lorenda Belone
- University of New Mexico
- Department of Health
- Individual, Fam. Comm. Educ. Prog.
External person
Lisa de las Fuentes
- Washington University St. Louis
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Biostatistics
- Department of Medicine
- Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences
- University of Glasgow
- Washington University
- University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
- Vanderbilt University
External person
Alan B. Zonderman
- National Cancer Institute United States
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- Johns Hopkins University
- East Carolina University
- National Institutes of Health
- Laboratory of Personality and Cognition
- Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Science
- Duke University
- Northwestern University
- National Research Council of Italy
- United States Food and Drug Administration
- Intramural Research Program
- Behavioral Epidemiology Section
- Laboratory of Personality and Cognition
- Behavioral Epidemiology Section
- Division of Epidemiology (DEPI)
- Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Sciences
- Laboratory of Behavioral Neuroscience
- Laboratory of Neuroscience
- Lab. of Personality and Cognition
- Gerontology Research Center
- Research Resources Branch
- Longitudinal Studies Section
- Laboratory of Epidemiology, Demography, and Biometry
- Lab of Personality and Cognition
- Research Resources Branch
- Division of Digestive Diseases
- Department of Community Health
- Laboratory of Cardiovascular Science
- Laboratory of Epidemiology and Population Science
- University of California at San Diego
- Behavioral Epidemiology Section
- Lab. Cardiovascular Sciences
- Laboratory of Personality and Cognition
- Triad Technology Center
- Laboratory of Clinical Investigation
- Departments of Psychiatry and Medicine
- Baltimore Longitudinal Stud. A.
- Gerontology Research Center
- Health Disparities Research Section
- Erasmus University Rotterdam
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Department of Medicine
- National Institute at Aging
- National Institute on Aging
- Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN
- National Institute on Aging
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
External person
Alice Fang Yan
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Community and Behavioral Health Promotion
- Joseph J. Zilber School of Public Health
- Medical College of Wisconsin
- University of Texas at San Antonio
- University of Maryland College Park School of Public Health
External person
Lisa M. Powell
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Institute for Health Research and Policy
External person
Tracy Zacher
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research Incorporated
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research, Inc.
External person
Katherine A. Johnson
- Johns Hopkins University
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Division of General Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine
- School of Public Health
- Department of Health
External person
Elsie De Roose
- Government of the Northwest Territories
- Department of Health and Social Services
- Government of the Northwest Territories
External person
Rebecca Y. Stallings
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of California at Davis
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Makerere University
- Depts. Pop. Dynam. and Intl. Hlth.
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Sandtown-Winchester HBP Contr. Prog.
- School of Hygiene and Public Health
- Department of International Health
- Johns Hopkins Sch. of Hyg./Public H.
- Department of Family and Community Health
- Institute of Public Health
- School of Hygiene and Public Health
- Department of Epidemiology
- Program Internat. Nutrition
- Center for Human Nutrition and International Health
- Program in International and Community Nutrition
External person
Laura M. Sena
- Johns Hopkins University
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Healthltimore
External person
Ramiro Fernandez Unsain
- Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires
- Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
- Universidade Federal de São Paulo
External person
J. A. Oski
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- Center for American Indian Health
- Center for Immunization Research
- Divisions Pediat. Cardiol. C.
- Div. of Pediatric Infect. Diseases
External person
Sarah Stark Casagrande
- Johns Hopkins University
- Social and Scientific Systems, Inc.
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- School of Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- Social & Scientific Systems Inc
External person
Kate Perepezko
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
- Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Mental Health
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- University of Pittsburgh
External person
David Mkaya-Mwamburi
- Tufts University
- South African Medical Research Council
- Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy
External person
Melissa Sattler
- Johns Hopkins University
- Agaston Urban Nutrition Initiative
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
External person
Safa Hamad
External person
Joe Gao
- University of Toronto
- Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital
External person
Yan Wang
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
- Division of Growth and Nutrition
- Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
- Office of Policy and Planning
- Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
- George Washington University
External person
Emily S. English
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Northwest
External person
Charlene C. Quinn
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- School of Medicine
- Division of Gerontology
- Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
- Division of Gerontology
- Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
- Department of Epidemiology and Public Health
- Division of Epidemiology and Prevention
- Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
- School of Medicine
External person
C. L. Rock
- University of California at San Diego
- Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
- Cancer Prevention Program
- Family and Preventive Medicine
- Dept. of Fam. and Prev. Medicine
- Department of Family and Preventive Medicine
- Department of Family and Preventative Medicine
- Department of Family and Preventive Medicine
- Department of Family and Preventative Medicine
External person
Miwa Yamaguchi
- National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition
- National Institute of Health and Nutrition Tokyo
External person
Lisa Bear Robe
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research Incorporated
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research, Inc.
External person
Catherine J. Martin
- University of Arizona
- Department of Physiology
- Department of Physiology
External person
Elizabeth F. Racine
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Department of Public Health
- WIC clinic
External person
Joni Mayer
- San Diego State University
- Institute for Behavioral and Community Health
- Institute for Behavioral and Community Health
External person
Tatiana Andreyeva
- Yale University
- University of Connecticut
- Department of Economics
- Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity
External person
Michael D. Sweat
- Medical University of South Carolina
- Johns Hopkins University
- AIDS Control and Prevention Project
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of International Health
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Family Services Research Center
- Family Services Research Center
- Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine
- Department of International Health
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of International Health
- Family Services Research Center
- Department of International Health
- School of Public Health
- FHI 360
- Department of International Health
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Division of Global and Community Health
- George Washington University
External person
Eli Zenkov
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
External person
Lenis Chen
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of International Health
External person
Hengjin Dong
- Heidelberg University
- Institute of Tropical Hygiene and Public Health
- Zhejiang University
External person
Khangelani Zuma
- University of Waikato
- University of New Zealand
- South African Medical Research Council
- Department of Statistics
- Department of Statistics
- University of the Witwatersrand
- Human Sciences Research Council South Africa
External person
Berenice Rushovich
- University of Maryland, College Park
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- School of Social Work
- School of Social Work
- Ruth H. Young Center for Children and Families
- Department of Behavioral and Community Health
External person
Tiffany L. Gary
- Johns Hopkins University
- The Wilmer Opthalmological Institute
- Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine
- Morgan-Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Columbia University
- Welch Center for Prevention
- Division of General Internal Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- Welch Center (JHUSOM)
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Mailman School of Public Health
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Division of Diabetes Translation
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Health Policy and Management
- Department of Epidemiology
- Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Loyola University Maryland
- Department of Epidemiology
- Division of General Internal Medicine
- University of Pittsburgh
External person
Victor G. Dávila-Román
- Washington University St. Louis
- University of Washington
- Department of Anesthesiology and Cardiovascular Division
- Missouri Baptist Medical Center
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Cardiovascular Division
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Allergy
- University of Washington
- Department of Anesthesiology
- Depts. of Anesth. and Medicine
- Departments of Psychiatry and Medicine
- Department of Anesthesiology
- Cardiovascular Division
- Washington University
- Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
- Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research
External person
Ingrid C. Kohlstadt
- Johns Hopkins University
- United States Food and Drug Administration
- Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Depts. Intl. Hlth. and Biostatist.
- Asociación Benéfica Prisma
External person
Annabelle Black Bear
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research Incorporated
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research, Inc.
External person
Marcella Tohannie
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- Center for Immunization Research
External person
Peggy I. Wang
- University of Pittsburgh
- Johns Hopkins University
- Carnegie Mellon University
External person
Laura Flamm
- Johns Hopkins University
- Baltimore City Health Department
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Department of International Health
External person
Cyd S. Nam
- Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities
- Joint Learning Initiative on Faith and Local Communities
External person
Regina Moore
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- Center for Immunization Research
External person
Claire Welsh
- Johns Hopkins University
- PAREXEL International
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
- PAREXEL International
External person
Ashley Hickson
- Ctr. for Sci. in Public Interest
- Center for Science in the Public Interest
External person
Daniel L. Hertenstein
- Johns Hopkins University
- Public Health Computational and Operations Research (PHICOR)
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
- Global Obesity Prevention Center (GOPC)
- Public Health Computational and Operations Research (PHICOR)
- City University of New York
External person
Katherine Lee
- Johns Hopkins University
- Departments of Health,Behavior,and Society
- Center for Human Nutrition
External person
Ruth P. Saunders
- University of South Carolina
- Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior
- University of South Carolina
- Department of Health Promotion, Education, and Behavior
External person
Shawn T. Brown
- University of Pittsburgh
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of California at Irvine
- Pittsburgh Supercomputing Centre
- HERMES Logistics Modeling Team
- McGill University
- HERMES Logistics Team
- McGill Centre for Integrative Neuroscience
- Public Health Computational and Operations Research Group
- Department of Epidemiology Biostatistics
- Department of Biostatistics
- Global Obesity Prevention Center (GOPC)
- Graduate School of Public Health
- Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center
- Department of Biostatistics
- Graduate School of Public Health
- Department of Biostatistics
- Division of Infectious Diseases and Health Policy Research Institute
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
- Department of Biostatistics
- Graduate School of Public Health
- Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
External person
Divya Prasad
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Pennsylvania
- Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes
- Joseph Stokes
- Division of Endocrinology and Diabetes
- Center for Human Nutrition
- The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
External person
S. S.Abdool Karim
- Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa
- University of KwaZulu-Natal
- Centre for AIDS Research in South Africa
- Department of Medicine
- Columbia University
- Department of Clinical Epidemiology
- Ragon Institute
- Cornell University
- Department of Epidemiology
- South African Medical Research Council
- Department of Pediatrics and Child Health
- HIV Vacc. and Prevention Trials Unit
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Sociomedical Sciences Mailman School of Public Health
- Department of Epidemiology
- Human Sciences Research Council South Africa
External person
Bent Egberg Mikkelsen
- Aalborg University
- Department of Clinical Medicine
- Department of Learning & Philosophy
External person
Valarie Blue Bird Jernigan
- University of Oklahoma
- Center for American Indian Health Research
- Oklahoma State University
External person
Usama Bilal
- Johns Hopkins University
- Instituto de Salud Carlos III
- University of Alcalá
- Centro Nacional de Investigaciones CardiovascularesMadrid
- Drexel University
- Social and Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Group
- Urban Health Collaborative
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology, Atherothrombosis and Cardiovascular Imaging
- Social and Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Group
- Department of Epidemiology, Atherothrombosis and Cardiovascular Imaging
- Department of Public Health Sciences
- Area de Epidemiología y Salud Pública
- Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares
- Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
External person
Elisa L. Pehlke
- Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama Guatemala
- Johns Hopkins University
- INCAP Comprehensive Center for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases (CIIPEC), Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP)
- Research Center for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases
- Department of International Health
External person
Eunju Sung
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Department of Family Medicine
- Center for Cohort Studies
- Center for Cohort Studies
- Department of Family Medicine
- Kangbuk Samsung Hospital
External person
Drew A. Zachary
- Johns Hopkins University
- Brandeis University
- Departments of Health Policy and Management
- The Heller School for Social Policy and Management
- Department of Health
External person
Anjali Sharma
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Toronto
- School of Hygiene and Public Health
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Center for Gun Policy and Research
External person
Laura T. Landman
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- Program in Global Disease Epidemiology and Control
- Center for Gun Policy and Research
External person
Felicia J. Setiono
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Johns Hopkins University
- Global Obesity Prevention Center and Center for Human Nutrition
External person
Matthew Lee
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
External person
Nicolette I. Teufel
- University of Arizona
- Arizona Prevention Center
- Northern Arizona University
External person
Melissa Tracy
- Columbia University
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- New York Academy of Medicine
- New York Acade My of Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- Ctr. for Urban Epidemiologic Res.
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- University Michigan Health System
- SUNY Albany
External person
Lindsay J. Underhill
- Boston University
- Department of Environmental Health
- Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- School of Medicine
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine
- Center for Global Non-Communicable Disease Research and Training
- Department of Environmental Health and Engineering
- Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
- Washington University St. Louis
- Emory University
- Asociaci n Ben fica Prisma
- University of the Valley of Guatemala
External person
John P. Elder
- Division of Health Promotion and Behavioral Science
- San Diego State University
- Division of Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences
- Institute for Behavioral and Community Health
- Graduate School of Public Health
- Graduate School of Public Health
- Brown Medical School/The Miriam Hospital
- Dept. of Med. and Community Health
- Brown University
External person
Tammy Martin
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- Center for Immunization Research
External person
Filippo Dibari
- World Food Programme Country Office
- United Nations World Food Programme Maputo
External person
Brian G. Williams
- World Health Organization
- Stellenbosch University
- Sacema Stellenbosch University
- South African Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis
- South African Centre for Epidemiology Modelling and Analysis
- Communicable Diseases
- South African DST/NRF Centre of Excellence in Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis (SACEMA)
- University of the Witwatersrand
External person
Alba Cebrecos
- University of Alcalá
- Social and Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Group
External person
Beverly S. Kingsley
- University of Oklahoma
- Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
- College of Public Health
External person
Francine Richards
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research Incorporated
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research, Inc.
External person
R. Ram
- Johns Hopkins University
- Nepal Eye Hospital
- Department of International Health
- School of Public Health
External person
M. Ramirez-Zea
- Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama Guatemala
- Research Center for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases
- INCAP Comprehensive Center for the Prevention of Chronic Diseases (CIIPEC)
- Centro Integral para la Prevención de Las Enfermedades Crónicas
External person
Sohyun Park
- Hallym University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Hanyang University
External person
Dawn Stewart
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of Pennsylvania
- The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
External person
Soo Kyung Lee
External person
Sevetra Peoples-Brown
- Office of Senator Mary Washington
- Baltimore Co. Bureau of Corrections
External person
Tamara Hannon
- Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
- Riley Hospital for Children
- University of Pittsburgh
- Section of Hematology
- Department of Pediatrics
- Johns Hopkins University
- Indiana University Bloomington
External person
D. Stevvart
External person
Amy Eyler
- Saint Louis University
- Washington University St. Louis
- Prevention Research Center in St. Louis
- Prevention Research Center
- Prevention Research Center
- Health Management and Policy
External person
Radha Rajan
- Maryland Global Obesity Prevention Center at Johns Hopkins Baltimore
- Department of Health
- Hopkins Center for Health Disparities Solutions
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
Louisa Kakegamic
External person
Nicole Coglianese
- Food for the Hungry
- DC
- Food for the Hungry
- Food for the Hungry
- Food for the Hungry
- Food for the Hungry
- Food for the Hungry
- Food for the Hungry, Nutrition
External person
Kelly J. Clifton
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Portland State University
- National Center for Smart Growth Education and Research
External person
Yuni Choi
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Center for Cohort Studies
- Center for Cohort Studies
- Centerfor Clinical Epidemiology
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
- Kangbuk Samsung Hospital
External person
Mark D. Huffman
- Northwestern University
- Centre for Chronic Disease Control
- Feinberg School of Medicine
- Department of Preventive Medicine
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Preventive Medicine
- Centre for Chronic Disease Control
- Departments of Preventive Medicine and Medicine
- University of New South Wales
- Washington University St. Louis
- The George Institute for Global Health
External person
Rebecca K. Campbell
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of International Health
- University of Illinois at Chicago
External person
Sandy J. Slater
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- Division of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Concordia University Wisconsin
External person
K. H. Brown
- Johns Hopkins University
- Instituto de Investigación Nutricional
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- University of California at Davis
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research Bangladesh
- Imperial College London
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
- Int. Cent.
- Programme de Lutte Contre les Maladies Diarrheiques
- Instituto de Investigacion Nutritional
- the Instituto de Investigacion Nutricional
- Center to Prevent Childhood Malnutrition
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Department of International Health
- Program Internat. Nutrition
- Department of Pediatrics and International Health
- Department of International Health
- Department of Nutrition
- Program in International and Community Nutrition
- Division of Geographic Medicine
- School of Hygiene and Public Health
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of International Health
- Instituto de Investigacion Nutricional
- Department of International Health
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- School of Medicine
- Department of Pediatrics
- Hammersmith Hospital
- Department of Nutrition
- Save the Children Nutrition Research Unit
- University of Helsinki
- Department of Medicine
- Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Medicas y Nutricion Salvador Zubiran
- Dhaka Medical College
- Nutrition Research Institute
- Emory University
- Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama Guatemala
- Aga Khan University
- Trisakti University
- Medical Research Council
- National Institute of Nutrition Vietnam
- The University of the West Indies
- Division of Geographic Medicine
- Nutrition and Global Development
- Program in International and Community Nutrition
- Program in International Nutrition
- Radiology Department
- Child Health Unit
- Laboratory of Infectious Diseases
- Center for Infection and Inflammation Imaging Research
- Institute de Inveatigacion Nutricional
- Depts. Pop. Dynam. and Intl. Hlth.
- Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Division of Neonatology
- Division of Geographic Medicine
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Division of Geographic Medicine
- World Health Organization
- Johns Hopkins Sch. of Hyg./Public H.
- Sch of Medicine
- Save the Children
- Dhaka Medical College and Hospital
- Inst. of Nutr. of Ctrl. America/P.
- Department of Radiology
- MRC Biostatistics Unit
- IZiNCG Fortification Task Force
- IZiNCG Fortification Task Force
- Helen Keller International
- Helen Keller International
- University of Georgia
External person
María Sandin
- University of Alcalá
- Social and Cardiovascular Epidemiology Research Group
External person
Carlo DiClemente
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County
- University of Houston
- Department of Psychology
External person
Stella Clanton
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
External person
Dania Orta-Aleman
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
External person
Russell J. De Souza
- Harvard University
- General Clinical Research Center
- Department of Nutrition
- McMaster University
- McMaster University
- Brigham and Women’s Hospital
- McMaster University Population Health Research Institute
External person
Cassandra J. Nguyen
- Washington State University Spokane
- University of California at Davis
External person
Haley Burns
External person
Chirayath Suchindran
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- University of New Mexico
- Dalhousie University
- Departments of Biostatistics
- Univ. of N. Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Department of Biostatistics
- Department of Biostatistics
- Ctr. for Hlth. Prom./Dis. Prevention
External person
A. Willem Sturm
- University of KwaZulu-Natal
- Department of Medical Microbiology
- Brown University
- Department of Medicine
- Brown Medical School/The Miriam Hospital
External person
G. Wandeler
- University of Bern
- Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
- University of Basel
- Clinic for Infectious Diseases
- Division of International and Environmental Health
- Department of Infectious Diseases
- Department of infectious Diseases
- Department of Infectious Disease
- Institute of Social and Preventative Medicine
- Institute of Social and Preventative Medicine
- Institute of Social and Preventative Medicine
- Fann University Hospital
- Brighton and Sussex Medical School
External person
Tracey Estep
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
- Department of Recreation and Parks–City of Baltimore
External person
L. M. Sacco
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Department of International Health
- Department of Nutrition
- School of Public Health
External person
A. Badawi
- Faculty of Medicine
- Public Health Agency of Canada
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- University of Toronto
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Public Health Risk Sciences Division
- Public Health Risk Sciences Division
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Medicine
- Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Medicine
- Thomas Jefferson University
- Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Medicine
- Faculty of Medicine
External person
Alison Cuccia
- Department of International Health
- Johns Hopkins University
- Army Institute of Public Health
External person
Martha Powers
- Johns Hopkins University
- Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research, Inc.
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research Incorporated
- Department of Environmental Health and Engineering and
- Northeastern University
- United States Environmental Protection Agency
External person
Valerie T. Santos
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- Center for Human Nutrition
External person
Leslie M. Cortes
- Medical College of Wisconsin
- University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
- Injury Research Center
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Emergency Medicine
- Injury Research Center
External person
K. D. Brownell
- Johns Hopkins University
- Yale University
- Harvard University
- Duke University
- Sanford School of Public Policy
- Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity
- World Food Policy Center
External person
Carolyn B. Moore
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- University of Alabama
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Schools of Medicine and Public Health
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Center for Infectious Disease Research-Zambia
- Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Division of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
- Birmingham School of Medicine
- Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Centre of Infectious Diseases in Zambia
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Medicine
External person
Kelly Blake
- Johns Hopkins University
- National Institutes of Health
- Harvard University
- Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
External person
Tim McGloin
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
- University of North Carolina
External person
Elisabeth Vaeth
- Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
- Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
- Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
- Maryland Department of Health
- Maryland Department of Mental Health
External person
Mark C. Edberg
- George Washington University
- Department of Prevention and Community Health
External person
Ricky Camplain
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Northern Arizona University
- Department of Epidemiology
- Center for Health Equity Research
External person
Leila Haidari
- Johns Hopkins University
- Carnegie Mellon University
- University of Pittsburgh
- Public Health Computational and Operations Research (PHICOR)
- HERMES Logistics Modeling Team
- HERMES Logistics Team
- Public Health Computational and Operations Research (PHICOR)
- Global Obesity Prevention Center (GOPC)
- Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center
- Public Health Computational and Operational Research (PHICOR) Group
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
- Public Health Computational and Operations Research (PHICOR)
- School of Medicine
- Computational and Operations Research (PHICOR)
- School of Public Health
- Public Health Computational and Operations Research Group
- Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
External person
Lori Rosman
- University of Southern California
- Johns Hopkins University
- Welch Medical Library
- Welch Medical Library
- Department of Epidemiology
- William H. Welch Medical Library
- Department of Preventive Medicine
- Health Effects Institute
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Naiman Consulting
- Drexel University
External person
Ronald E. Saxton
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of International Health
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
External person
Fei Xu
- Nanjing Medical University
- Nanjing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- Nanjing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Department of Non-communicable Disease Prevention
- Nanjing City Center for Disease Control and Prevention
External person
Adam K. Richards
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Global Health Access Program
- Karen Department of Health and Welfare
- Yeshiva University
- Community Partners International
- Medical Dirctr., International Medical Corps Emergency Response
- Department of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research
- Department of Family and Social Medicine
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program
- Dept. of Epidemiol. and Social Med.
- Department of Family and Social Medicine
- Montefiore Health System
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine
External person
Morgan Mccloskey
- Center for Human Nutrition and Global Obesity Prevention Center
- Johns Hopkins University
- Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
External person
Cheryl Anderson
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of California at San Diego
- University of California Office of the President
- Division of Preventive Medicine
- Division of Hematology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- University of California at Berkeley
- Department of Family & Preventive Medicine
- Univ. of California
- Johns Hopkins Center to Eliminate Cardiovascular Health Disparities
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Family and Preventive Medicine
- Department of Family and Preventive Medicine
- Welch Center for Prevention, Epidemiology and Clinical Research
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Welch Center for Prevention
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Preventive and Family Medicine
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of Family and Preventative Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- Departments of Epidemiology
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- Division of Preventive Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- Epidemiology
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Family Medicine and Public Health
- Department of International Health
- Department of Family and Preventive Medicine
- The Wilmer Opthalmological Institute
- Dept. of Fam. and Prev. Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Family and Preventive Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- University of Miami
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Division of General Internal Medicine
- University of Washington
- University of Pennsylvania
External person
Huijun Wang
- Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety
- Department of Public Health Nutrition and Nutrition Policy
External person
S. A. Esrey
- University of California at Davis
- McGill University
- Program Internat. Nutrition
- Faculty of Medicine
External person
Lauren Clay
- Dept. of Health Administration and Public Health
- D'Youville College
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County
External person
R. Marindo
- Johns Hopkins University
- Dept. of Pop./Family Health Sci.
- John Hop./Univ. Sch. Hyg. Publ. Hlth
External person
Kirsten K. Davison
- Harvard University
- Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
- Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Nutrition
- Department of Nutrition
- Boston College
External person
Atifa Mohammed Suleiman
- Public Health Laboratory-Ivo de Carneri
- Public Health Laboratory-Ivo de Carneri
- Public Health Laboratory-IdC
- Public Health Laboratory Ivo de Carneri
- Southern Province
External person
Tilly A. Gurman
External person
Mutinta Nseluke Hambayi
- United Nations World Food Programme Lilongwe Malawi
- United Nations World Food Programme
External person
Annabelle Black Bear
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research, Inc.
- Missouri Breaks Industries Research Incorporated
External person
Usha Dhingra
- Johns Hopkins University
- All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
- Center for Public Health Kinetics
- Annamalai University
- Reichman University
- Public Health Laboratory-Ivo de Carneri
- AMANHI Gestational Age Study Group
- India and Public Health Laboratory-IdC
- Department of International Health
- Center for Micronutrient Research
- Department of International Health
- Public Health Laboratory-IdC
- Center for Immunization Research
- Centre for Public Health Kinetics
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Department of Biochemistry
- Department of International Health
- International Center for Maternal and Newborn Health
- Department of Pediatrics
- Public Health Laboratory-Ivo de Carneri
- Southern Province
- Pemba
- Centre for Public Health Kinetics (CPHK)
- Global Division
External person
W. M. Mavhu
- Johns Hopkins University
- Centre for Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Research
- Centre for Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Research (CeSHHAR)
- Dept. of Pop./Family Health Sci.
- John Hop./Univ. Sch. Hyg. Publ. Hlth
- Centre for Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Research
External person
Morda Netwon
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
External person
Holly Freishtat
- Baltimore City Department of Planning
- Baltimore Food Policy Initiative
- Baltimore Food Policy Initiative
- Baltimore City Department of Planning
External person
Kimberly O. O'Brien
- Johns Hopkins University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Cornell University
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Division of Nutritional Sciences
- Division of Nutritional Sciences
- Division of Nutritional Sciences
- Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Johns Hopkins Sch. of Hyg./Public H.
- Department of International Health
- Division of Nutritional Sciences
- Dept. of Gynecology and Obstetrics
- Division of Nutritional Sciences
- Clinical Research Center
- Nutritional Sciences Department
- University of Connecticut
- Department of Pediatrics
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Center for Human Nutrition
- Division of Neonatology
External person
Rachel S. Purvis
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
- University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences Northwest
External person
Ryan M. Lee
- Johns Hopkins University
- Center for A Livable Future
- Department of Health
- Network for Public Health Law
- Public Health Law Center
External person
Dianne Neumark-Sztainer
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Division of Epidemiology
- Division of Epidemiology
- Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
- Division of Epidemiology
- Division of General Pediatrics
- Div. of Gen. Pediat. and Adol. Hlth.
- School of Public Health
- Division of Epidemiology and Community Health
External person
Anjali Sharma
- Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia
- Centre of Infectious Diseases in Zambia
- University of California at Davis
- Plot 34620
- Bronx CRS
External person
Sonia S. Arteaga
- National Institutes of Health
- Division of Prevention and Population Sciences
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
External person
Steven Kelder
- University of Texas at Austin
- University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
External person
Xinyu Shi
- SUNY Buffalo
- Department of Epidemiology and Environmental Health
- Department of Educational Leadership and Policy
External person
K. Kraemer
- Sight and Life
- Johns Hopkins University
- Sight and Life
- DSM Food Specialties
- Sight and Life
- Sight and Light
- Sight and Life
- Sight and Life
- Department of International Health
- Sight and Life
- Sight and Life Foundation
- Sight and Life Foundation
External person
Seungho Ryu
- Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
- Total Healthcare Center
- Sungkyunkwan University
- Department of Clinical Research Design and Evaluation
- Center for Cohort Studies
- Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- Center for Cohort Studies
- Center for Total Health Studies
- Center for Cohort Studies
- Total Healthcare Center (S.R
- Department of Health Sciences and Technology
- Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (Y.C.
- Department of Clinical Research Design & Evaluation
- Center for Cohort Studies
- Samsung
- Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
- School of Health and Social Studies
- Dalarna University
- Total Healthcare Center
- Johns Hopkins University
- Kangbuk Samsung Hospital
- Total S.A.
- Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan university
External person
Jeremy A. Steeves
- National Institutes of Health
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Maryville College
- Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
- Center for Aging and Translational Research
- Maryville College
- Cancer Prevention Fellowship Program
External person
Leah Seifu
- University of Pennsylvania
- Johns Hopkins University
- The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
External person