Shaoguang Chen
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Pathology
- Department of Radiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
- Department of Epidemiology
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
External person
Edward R. Hammond
- Johns Hopkins University
- Division of Neurology
- Kennedy Krieger Institute
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Epidemiology
- International Center for Spinal Cord Injury
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Neurology
- Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Neurology
- Behavioral Pharmacol. Research Unit
- Division of Hematology
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Departments of Neurology and Psychiatry
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- New York University
External person
Ji Li
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Radiology
- Department of Pathology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
External person
Jag H. Khalsa
- National Institutes of Health
- Center for Mental Health Research on AIDS
- Division of Pharmacotherapies
- Department of Urology
- National Institute on Drug Abuse
- George Washington University
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
External person
Raul Mandler
- National Cancer Institute United States
- National Institutes of Health
- Center for the Clinical Trials Network
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- Johns Hopkins University
- George Washington University
External person
Jerry Wesch
- Howard Brown Memorial Clinic
- Northwestern University
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of California at Los Angeles
- UCSF Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute
- Howard Brown Health Center
- Howard Brown Clinic
- Howard Brown Memorial Clinic
- Schools of Public Health and Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- VA Medical Center
- Department of Epidemiology
- Howard Brown Health Center
External person
Jessica S. Merlin
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- University of Alabama
- Division of Gerontology
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Gerontology
- University of Pittsburgh
External person
Marcella Guccione
- Departments of Epidemiology
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Pediatrics
External person
Ron D. Stall
- Department of Behavioral and Community Health Sciences
- University of Pittsburgh
- Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology
- Graduate School of Public Health
- Department of Behavioral and Community Health Sciences
- Graduate School of Public Health
- Evaluation Institute for Public Health
- Department of Behavioral and Community Health Sciences
- University of California at San Francisco
External person
Donald R. Hoover
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Pittsburgh
- National Cancer Institute United States
- Northwestern University
- Ministry of Health, Malawi
- Swiss Federal Office of Public Health
- The Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study
- M/C A-142
- Department of Statistics
- Dept. of Stat. and Inst. for Aging
- Department of Epidemiology
- Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- University of California Office of the President
- National Institutes of Health
- Los Angeles School of Public Health
- Division of Ocular Immunology
- School of Hygiene and Public Health
- Graduate School of Public Health
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Preventive Medicine
- Departments of Epidemiology, International Health and Molecular Microbiology and Immunology
- Health Department
- Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health
- Laboratory of Irnmunoregulation
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Statistics
- Hygiene and Public Health
- The Malawi Medical College
- The Departments of Ophthalmology and Molecular Microbiology and Immunology and Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Department of Epidemiology
- School of Hygiene and Public Health
- Department of Statistics and Biostatistics
- Departments of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
- Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Dept. Stat. Ctr. Hlth. Care Plcy. A.
- Department of Biochemistry School of Hygiene and Public Health
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Graduate School of Public Health
- Department of Ophthalmology
- Health Care Policy and Aging Research
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Neurology
- New York Acade My of Medicine
- Departments of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics Research Branch
- Merck
- Departments of Biostatistics and Epidemiology
- Department of Statistics
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, Newark
- Department of Psychiatry
- New York Academy of Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Maternal and Child Health
- Rutgers Uni-versity
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology
- Rutgers University
- SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University
- Department of Neurology
- Kamuzu University of Health Sciences
- University of Malawi
External person
Michael R. Irwin
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
External person
Alex Thompson
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
External person
Man E. Charurat
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Johns Hopkins University
- Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine
- Hematology and Oncology
- Center for International Health Education and Biosecurity
External person
Scott Letendre
- University of California at San Diego
- Rady Children's Hospital
- University of San Diego
- Pharmacology and Immunology Component
- Laboratory
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Medicine
- Health Neurobehavioral Research Program
- Laboratory
- Department of Pediatrics (Rady Children's Hospital)
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry (8231)
- Antiviral Research Center
- Department of Medicine
- Pharmacology and Immunology Component
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Psychiatry
- HIV Neurobehavioral Research Program (HNRP)
- Johns Hopkins University
- Departments of Psychiatry and Medicine
- Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health
- Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- HIV Neurobehavioral Research Center
- Department of Medicine
- University of Texas at Austin
- University of Washington
- Washington University St. Louis
- Laboratory
- University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
- Boston College
External person
Parker Foster
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Pathology
- Medical College of Wisconsin
External person
Susan Morgello
- New York University
- Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- Johns Hopkins University
- Washington University St. Louis
- University of Washington
- Mount Sinai School of Medicine Site
- Mount Sinai Medical Center Miami Beach
- Departments of Neurology
- Department of Pathology
- Department of Neuroscience
- Departments of Pathology and Neuroscience
- University of California Office of the President
- University of Texas at Austin
- Icahn School of Medicine of Mount Sinai
- Department of Neurology, Neuroscience and Pathology
- Department of Neurology
- Dept. of Medicine
- Department of Psychiatry
- Departments of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
- University of California at San Diego
- University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
- Departmens of Pathology
- Departmens of Neuroscience
- Departmens of Neurology
- Department of Pathology and Psychiatry
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Pathology (Division of Neuropathology)
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neuroscience
- Departments of Neuroscience and Pathology
- Department of Pathology
- Tongji University School of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- University of Washington
- Mt. Sinai University
- Mount Sinai School of Medicine Site
- Mount Sinai School of Medicine Site
External person
Ebtesam Ahmed
- Metropolitan Jewish Health System Institute for Innovation in Palliative Care
- Long Island University
- Metropolitan Jewish Health System Institute for Innovation in Palliative Care
- Metropolitan Jewish Health System Institute for Innovation in Palliative Care
External person
Michael Mugavero
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- University of Alabama
- Johns Hopkins University
- 141917 HIV/AIDS Clinic, Department of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine and UAB Center for AIDS Research
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- University of Washington
- Department of Medicine
- School of Medicine
- School of Medicine
- UAB Center for AIDS Research
- 1917 HIV/AIDS Clinic
- Harvard University
- Schizophrenia Clinical and Research Program
- Clinic Cohort
- Departments of Medicine/Infectious Diseases
- Brown Medical School/The Miriam Hospital
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Vanderbilt University
- Massachusetts General Hospital
- University of California at San Diego
External person
R. Douglas Bruce
- Yale University
- Sequana Therapeutics
- AIDS Program
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Section of Hematology
External person
M. S. Saag
- NA-ACCORD Coordinating Center
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Johns Hopkins University
- National Institutes of Health
- University of Alabama
- 141917 HIV/AIDS Clinic, Department of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Department of Medicine
- Laboratory of Immunoregulation
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Internal Medicine
- Division of Preventive Medicine
- Medicine
- School of Medicine
- Clinic Cohort
- University of Alabama
- Medicine
- University of Washington
- ViiV Healthcare
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- GlaxoSmithKline
- University of California at San Diego
External person
Elinore F. McCance-Katz
- University of California at San Francisco
- Virginia Commonwealth University
- United States Department of Health and Human Services
- Div. of Addiction Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Eleanor Slater Hospital
External person
Kathleen M. Foley
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
- Cornell University
- Headquarters Office
- Pain and Palliative Care Service
- Amer. Society of Clinical Oncology
- Department of Neurology
- American Society for Clinical Pathology
External person
Ron J. Ellis
- University of California at San Diego
- VA Medical Center
- University of California at Los Angeles
- AIDS Research Alliance
- Rady Children's Hospital
- University of San Diego
- Neuromedical Component
- Neuro-medical Component
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Neurosciences
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Neurosciences
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurosciences
- Department of Neurosciences
- Department of Psychiatry
- Ludwig Institute
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Johns Hopkins University
- Neuro-medical Component
- Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- University of Washington
- Washington University St. Louis
- University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
- University of Rochester
External person
A. A. Pieper
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Texas at Dallas
- University of Iowa
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Psychiatry and Biochemistry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Neurology
- Departments of Neuroscience
- Departments of Pediatrics and Biochemistry
- University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
- Department of Psychiatry
- Dept. of Pharmacol./Molec. Sciences
- Case Western Reserve University
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Cleveland Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center
External person
John O. Bonner
External person
Benjamin Gelman
- University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Texas at Austin
- Washington University St. Louis
- University of Washington
- University of California Office of the President
- Icahn School of Medicine of Mount Sinai
- Department of Pathology
- Medical Branch
- Dept. of Medicine
- Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- Department of Psychiatry
- Departments of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
- University of California at San Diego
- Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology
- Center for Biodefense
- Department of Neurology and Medicine (Infectious Diseases)
- Texas NeuroAIDS Research Center and Department of Pathology
- Department of Medicine
- University of Washington
- University of Texas System
External person
Christina Marra
- University of Washington
- Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- Washington University St. Louis
- National Institutes of Health
- University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
- Department of Neurology
- University of California at San Diego
- Department of Neurology and Medicine
- University of California Office of the President
- University of Texas at Austin
- Johns Hopkins University
- Icahn School of Medicine of Mount Sinai
- Department of Neurology
- Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Department of Neurology
- School of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Dept. of Medicine
- Department of Psychiatry
- Departments of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- Depts. Med., Epidemiol., Hlth. Serv.
- Department of Neurology and Medicine (Infectious Diseases)
- Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Neuroscience
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Neurology
- University of Washington
- University of Washington
- University of Washington
- University of Rochester
External person
Paula Lum
- University of California at San Francisco
- Division of Nephrology
- Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- School of Medicine
- Division of HIV
External person
Mary Amanda Dew
- University of Pittsburgh
- Johns Hopkins University
- Zucker Hillside Hospital
- School of Medicine
- Univ. Ctr. for Social and Urban Res.
- Department of Biostatistics
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry Research
- Departments of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Epidemiology
- School of Medicine
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Mental Hlth. Clin. Res. Ctr. S.
- Departments of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Biostatistics
- National Institutes of Health
- Ottawa Methods Centre
- Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station
- Biobehavioral Oncology Program
- Departments of Neuroscience Psychiatry and Psychology
- Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- United Network for Organ Sharing
- Natl. Inst. of Mental Hlth. Ctr. for Late Life Depression Prev. and Intervention
- United Network for Organ Sharing
External person
Igor Grant
- University of California at San Diego
- University of California Office of the President
- VA Medical Center
- Washington University St. Louis
- University of Washington
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry (0680)
- University of Texas at Austin
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Psychiatry
- Icahn School of Medicine of Mount Sinai
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Dept. of Medicine
- Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- Departments of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
- University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
- Department of Psychiatry (8231)
- Psychiatry Service
- HIV Neurobehavioral Research Program (HNRP)
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Ophthalmology
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Department of Medicine
- Psychiatry Service
- University of California
- American Psychiatric Association
- DSM-IV Work Group on Organic Mental Disorders
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- University of Washington
- Department of Ophthalmology
- American Psychiatric Association
External person
E. G. Bing
- Johns Hopkins University
- Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
External person
David M. Simpson
- Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- Departments of Neurology
- Tongji University School of Medicine
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Neurology
- Mount Sinai Medical Center Miami Beach
- Department of Neurology
- Mount Sinai School of Medicine Site
External person
Brent P. Goodman
- Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- Mayo Clinic Scottsdale, AZ
- Metrodora Institute
External person
Peter A. Selwyn
- Yeshiva University
- Yale AIDS Program
- Department of Family and Social Medicine
- Yale University
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine
External person
David B. Clifford
- Washington University St. Louis
- University of Washington
- Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- National Institutes of Health
- Box 8111, Neurology
- Community Research Initiative of New England
- Building 10/7C-103
- Department of Neurology
- Neurol. Neurosurg. Intensive Care U.
- Department of Neurology and Medicine
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- Dept. of Medicine
- Department of Psychiatry
- Departments of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of California at San Diego
- University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
- Department of Neurology
- Laboratory of Molecular Medicine and Neuroscience
- Department of Neurology
- Neuroscience Center
- Department of Medicine
- University of Washington
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Neurology
- University of Washington
- University of Texas at Austin
- Duke University
- University of Rochester
External person
Sandeepan Bhatia
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Pathology
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
External person
M. McKnight
- Johns Hopkins University
- Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Division of Gastroenterology
External person
Nicole M. Armstrong
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Laboratory of Behavioral Neuroscience
- National Institutes of Health
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- National Institute at Aging
- Brown Medical School/The Miriam Hospital
External person
Linda A. Teplin
- Northwestern University
- Northwestern University
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Medicine: Infectious Diseases
- Division of Cardiology
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- University of California at San Francisco
External person
Adam Rosenblatt
- Department of Psychiatry
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
- Behavioral Pharmacol. Research Unit
- Copper Ridge Institute
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry
- Department of Neurology
- Virginia Commonwealth University
- Div. Geriat. Psychiat. N.
- Division of Neurobiology
- Dept. of Psychiat. and Behav. Sci.
- Division of Neurobiology
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Departments of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences
- University of Iowa
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Psychiatry
- Meyer 4-119
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- School of Medicine
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Neurology
- Copper Ridge Institute
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
- Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry
External person
Chia Ying Liu
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- National Cancer Institute United States
- Johns Hopkins University
- Radiology and Imaging Sciences, National Institutes of Health
- Clinical Center
- National Institutes of Health
- Health Clinical Center
- Radiology and Imaging Sciences
- Department of Radiology
- Department of Radiology
- Department of Radiology and Radiological Science
- Radiology and Imaging Sciences
- McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
- Division of Cardiology
- Department of Radiology
- Division of Hematology
- National Institutes of Health
- Department of Radiology
- Department of Cardiology/Medicine
- Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences
- MR 110 Radiology
- Division of Cardiology
- Clinical Center
- Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Wake Forest University
- Division of Cardiology
- Toshiba Medical Systems Corporation
External person
S. Haikalis
External person
B. Grubb
- University of Toledo
- Pennsylvania State University
- Cardiac Electrophysiology Section
- Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- Departments of Neurology
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
External person
S. Chuck
External person
R. Kertzner
External person
P. R. Muskin
External person
Melena D. Bellin
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Fairview Health Service
- Departments of Pediatrics and Surgery
- Department of Pediatrics
- Division of Blood and Marrow Transplantation
External person
J. L. Worth
External person
Elizabeth Crabb Breen
- University of California Office of the President
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
- Departments of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
- Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
- Departments of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
- Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology
- UCLA Schools of Public Health and Medicine
- Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
- Depts. Obstet. Gynecol. M.
- Department of Microbiology
- Cousins Center for Psychoneuroimmunology
- Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology
- Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior
- Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
- University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
- University of Pittsburgh
External person
Zhiying You
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Division of Preventive Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
External person
Thomas R. Kosten
- Baylor College of Medicine
- VA Medical Center
- Yale University
- University of Toronto
- Division of Alcohol and Addictive Disorders
- Investigative Medicine Program
- Department of Psychiatry
- West Haven VA Medical Center/116A2
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Centre for Addiction and Mental Health
External person
A. Swetz
- Johns Hopkins University
- Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene
- Maryland Division of Correction
- State of Maryland
- Inmate Health Care
- Center for Planning and Evaluation
- Maryland Division of Correction
- Department of Psychiatry
- Maryland Department of Agriculture
- State of Maryland
External person
Michael T. Brady
- Nationwide Children’s Hospital
- Ohio State University
- Section of Infectious Diseases
- Columbus Children's Hospital
External person
Carlos M. Isada
- Cleveland Clinic Foundation
- Rush University
- Department of Infectious Diseases
- Depertment of Infectious Diseases
- Dept. of Immunology and Microbiology
- Department of Infectious Disease
- Department of Infectious Diseases
External person
T. Stephen Jones
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Johns Hopkins University
- Georgia Department of Agriculture
- Division of HIV/AIDS
- Prevention Services Research Branch
- Div. HIV/AIDS Prev.: Intervention R.
- Office of Associate Director HIV
- Office of Associate Director HIV
- Dept. of Hlth. Plcy. and Management
- International Health Program Office
- Natl. Ctr. for HIV, STD,/TB Prev.
- Georgia Department of Corrections
- Endocrine-Metabolic Service
- Walter Reed Army Institute of Research
External person
James T. Becker
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Psychiatry
- University of Pittsburgh
- Department of Neurology
- Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology and Psychology
- Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology
- Departments of Neuroscience Psychiatry and Psychology
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychology
- National Institutes of Health
- Infect. Dis. Epidemiol. Res. Unit
- Department of Psychiatry
- School of Medicine
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology and Psychiatry
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Psychiatry
- Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS
- VA Medical Center
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- UCSF Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Neurology
- Laboratory of Molecular Neuropharmacology
- Infectious Diseases Epidemiology Research Unit
- Kidney Research Institute
- University of Washington
- Departments of Psychiatry
- Graduate School of Public Health
- Laboratory of Neurogenetics
- Division of Endocrinology
- Department of Infectious Diseases and Microbiology
- Neuropsychology Research Program
- Neuropsychology Research Program
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Psychology
External person
Dhiraj Yadav
- University of Pittsburgh
- Stanford University
- National Institutes of Health
- Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
- Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Gastroenterology
- Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Division of Endocrinology
- Division of Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition
- Division of Digestive Diseases and Nutrition
- Division of Gastroenterology
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Gastroenterology
- Mezzanine Level, C Wing, PUH
- Ohio State University
- Department of Medicine
External person
Wong Wing-Wai
- National Yang-Ming University
- Department of Medicine
- National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
External person
C. A. Kennedy
External person
R. P. Cabaj
External person
Steven M. Wolinsky
- Northwestern University
- Howard Brown Memorial Clinic
- Case Western Reserve University
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- Los Alamos National Laboratory
- The Pediatric AIDS Foundation
- Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center
- NW University Medical School
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Howard Brown Memorial Clinic
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Howard Brown Memorial Clinic
- Feinberg School of Medicine
- Santa Fe Institute
- Department of Medicine
- Howard Brown Health Center
- Division of Cardiology
- Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Cardiology
- Feinberg Cardiovasc. Res. Institute
- Department of Medicine
- Rush Medical College and Cook County Bureau of Health Services
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Chicago-Northwestern CRS
External person
D. Rosmarin
External person
C. Zilber
External person
Benjamin Silvermari
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
External person
Fernando E. Taragano
- Centro de Educación Médica e Investigaciones Clínicas Norberto Quirno
- Johns Hopkins University
- Johns Hopkins Univ. and Hospital
- Geriatric Neuropsychiatry Group
External person
N. V. Juthani
External person
Margaret A. Henderson
External person
R. M. Hendrickson
External person
P. Ross
External person
Haidong Lu
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Yale University
- New York University Shanghai
External person
Wynne E. Norton
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Department of Health Behavior
- National Institutes of Health
External person
Anne Zinski
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- University of Alabama
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- School of Medicine
External person
Joseph E. Schumacher
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Division of Preventive Medicine
- Division of Preventive Medicine
- Division of Preventive Medicine
- Department of Medicine
External person
Eileen Martin
- Rush University
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- Kaiser Permanente
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Epidemiology and Medicine
- Department of Psychiatry
- Chicago College of Medicine
- Departments of Neurology
- Department of Psychiatry
- Departments of Psychiatry and Neurology
- Rush University School of Medicine
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Neurology
External person
M. Bennett
External person
V. E. Pearson
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Colorado Denver
- Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
- School of Medicine
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Psychiatry
- Division of Neurobiology
External person
Chuck Spoler
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Pathology
- Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care
- Dept. of Psychiat. and Behav. Sci.
- Divisions of Gastroenterology
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Epidemiology
External person
Susan Hobbs
- Johns Hopkins University
- Dept. of Psychiat. and Behav. Sci.
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
External person
Andrew J. Levine
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Neurology
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Neurology
- Multicenter AIDS Cohort Study (MACS
- Department of Psychiatry
- Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Biostatistics
External person
Frederick W. Houts
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Washington School of Medicine
- University of Maryland Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
External person
L. Y. Kline
External person
Alexander B. Stone
- Sun Yat-Sen University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Harvard University
- Department of Gastrointestinal Surgery
- Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
- Department of Anesthesiology/Critical Care Medicine
- Department of Surgery
- Dept. of Anesth. and Critical C.
- Department of Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine
- Department of Anesthesiology
- Hospital for Special Surgery - New York
- Brigham and Women’s Hospital
External person
George J. Brewer
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Department of Internal Medicine and Surgery
- Department of Human Genetics
- Depts. of Int. Med. and Hum. Genet.
- Department of Human Genetics
- Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Department of Internal Medicine
External person
George F. Koob
- Scripps Research Institute
- Johns Hopkins University
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Wesleyan University
- Department of Psychology
- Neurobiology of Addiction Section
- National Institutes of Health
- Department of Neuropharmacology
- University of Florida
External person
Gwendolyn Sowa
- University of Pittsburgh
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
- Department of Anesthesiology
- Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- Departments of Bioengineering
External person
Jill R. Schofield
- University of Colorado Denver
- University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
External person
Muhamad Aly Rifai
External person
Benjamin C. Silverman
External person
Khan Asad
- Tawam Hospital
- Infectious Diseases Department
- Abu Dhabi Health Services Company
External person
Thanomsak Anekthananon
- Mahidol University
- Department of Preventive and Social Medicine
- Department of Preventive and Social Medicine
External person
Corr Melissa
- Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
- Department of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry
External person
Li Patrick Chung-Ki
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital Hong Kong
- Department of Medicine and Infectious Diseases
External person
Christine N. Smith
- University of California at San Diego
- University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychology
External person
Joyce E. King
- Inpatient Medicine Medstar Franklin Square Family Medicine Residency Program
- Georgetown University
External person
Larry R. Squire
- VA Medical Center
- University of California at San Diego
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Neurosciences
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry (116)
- Department of Veterans Affairs
External person
P. Ruiz
External person
T. Hultin
External person
Anna Evans Phillips
- University of Pittsburgh
- Division of Endocrinology
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Gastroenterology
- Mezzanine Level, C Wing, PUH
External person
Seth Himelhoch
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- University of Baltimore
- Veterans Affairs Capitol Health Care Network (Veterans Integrated Service Network 5)
- Maryland Psychiatric Research Center
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Maryland Psychiatric Research Center
- Veterans Affairs Capitol Healthcare Network Mental Illness Research
- Department of Psychiatry
- University of Maryland University College
- Department of Psychology
- VA Medical Center
- University of Kentucky
- University of Maryland Medical System
External person
Chris E. Forsmark
- University of Florida
- Division of Infectious Disease and Global Medicine
- Division of Hematology/Oncology
- Division of Cardiology
- Medical University of South Carolina
External person
S. Ramchandren
- University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- Wayne State University
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- University of Michigan
- Stanford University
- PRA Health Sciences
- PRA Health Services
- Johnson & Johnson
External person
Jack M. Gorman
- Columbia University
- Departments of Psychiatry
- HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies
- Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
- National Depressive and Manic-Depressive Association
- Franklin Behavioral Health Consultants
- Departments of Neurology and Psychiatry
- Comprehensive NeuroScience Corporation
- Comprehensive NeuroScience Corporation
- Comprehensive NeuroScience Inc.
- HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies
External person
D. Hicks
External person
John W. Griffin
- Johns Hopkins University
- Statens Serum Institut
- University of Pennsylvania
- National Cancer Institute United States
- University of Würzburg
- Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN
- National Neuroscience Institute of Singapore
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, Newark
- Medical University of South Carolina
- University of Calgary
- University of Pittsburgh
- United States Air Force Academy
- Emory University
- Meyer 6-113
- Department of Neuroscience
- Laboratory of Neuromuscular Disease
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- Department of Neurology
- Medical Neurology Branch
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Pathology
- Snyder Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Neurology
- Departments of Neurology and Neuroscience
- Departments of Neurology and Neuroscience
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- Human Cortical Physiology and Motor Control Laboratory
- Dept. of Molec. Microbiol./Immunol.
- McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Pharmacology
- John F. Kennedy Center for Handicapped Children and Department of Neurology
- Department of Neurology
- 170 Woods Research Building
- USAF, MC FS, Neuroyhysiology Lab.
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Pathology
- Department of Neuroscience
- Dept. of Pathol. and Oncology Center
- Departments of Neurology and Pathology
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Pathology, and Radiology
- Department of Neuroscience
- Brain Science Institute
- Department of Neurology
- National Institutes of Health
- Dept. of Pathology and Neuroscience
- Department of Neurology
- Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Neuroscience
- Departments of Neurology and Pathology
- Departments of Neurology
- Departments of Pathology (Neuropathology) and Neurology
- National Institute for Neurologic Diseases and Stroke
- The Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Neurosurgery
- Department of Pathology
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Department of Microbiology
- University of Galway
- Montefiore University Hospital
- Singapore Health Services
External person
Heidi M. Crane
- University of Washington
- Department of Medicine
- Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Department of Medicine
- Center for AIDS Research
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Medicine
- Clinical Epidemiology and Health Services Research Core
- Cardiovascular Health Research Unit
- Division of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- School of Medicine
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Washington
- University of Washington HIV Cohort
- Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center
- University of Washington
- University of Washington
- Washington University St. Louis
- University of California at Los Angeles
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Vanderbilt University
- Data Management Core
- Vanderbilt Comprehensive Care Clinic Hiv Cohort
External person
Etheldreda Nakimuli-Mpungu
- Makerere University
- Makerere University
- School of Medicine
- Peter C. Alderman Foundation
- Department of Psychiatry
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Mental Health
- College of Health Sciences
- Department of Psychiatry
- Johns Hopkins School of Public Health
- Butabika National Referral Mental Hospital
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- Department of Mental Health
- Peter C Alderman Foundation
External person
Leonardo Kapural
- Center for Clinical Research
- Carolinas Pain Institute at Brookstown
- Wake Forest Baptist Health Care System
- Wake Forest University
- Carolina Pain Institute, Wake Forest Baptist Health
- The Center for Clinical Research Winston-Salem
- Center for Clinical Research and Carolina's Pain Institute
- Department of Anesthesia
- Carolinas Pain Institute
- Carolinas Pain Institute
External person
James L. Raper
- University of Alabama
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Department of Medicine
- 1917 HIV/AIDS Clinic
- Department of Medicine
External person
Robert G. Robinson
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Iowa
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- University of Melbourne
- Psychiatry and the Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Psychiatry
- Division of Neurobiology
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Behavioral Pharmacol. Research Unit
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Neuroscience Program
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Laboratory of Neurobiology
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
- Departments of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Psychiatry
- Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine
- Dept. of Psychiat. and Behav. Sci.
- Department of Neuroscience
- Department of Psychiatry
- Departments of Neuroscience
- National Institutes of Health
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Oregon Health and Science University
- Eating Disorders Institute
- Cornell University
- Austin Health
- University of Utah
- New York Presbyterian Hospital
External person
D. Scott Batey
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Department of Social Work
- Department of Medicine
- Behavioral Science Core
- Tulane University
- School of Social Work
External person
L. Siegel
External person
Seggane Musisi
- Makerere University
- Makerere University
- School of Medicine
- Peter C. Alderman Foundation
- Department of Psychiatry
- Peter C. Alderman Foundation Uganda
- Department of Psychiatry
- College of Health Sciences
- Department of Medicine
- School of Medicine
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Medicine and Psychiatry
- Peter C Alderman Foundation
External person
Asbjørn Mohr Drewes
- Aalborg University
- Centre for Pancreatic Diseases
- Mech-Sense
- Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Clinical Institute
- Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
- Department of Clinical Medicine
- Aarhus University
External person
L. Colloca
- University of Maryland, Baltimore
- School of Medicine
- Department of Pain and Translational Symptom Science
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- National Institutes of Health
- University of Maryland Center to Advance Chronic Pain Research
- University of Maryland
- University of Maryland
- University of Maryland, College Park
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
J. Rabkin
External person
Ian Paul Everall
- University of Melbourne
- King's College London
- University of California at San Diego
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- Depts. Neuropathology Biostatist. C.
- Department of Neuropathology
- MRC Alzheimer's Disease Brain Bank
External person
Hong Zhu
- Department of Pathology
- Johns Hopkins University
- Tianjin Medical University
- Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
External person
Jami L. Saloman
- Division of Gastroenterology
- Mezzanine Level, C Wing, PUH
- University of Pittsburgh
External person
J. T. Thornhill IV
External person
Joaquin Paz
- Pfizer Corporation
- Johns Hopkins Univ. and Hospital
- Johns Hopkins University
External person
S. Ferrando
External person
Christine S. Ritchie
- University of California at San Francisco
- VA Medical Center
- University of Alabama
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Jewish Home San Francisco
- Center for Research on Aging
- Jewish Home San Francisco Center for Research on Aging
- Clinical Center (GRECC)
- Department of Medicine
- University of Louisville
- Schools of Medicine and Dentistry
- Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Center for Aging
- Lister Hill Center for Health Policy
- Department of Medicine
- Clinical Center
- Birmingham/Atlanta Veterans Affairs Geriatric Research
- Division of Gerontology
- Department of Medicine
- Lister Hill Center for Health Policy
- Center for Aging
- Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Department of Medicine
- School of Medicine
- Sch. of Pub. Hlth. and Info. Sci.
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Geriatrics
- Department of Medicine
- Dept. of Vet. Affairs Medical Center
- Center on Aging
- Center for Aging
- Geriatric Research and Education Clinical Center
- Department of Medicine (Division of Gerontology, Geriatrics, and Palliative Care)
- Center for Aging
- Sierra Pacific Mental Illness Research
- Division of Gerontology
- Division of Geriatrics
- Division of General Internal Medicine
- University of Pittsburgh
- Birmingham-Atlanta VA Geriatric Research Education
- Nutrition Obesity Research Center
- Birmingham/Atlanta Geriatric Research, Education, and Clinical Center
- Division of Geriatrics
- Birmingham/Atlanta Veterans Affairs Geriatric Research
- Birmingham/Atlanta VA Deep South Center on Effectiveness
- Division of Gerontology
- Harvard University
- Center for Aging
- Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Division of Gerontology, Geriatrics, and Palliative Care
- and Clinical Center
- Mongan Institute Center for Aging and Serious Illness
- Massachusetts General Hospital
External person
Alexia Anagnostopoulos
- Department of Epidemiology
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Zurich
External person
W. Michael Hooten
- MN
- Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
- Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN
- Johns Hopkins University
- Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
External person
Jacquie Astemborski
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Epidemiology
- Yeshiva University
- CSL Limited
- Department of Pathology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Epidemiology
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Epidemiology
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Department of Epidemiology
- Departments of Epidemiology and Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
- School of Hygiene and Public Health
- International Health Department
- AIDS Research Program
- Johns Hopkins Univ. Sch. of Medicine
- McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Viral Hepatitis Center
- Department of Epidemiology
- The Wilmer Opthalmological Institute
- Department of Medicine
- Divisions of Gastroenterology
- Center for Tuberculosis Research
- Howard University
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Division of Hematology
- Department of International Health
- McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
- not available
- Departments of Epidemiology
- Dept. of Medicine
- Ciccarone Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Department of Medicine
- Baltimore City Hlth. Dept. E. C.
External person
R. R. Koegler
External person
R. Stasko
External person
Karl Goodkin
- AIDS Healthcare Foundation
- University of Miami
- University of California at Los Angeles
- University of California Office of the President
- East Tennessee State University
- Comprehensive AIDS Program
- Department of Psychology and Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Mental Health
- AIDS Healthcare Foundation
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Psychiatry
- University of Nebraska Medical Center
- College of Medicine
- AIDS Clinical Trials Group/Adapting Clinical Therapeutics Globally (ACTG)
External person
David Saperstein
- Phoenix Neurological Associates
- Phoenix Neurological Associates
- Pots
- University of Arizona
External person
Z. Labins
External person
D. L. Rosenstein
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- University of Virginia
- National Institutes of Health
- Section on Behavioral Endocrinology
- Comprehensive Cancer Support Program
- Department of Psychiatry
- Departments of Psychiatry and Medicine
- Hatfield Clinical Research Center
External person
D. E. Lyon
External person
Sarah Jane Schwarzenberg
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Pediatric Gastroenterology
- Division of Gastroenterology
- Division of Blood and Marrow Transplantation
- Pediatrics
- Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Pediatrics
External person
A. Vania Apkarian
- Northwestern University
- SUNY Upstate Medical University
- Department of Physiology
- Department of Neurosurgery
External person
Alan Berkman
- Columbia University
- New York Academy of Medicine
- Department of Epidemiology
External person
J. H. Willig
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- University of Illinois at Chicago
- Johns Hopkins University
- University of Alabama
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Clinic Cohort
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Internal Medicine
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Kaiser Permanente
External person
A. Herzog
External person
Daniele Piomelli
- University of California at Irvine
- Italian Institute of Technology
- Department of Pharmacology
- Unit of Drug Discovery and Development
- Department of Biological Chemistry
- Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology
External person
Anthony Rizzo
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Pathology
- Department of Pathology
- Department of Pathology
External person
Aliye Uc
- University of Iowa
- Division of Gastroenterology
- Stead Family Children's Hospital
- Stead Family Department of Pediatrics
- Fraternal Order of Eagles Diabetes Research Center
External person
Stephen J. Pandol
- VA Medical Center
- University of California at Los Angeles
- Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine and Department of Biomedical Sciences
- Division of Gastroenterology
- Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System
- Johns Hopkins University
- CedarsFSinai Medical Center
- Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
- Sinai Medical Center
- University of California at San Diego
- Department of Veterans Affairs
External person
W. R. Tatomer
External person
C. Bell
External person
M. Blaustein
External person
Márton Kolossváry
- Johns Hopkins University
- Semmelweis University
- Harvard University
- Óbuda University
- Gottsegen National Cardiovascular Center
External person
D. Davis
External person
Steven A. Epstein
- INOVA Fairfax Hospital
- Georgetown University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Psychiatry
External person
Kim Hyo-Youl
- Yonsei University
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Yonsei University Mirae Campus
External person
Yihong Yang
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
- National Cancer Institute United States
- Kaohsiung Medical University
- Lab. of Diagn. Radiology Research
- National Institutes of Health
- Neuroimaging Research Branch
- Intramural Research Program-Neuroimaging Research Branch
- National Institute on Drug Abuse Intramural Research Program
External person
C. McCullumsmith
- University of Alabama
- University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Department of Neuropathology
- Department of Psychiatry
- University of Alabama
External person
Simon A. Rego
External person
C. L. Beaudin
External person
Kord Honda
- Case Western Reserve University
- Department of Dermatology
- Case Comprehensive Cancer Center
- Department of Dermatology
External person
P. A. Bialer
External person
Haig Tcheurekdjian
- Case Western Reserve University
- Allergy/Immunology Associates
- Allergy/Immunology Associates
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Inc
External person
J. H. Atkinson
- University of California at San Diego
- VA Medical Center
- Washington University St. Louis
- Eli Lilly
- Neurobehavioral Component
- Neurobehavioral Component
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- HIV Neurobehavioral Research Program (HNRP)
- Department of Pediatrics (Rady Children's Hospital)
- Department of Family and Preventative Medicine
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- University of Texas at Austin
- University of Washington
- Johns Hopkins University
- Neurobehavioral Component
- University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
External person
Tonya M. Palermo
- University of Washington
- Seattle Children's Hospital and Research Institute
- Center for Child Health
- School of Medicine
- Seattle Children's Research Institute
- Children's Hospital and Regional Medical Center Seattle
- Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
- Center for Child Health
- Seattle Children’s Research Institute
- Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine
- Center for Child Health
- Seattle Children's Research Institute
- Seattle Children’s Research Institute
- University of Washington
- Seattle Children's Hospital
External person
Marc T. Goodman
- Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
- VA Medical Center
- University of Hawai'i at Mānoa
- University of Hawai'i at Hilo
- Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium
- Cancer Prevention and Control
- Community and Population Health Research Institute
- Epidemiology Department
- Cancer Research Center
- Department of Medicine
- Epidemiology Program
- Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute
- Vanderbilt University
- Epidemiology Program
External person
P. L P Morris
- University of Melbourne
- University of Oxford
- Queensland University of Technology
- Department of Psychiatry
- University of Iowa
- Department of Psychiatry
- Austin Health
External person
Elly Katabira
- Makerere University
- University of Washington
- Academic Alliance for AIDS Care and Prevention in Africa
- United Nations
- School of Medicine
- Makerere College of Health Sciences
- Infectious Disease Institute
- Department of Medicine
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- University of Ottawa
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- Department of Medicine
- College of Health Sciences
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Infectious Diseases Institute
- Uganda Ministry of Health
- Pulmonology Unit
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Department of Global Health
- Faculty of Medicine
- University of Washington
- University of Washington
- Johns Hopkins University
- International AIDS Society
External person
Michael S. Wilson
External person
C. H. Blackinton
External person
Charles Raines
- Johns Hopkins University
- Division of Infectious Diseases
- Depts. of Pathology and Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine
- Division of Hematology
External person
Norman Clemens
External person
M. J. VanRaden
- National Institutes of Health
- Division of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
- Biometry Branch
- National Institutes of Health, Bethesda
External person
N. Vlassova
- University of Pittsburgh
- Johns Hopkins University
- Department of Dermatology
- Department of Dermatology
External person
J. Kobayashi
External person
J. C. Markowitz
- Columbia University
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry
- College of Physicians and Surgeons
- Cornell University
External person
Jeannine Driscoll
- Johns Hopkins University
- Dept. of Psychiat. and Behav. Sci.
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
External person
B. Warren
External person
A. Feingold
External person
J. A. Warth
- Spec. Hematol.
- VA Medical Center
- Department of Veterans Affairs
- Harvard University
- Department of Medicine
- Department of Medicine
- Wayne State University
- Brigham and Women’s Hospital
External person
Bahman Bozorg
External person
N. Ranen
- Thomas Jefferson University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Addenbrooke's Hospital
- Wills Geriatric Psychiatry Program
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Behavioral Pharmacol. Research Unit
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science
- Department of Psychiatry
- Division of Neurobiology
- Depts. of Medicine and Psychiatry
- Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
- Department of Psychiatry
- Jefferson Memorial Hospital
- Depts. of Neurosci. and Psychiatry
- Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
External person
R. Broadbent
External person
John A. Windsor
- The University of Auckland
- Dept. of Surgery
- Department of Surgery
- Surgical and Translational Research Center
External person